11 research outputs found

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    Myocardial fibrosis, impaired coronary hemodynamics, and biventricular dysfunction in salt-loaded SHR

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    Arterial pressure in most experimental and clinical hypertensions is exacerbated by salt. The effects of salt excess on right and left ventricular (RV and LV, respectively) functions and their respective coronary vasodilatory responses have been less explored. We therefore examined the effects of 8 wk of NaCl excess (8% in food) on arterial pressure, RV and LV functions (maximal rate of increase and decrease of ventricular pressure; dP/dt(max) and dP/dt(min)), coronary hemodynamics (microspheres), and collagen content (hydroxyproline assay and collagen volume fraction) in young adult normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), aged 16 wk by the end of the study. Prolonged salt excess in WKY and SHR elevated pressure only modestly, but it markedly increased LV mass, especially in SHR. Moreover, salt excess significantly impaired RV and LV diastolic function in SHR but only LV diastolic function in WKY rats. However, salt loading affected neither RV nor LV contractile function in both strains. Interstitial and perivascular collagen deposition was increased, whereas coronary vasodilatory responses to dipyridamole diminished in both ventricles in the salt-loaded SHR but not in WKY rats. Therefore, accumulation of ventricular collagen as well as altered myocardial perfusion importantly contributed to the development of salt-related RV and LV dysfunctions in this model of naturally occurring hypertension. The unique effects of salt loading on both ventricles in SHR, but not WKY rats, strongly suggest that nonhemodynamic mechanisms in hypertensive disease participate pathophysiologically with salt-loading hypertension. These findings point to the conclusion that the concept of "salt sensitivity" in hypertension is far more complex than simply its effects on arterial pressure or the LV

    AT1 receptor antagonism attenuates target organ effects of salt excess in SHRs without affecting pressure

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    Our recent studies have demonstrated that salt excess in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) produces a modestly increased arterial pressure while promoting marked myocardial fibrosis and structural damage associated with altered coronary hemodynamics and ventricular function. The present study was designed to determine the efficacy of an angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor blocker (ARB) in the prevention of pressure increase and development of target organ damage from high dietary salt intake. Eight-week-old SHRs were given an 8% salt diet for 8 wk; their age- and gender-matched controls received standard chow. Some of the salt-loaded rats were treated concomitantly with ARB (candesartan; 10 mg kg(-1) day(-1)). The ARB failed to reduce the salt-induced rise in pressure, whereas it significantly attenuated left ventricular (LV) remodeling (mass and wall thicknesses), myocardial fibrosis (hydroxyproline concentration and collagen volume fraction), and the development of LV diastolic dysfunction, as shown by longer isovolumic relaxation time, decreased ratio of peak velocity of early to late diastolic waves, and slower LV relaxation (minimum first derivative of pressure over time/maximal LV pressure). Without affecting the increased pulse pressure by high salt intake, the ARB prevented the salt-induced deterioration of coronary and renal hemodynamics but not the arterial stiffening or hypertrophy (pulse wave velocity and aortic mass index). Additionally, candesartan prevented the salt-induced increase in kidney mass index and proteinuria. In conclusion, the ARB given concomitantly with dietary salt excess ameliorated salt-related structural and functional cardiac and renal abnormalities in SHRs without reducing arterial pressure. These data clearly demonstrated that angiotensin II (via AT(1) receptors), at least in part, participated importantly in the pressure-independent effects of salt excess on target organ damage of hypertension

    AT1 receptor antagonism attenuates target organ effects of salt excess in SHRs without affecting pressure

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    Our recent studies have demonstrated that salt excess in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) produces a modestly increased arterial pressure while promoting marked myocardial fibrosis and structural damage associated with altered coronary hemodynamics and ventricular function. The present study was designed to determine the efficacy of an angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor blocker (ARB) in the prevention of pressure increase and development of target organ damage from high dietary salt intake. Eight-week-old SHRs were given an 8% salt diet for 8 wk; their age- and gender-matched controls received standard chow. Some of the salt-loaded rats were treated concomitantly with ARB (candesartan; 10 mg kg(-1) day(-1)). The ARB failed to reduce the salt-induced rise in pressure, whereas it significantly attenuated left ventricular (LV) remodeling (mass and wall thicknesses), myocardial fibrosis (hydroxyproline concentration and collagen volume fraction), and the development of LV diastolic dysfunction, as shown by longer isovolumic relaxation time, decreased ratio of peak velocity of early to late diastolic waves, and slower LV relaxation (minimum first derivative of pressure over time/maximal LV pressure). Without affecting the increased pulse pressure by high salt intake, the ARB prevented the salt-induced deterioration of coronary and renal hemodynamics but not the arterial stiffening or hypertrophy (pulse wave velocity and aortic mass index). Additionally, candesartan prevented the salt-induced increase in kidney mass index and proteinuria. In conclusion, the ARB given concomitantly with dietary salt excess ameliorated salt-related structural and functional cardiac and renal abnormalities in SHRs without reducing arterial pressure. These data clearly demonstrated that angiotensin II (via AT(1) receptors), at least in part, participated importantly in the pressure-independent effects of salt excess on target organ damage of hypertension

    Myocardial fibrosis, impaired coronary hemodynamics, and biventricular dysfunction in salt-loaded SHR

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    Arterial pressure in most experimental and clinical hypertensions is exacerbated by salt. The effects of salt excess on right and left ventricular (RV and LV, respectively) functions and their respective coronary vasodilatory responses have been less explored. We therefore examined the effects of 8 wk of NaCl excess (8% in food) on arterial pressure, RV and LV functions (maximal rate of increase and decrease of ventricular pressure; dP/dt(max) and dP/dt(min)), coronary hemodynamics (microspheres), and collagen content (hydroxyproline assay and collagen volume fraction) in young adult normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), aged 16 wk by the end of the study. Prolonged salt excess in WKY and SHR elevated pressure only modestly, but it markedly increased LV mass, especially in SHR. Moreover, salt excess significantly impaired RV and LV diastolic function in SHR but only LV diastolic function in WKY rats. However, salt loading affected neither RV nor LV contractile function in both strains. Interstitial and perivascular collagen deposition was increased, whereas coronary vasodilatory responses to dipyridamole diminished in both ventricles in the salt-loaded SHR but not in WKY rats. Therefore, accumulation of ventricular collagen as well as altered myocardial perfusion importantly contributed to the development of salt-related RV and LV dysfunctions in this model of naturally occurring hypertension. The unique effects of salt loading on both ventricles in SHR, but not WKY rats, strongly suggest that nonhemodynamic mechanisms in hypertensive disease participate pathophysiologically with salt-loading hypertension. These findings point to the conclusion that the concept of "salt sensitivity" in hypertension is far more complex than simply its effects on arterial pressure or the LV