95 research outputs found


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    Talking about God has always been a topic of conversation among theologians. Karen Armstrong as a theologian tries to explain the existence of God. Her book entitled The History of God, Karen Armstrong describes in detail the existence of God in the history of human life. The book tells about Karen Armstrong's hesitation in finding the essence of the Trinity in the concept of Christian divinity. Karen Armstrong went through several phases in her skepticism to reach the essence of God in her faith. This paper will discuss Karen Armstrong's view of the Concept of God in Christian Religion using descriptive analysis of the book History of God. The results of the study show that in Christianity the concept of divinity exists in the Trinity, namely God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Where Jesus Christ is considered as God because it is believed that Jesus is the Word who became human. The strengths and weaknesses of the Trinity in Christianity that are not understood by everyone. The history book about God examines the history of human perceptions and experiences of God from the time of Prophet Abraham to the present. Karen Armstrong explains in detail the three monotheistic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The book also features Buddhist, Hindu and Confucian traditions. For Karen Armstrong Religion is not about believing in something. Religion is a matter of morals, behaving in ways that change oneself, bringing oneself closer to the holy and sacred

    Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) dan Pembangunan Etos Kerja Keilmuan

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    The development of information and communication technology has brought a change in materialism and pragmatism trend. Material satisfaction is increasingly becoming an obsession even at the sacrifice of his moral life. This phenomenon occurs not only in politics or government bureaucracy but also in a lot of education and college academic communities. In this regard, the efforts of revitalization work of ethic paradigm based on religious morality become important to be strengthened. The Expectation from this community effort is that the academic community base on intellectual integrity and academic honesty. This work ethic can be developed through moral and religious consciousness that work only to get Allah's approval


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    This study aims to discuss the concept of cosmology Harun Yahya in the Koran with the theory (Big Bang) and his criticism of the concept of materialist cosmology. This paper uses library research and analysis of the character's thoughts, starting with examining all available data from primary sources, namely Harun Yahya's book, entitled "The Creation of Nature" and other secondary sources related to Harun Yahya's cosmological concepts. The results showed that Harun Yahya did the integration between religion and science. The integration that he did was the integration of the concept of cosmology version of the Koran with the concept of cosmology version of the Big Bang theory. According to him, the Qur'anic version of the concept of cosmology is very much in line with what is conveyed in the Big Bang theory. One of its relevance is to both mention that the universe began from nothing and has an end point. In contrast to the cosmological concept of materialists who explain that this universe has no beginning and no end. Furthermore, the concept of materialism claims that the universe is only filled with matter that is visible to the five senses, there is no room for spirit and God. This is in accordance with the statement that does not assume the existence of God (atheism). Therefore, with this integrative paradigm, a harmonious and harmonious life should be built between religion and science, by no longer creating a "gap" between the two. Because both are valid science and a coherent source of truth for the world.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang konsep kosmologi Harun Yahya di dalam Alquran dengan teori (Big Bang) dan kritikannya terhadap konsep kosmologi materialis. Tulisan ini mengunakan penelitian kepustakaan dan analisis pemikiran tokoh dimulai dengan menelaah seluruh data yang tersedia dari sumber primer yaitu buku karya Harun Yahya, yang berjudul “Penciptaan Alam” dan sumber sekunder lainnya yang berhubungan dengan konsep kosmologi Harun Yahya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Harun Yahya melakukan pengintegrasian antara agama dan sains. Pengintegrasian yang beliau lakukan adalah integrasi konsep kosmologi versi Alquran dengan konsep kosmologi versi teori Big Bang. menurutnya, konsep kosmologi versi Alquran, sangat selaras dengan apa yang disampaikan dalam teori Big Bang. Salah satu relevansinya adalah sama-sama menyebutkan bahwa alam semesta berawal dari ketiadaan dan memiliki titik akhir. Berbeda dengan konsep kosmologi kaum materialis yang  menjelaskan bahwa alam semesta ini tidak memiliki awal dan tidak memiliki akhir. Selanjutnya konsep materalisme mengklaim, bahwa alam semesta ini hanya di isi oleh materi-materi yang tampak secara panca indera saja, tidak ada ruang bagi roh dan Tuhan. Hal ini sesuai dengan pernyataan yang tidak menganggap adanya eksistensi Tuhan (ateisme). Oleh sebab itu, dengan paradigma integratif ini, sudah seharusnya dibangun kehidupan yang rukun dan harmonis antara agama dan sains, dengan tidak lagi membuat “gap” antar keduanya. Karena keduanya merupakan ilmu valid dan sumber kebenaran koheren bagi dunia.

    Pemikiran Filosofi Mulla Sadra

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    Mulla Shadra as famous intellectual figure, its opinion attend to show the  intellectual tradition reality which is stayed alive and rapidly grow in Persian.  Opinion of Mulla Shadra about Hikmah Muta'aliyah tread on to philosophic  approach which aim to explain the nucleus; core, reality, or hikmah of concerning  something that reside in to return the its formal object. Philosophic approach  conducted is to explain what at the opposite of something tangible. With the this  philosophic approach study, all thinker or doctrine from Muhammadan  philosophy will be able to give the meaning to something in its life experience and  can take the hikmah to be made a new invention. Philosophic approach  representing study of Mulla Shadra is Hikmah Muta'aliyah. In this study there is  three elementary principle of epistemologi that is: intellectual intuition, rational  verification and syariat, so that according to Mulla Shadra, hikmah represent the  wisdom which is earned by spiritual clarification, explained by Mulla Shadra in  the form of and rational argument, and realized by according to order syariat.  Meanwhile, from side ontologis, Hikmah Muta'aliyah based for three things,  principal exist, gradation exist, and move substansia


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    Human beings, as perfect creatures of Allah, possess the capability to comprehend themselves, the universe, and their Creator. In their creation, Allah brings humans from non-existence to existence, from conception to birth, and ultimately back to Him. In their endeavor to understand their existence, humans need to investigate the processes of their creation. Philosophy serves as a tool of interpretation to comprehend matters beyond scientific inquiry, addressing questions concerning the creation process of humans, their essence, and their resurrection in the afterlife. This research employs the method of Islamic Philosophy (Irfani) with a qualitative approach. The findings indicate that the Quran elucidates the creation process of humans and their resurrection, wherein Adam is the first human, followed by Hawa and subsequent generations. Humans then undergo the barzakh realm after death before being resurrected on the Day of Judgment by Allah. The perspectives of Islamic philosophers such as Ibn Sina, al-Farabi, and al-Ghazali differ regarding resurrection, whether it pertains solely to the spiritual, physical, or both aspects. Lastly, three possibilities exist: firstly, Allah revives the deceased bodies; secondly, human souls persist after death with complete bodily restoration; and thirdly, human souls are reunited with either new or original bodies. This study provides an understanding of the processes, resurrection, and essence of humans in the Quran and Islamic philosophical tradition

    Interpretasi dan Kontroversi: Studi tentang Hakikat Insan Karya Ahmad Laksamana

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    Haji Ahmad Laksamana, a controversial figure known through his work “Hakikat Insan”, is often considered deviant from traditional Islamic teachings, particularly regarding the use of Sharia and Tariqa as well as interpretations of the Quran. This article aims to describe the thoughts and Quranic interpretation methodology of Haji Ahmad Laksamana. This study employs a qualitative method with a literature analysis approach. The primary source is the text “Hakikat Insan,” supplemented by various secondary sources, including journals and relevant books. The study finds that Haji Ahmad Laksamana's teachings emphasize the recognition of the essence of knowledge to achieve the level of Insan Kamil Mukamil. His thoughts, reflected in discussions about the relationship between humans and Allah, the dignity of the soul, the essence of the testimony of faith, as well as concepts of Islam, faith, monotheism, and gnosis, demonstrate a unique approach. However, his interpretation method, such as translating Quranic verses into symbols, has sparked controversy and is considered deviant from traditional Islamic understanding. Haji Ahmad Laksamana's controversial ideas are viewed as contradictory to Islamic teachings, diminishing the honor of the Quran and Hadith.AbstrakHaji Ahmad Laksamana, seorang figur kontroversial yang dikenal melalui karyanya “Hakikat Insan”  sering kali dianggap menyimpang dari ajaran Islam tradisional, terutama dalam hal penggunaan syariat dan tarekat serta penafsiran Al-Quran. Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tentang pemikiran, dan metodologi penafsiran Al-Quran Haji Ahmad Laksamana.  Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis kepustakaan. Sumber utama adalah teks “Hakikat Insan” serta berbagai sumber sekunder termasuk jurnal dan buku yang relevan. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa ajaran Haji Ahmad Laksamana menitikberatkan pada pengenalan ilmu hakikat untuk mencapai tingkat Insan Kamil Mukamil. Pemikirannya yang tertuang dalam pembahasan mengenai hubungan manusia dengan Allah, martabat nafsu, hakikat syahadat, serta konsep Islam, iman, tauhid, dan makrifat, menunjukkan pendekatan yang unik. Namun, metode interpretasinya, seperti penerjemahan ayat Al-Quran ke dalam simbol, telah menimbulkan kontroversi dan dianggap menyimpang dari pemahaman Islam tradisional. Pemikiran Haji Ahmad Laksamana yang kontroversial dianggap bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam dan mengurangi kehormatan Al-Quran dan hadis

    Ummatan Wasaţan dalam Pancasila Perspektif Tafsir M. Quraish Shihab

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how ummatan Wasaţan in Pancasila according to the point of view of understanding M. Quraish Shihab. It was then traced that the idea of wasaţan ummah is an idea that can combine individual and public activities so that there is a balance throughout daily life. This research method uses a literature research approach. The results of the study show that actually according to M. Quraish Shihab the existence of Muslims is still far from the positive side of ummaţan wasaţan, the understanding of ummatan wasaţan in Pancasila is moderate individuals, not left and right, in order to create a just mentality, people who are used as witnesses and all parties witness as an example. There are eight things According to Quraish Shihab about the concept of ummatan wasaţan namely (a) Belief in Allah Almighty and His Messenger; (b) steadiness; (c) Intelligence; (d) Solidarity and solidarity and fraternity; (e) Equity; (f) Commendable; (g) Balance; and (h) Comprehensive. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Ummatan Wasaţan dalam Pancasila menurut sudut pandang pemahaman M. Quraish Shihab. Kemudian dilacak bahwa gagasan wasaţan ummah adalah gagasan yang dapat menggabungkan aktivitas individu dan publik sehingga terjadi keseimbangan sepanjang kehidupan sehari-hari. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa sebenarnya menurut M. Quraish Shihab keberadaan umat Islam masih jauh dari sisi positif ummaţan wasaţan, pemahaman ummatan wasaţan dalam Pancasila adalah individu-individu moderat, tidak ke kiri dan ke kanan, agar tercipta mental yang adil, orang-orang yang dijadikan saksi dan semua pihak menyaksikan sebagai contoh. Terdapat  delapan hal Menurut  Quraish Shihab tentang konsep ummatan wasaţan yaitu (a) Keyakinan kepada Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya; (b) kemantapan; (c) Kecerdasan; (d) Solidaritas dan solidaritas dan persaudaraan; (e) Ekuitas; (f) Terpuji; (g) Keseimbangan; dan (h) Komprehensif


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    The intellect capacity of human’s being is one of the common theme discussed in classical Islamic scholarly discourses, the philosophers also have been involved in the discussion. Variousverses in the Qur'an mentioned that every Muslim ought to maximize the use of their intellect. However, many genius people are still reluctant to use their intellect because of worried of getting going over the boundaries that allowed by religious teaching. But many people are so confident with their ability to include their rational reason as the measurement the truth. TheQur'an really appreciates the human’s intellect, therefore the Book Syar'i (Law of God) is only addressed to the people with their intellect capacity. Beside, many verses of the Koran and hadiths have encouraged people to use their intellects and showed the position of reason in Islamic law

    Konsep An-Nubuwwah dalam Diskursus Filsafat

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    This paper attempts to search about an-Nubuwwah concept put forward by the  hilosophers of Islam. Exposure is considered important because an-Nubuwwah issue is basically a model of philosophical understanding of religion as an object, a conclusion to the design and construction of philosophical thought the concept of that has been formulated and defended from the attacks of al-Razi. According to philosophers, is an illustration of the people who do not believe in the existence of prophethood. The teori of an-Nubuwwah in the present era can be alternative solutions to address some essential issues in human life which has not been able answer and resolve the general psychology. This discussion is also necessary to study more deeply in order to find a clear format that can be universally  accepted. Islamization of knowledge is something that is absolute existence to prevent us from the path of religion. 

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Padi Sawah dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Pendapatan Wilayah Kabupaten Langkat

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    Dari jenis bahan pangan yang dikonsumsi rakyat Indonesia, beras merupakan urutan pertama yaitu sekitar 97 - 100%. Di Sumatera Utara konsumsi beras penduduk per kapita/tahun mencapai 166,28 kg tahun 2008, konsumsi ini jauh meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2007 yaitu sebesar 133,23 Kg. Hal ini disebabkan karena pertumbuhan penduduk yang cukup tinggi. Dari hasil analisis keragaman luas panen produksi padi di Sumatera Utara, Kabupaten Langkat merupakan daerah yang mempunyai Iuas panen dan produksi padi sawah yang tinggi diantara 18 pemerintahan kabupaten. Produksi padi di Kabupaten Langkat sejak tahun 1996 sampai 2007 mengalami penurunan. Hal ini disebabkan karena luas areal persawahan yang setiap tahunnya semakin berkurang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor antara lain luas panen yang semakin berkurang karena konversi lahan, tingkat produktivitas, harga dan adopsi teknologi yang belum terlaksana secara optimal. Kabupaten Langkat sebagian besar masyarakat hidup dari mata pencaharian sebagai petani baik padi sawah maupun padi ladang. Daerah kabupaten Langkat merupakan daerah agraris yang kaya akan sumber daya alam mempunyai potensi yang cukup besar untuk meningkatkan produksi padi khususnya padi sawah, belum dimanfaatkannya faktor produksi seoptimal mungkin sehingga produksi padi belum mencapai tingkat produksi yang diharapkan untuk mencapai swasembada beras seperti pada tahun 1988. Peningkatan produksi padi di Kabupaten Langkat ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan daerah, menyerap tenaga kerja, meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh: Faktor luas lahan, produktivitas dan harga sangat berpengaruh terhadap tingkat padi sawah di daerah Kabupaten Langkat, Pertambahan satu hektar luas panen akan meningkatkan produksi padi sawah sebesar 5,07 ton, Pertambahan tingkat produktivitas 1 persen akan meningkatkan produksi padi sawah sebesar 80.225,21 ton/ha, Kenaikan harga padi sawah sebesar Rp. 1 akan meningkatkan produksi padi sawah sebesar 40,85 kg, Kontribusi jumlah penerimaan dari komoditas padi sawah terhadap PDRB Kabupaten Langkat dengan nilai rata-rata 4,16%