1,323 research outputs found

    Riccatin yhtälö

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    Työssä tarkastellaan Riccatin yhtälöä, joka on epälineaarinen ensimmäisen asteen differentiaaliyhtälö, jossa termi y esiintyy toiseen korotettuna. Riccatin yhtälöä on ensi kertaa tutkittu jo 1700-luvulla. Sittemmin Riccatin yhtälöllä on havaittu olevan merkittävä rooli differentiaalilaskennan lisäksi muilla matematiikan osa-alueilla, erityisesti variaatiolaskennassa sekä optimaalisessa suodatuksessa ja kontrollissa. Tässä työssäkin esiteltävä Riccatin yhtälön ja toisen asteen lineaarisen differentiaaliyhtälön yhteys on saanut matemaatikot tutkimaan sitä ahkerasti. Tässä työssä pääpaino on skalaarimuotoisen Riccatin yhtälön ratkaisemisessa. Työssä esitellään miten tietyt ehdot täyttävä Riccatin yhtälö voidaan sopivalla sijoituksella muuntaa muotoon, joka on helpommin ratkaistavissa. Tarkastellaan myös, miten yhtälö voidaan ratkaista, jos tiedossa on yksi, kaksi tai kolme yksittäisratkaisua. Erityistapauksena tarkastellaan Riccatin yhtälöä, jonka kerroinfunktiot ovat polynomeja. Yleisen Riccatin yhtälön lisäksi tarkastellaan erästä erikoistapausta, jota kutsutaan Riccatin alkuperäiseksi yhtälöksi. Tämän yhtälön merkittävä ominaisuus on sen yhteys Besselin funktioihin, minkä esitellään yhtälön ratkaisun yhteydessä

    The Protection of Works Created by Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in the United States and the European Union

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    This thesis examines the copyrightability of machine-generated content in the United States and the European Union. For the purposes of this thesis, machine-generated content is content that has been created by an autonomous machine or an artificial intelligence algorithm. The amount of content created by autonomous machines has increased over the years, and today there are millions upon millions of works created solely by artificial intelligence systems. The thesis is divided into a total of nine chapters, outlining certain definitions, justifications for copyright protection, different stances and issues related to AI authorship, and the concept of originality. Most importantly, this thesis looks into the legal systems of the United States and the European Union, and attempts to determine whether AI-generated content could be eligible for copyright protection under those two legal systems. The chapter on the European Union focuses on both, the EU in-general and also on two current member states of the EU: Finland and the United Kingdom. Both subchapters outline the current legislation within the aforementioned countries, as well as some case law in relation to the topic of the thesis. Conversely, the chapter on the United States looks into the current copyright regime in the US, attempting to determine whether AI-generated content could receive copyright protection according to the current laws and case law of the United States

    Management of Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis – a Comparison between a Conventional Protocol and a Novel Osmolality Control Protocol

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    Background: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is conventionally treated using a single line for administration of ready-made dextrose and saline solutions for rehydration. For some patients this results in poor control of plasma glucose, sodium, and effective osmolality. Objective: Management of pediatric DKA requires close monitoring and frequent titration of fluids, electrolytes, and dextrose. Because there is no consensus on the safest DKA protocol, treatment is challenging. We developed a novel treatment protocol for DKA that allows precise titration of dextrose and of the plasma sodium concentration and fluid volume by adjusting the infusion rates of three separate lines. Methods: We conducted a retrospective single-center study of 60 consecutive pediatric DKA patients (age 7 months to 16 years) treated in a tertiary hospital in Turku, Finland. The first 26 patients were treated with the conventional and the following 34 patients with the novel protocol. We collected and analyzed clinical and laboratory data, timing of medical interventions and clinical outcomes from the electronic patient record system. Results: Plasma effective osmolality remained more stable when the patient was treated according to the novel protocol than the conventional protocol (p < 0.001) and plasma sodium levels were higher (p = 0.018). Recovery from acidosis was also faster. Two patients on the conventional protocol needed intracranial pressure monitoring and ventilator support, none on the novel protocol. There were no deaths in either protocol. Conclusions: Our novel protocol allows more precise control of the effective plasma osmolality and appears to be as safe as the conventional protocol

    Primary Students’ Experiences of Remote Learning during COVID-19 School Closures: A Case Study of Finland

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    The remote learning period that took place due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 was a novel experience for many students, teachers and guardians in Finland and globally. To be prepared for similar occasions in the future and to support all students appropriately, it is important to be aware of students’ experiences. In this study, instant video blogging (IVB) was used to collect primary school students’ first-hand reports of their emotions in remote learning situations. Through an experience sampling method, 23 Finnish fifth-grade students (aged 11–12 years) took part in IVB during the remote learning period 18 March 2020–13 May 2020. Students’ expressions related to negative emotional experiences were more diverse than those related to positive ones. Nice was the most often reported positive evaluation related to studying. The most often reported negative feelings were bored and irritated, and the most often reported negative aspects related to learning were difficult tasks or not having learned anything. Towards the end of the research period, positive mentions about returning to school increased. The IVB method offered direct insight into how primary students experienced the remote learning period, which can support preparation for exceptional periods in the future and the development of digital learning solutions

    Primary Students’ Experiences of Remote Learning during COVID-19 School Closures: A Case Study of Finland

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    The remote learning period that took place due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 was a novel experience for many students, teachers and guardians in Finland and globally. To be prepared for similar occasions in the future and to support all students appropriately, it is important to be aware of students’ experiences. In this study, instant video blogging (IVB) was used to collect primary school students’ first-hand reports of their emotions in remote learning situations. Through an experience sampling method, 23 Finnish fifth-grade students (aged 11–12 years) took part in IVB during the remote learning period 18 March 2020–13 May 2020. Students’ expressions related to negative emotional experiences were more diverse than those related to positive ones. Nice was the most often reported positive evaluation related to studying. The most often reported negative feelings were bored and irritated, and the most often reported negative aspects related to learning were difficult tasks or not having learned anything. Towards the end of the research period, positive mentions about returning to school increased. The IVB method offered direct insight into how primary students experienced the remote learning period, which can support preparation for exceptional periods in the future and the development of digital learning solutions


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    NorDiNa Special issue: the 11th Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education (NFSUN) in Helsinki June 2014.Non peer reviewe

    Finnish teachers’ professionalism is built in teacher education and supported by school site

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    Lavonen, J., Korhonen, T., & Juuti, K. (2015). Finnish teachers’ professionalism is built in teacher education and supported by school site. The Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 5(1). http://herj.lib.unideb.hu/megjelent/html/56152b05d8821 This paper introduces and analyses education of professional teachers and support of school site to this professionalism in Finnish education context. First, the aims and content of teacher education is analysed and discussed. Three main areas, crucial to the professionalism of teachers were recognised to be: teachers’ knowledge base, their willingness and skill to collaboration and partnership and, moreover, willingness and skillto life-long-learning. Second, the school site support to teacher professionalism is analysed theoretically and empirically and discussed. Versatile leadership, teachers’ professionalism, meaningful learning, versatile physical and virtual learning environments and, moreover, the versatile use of networks and partnerships of the school were recognised as important for teacher professionalism.Peer reviewe
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