19 research outputs found

    Martwica skóry głowy

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    Prurigo nodularis as the first manifestation of HIV infection

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    Od czasu wprowadzenia wysoce aktywnej terapii antyretrowirusowej do leczenia zakażenia wirusem HIV infekcje oportunistyczne stały się dużo rzadsze, ale zwiększyła się częstość współwystępujących schorzeń przewlekłych o niezakaźnej etiologii, w tym również dermatoz. Opisujemy przypadek pacjenta, u którego pierwszym objawem infekcji wirusem HIV była świerzbiączka guzkowa. W kontekście doniesień literaturowych ostatnich lat wydaje się celowe, aby u pacjentów z tą chorobą wykluczyć zakażenie wirusem HIV.Since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy opportunistic infections in patients with HIV have become less prevalent, while the frequency of chronic non-infectious co-morbidities, including skin diseases, increased. Here, we described a patient in whom the first clinical symptom of HIV infection was prurigo nodularis. Based on the current literature data it could be assumed that it should be recommended to exclude HIV infection in every patient with prurigo nodularis

    Margaret Thatcher's domestic politics as an expression of desire of Great Britain to the status of a world power

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    Praca opisuje politykę przekonania, politykę gospodarczą i społeczną i polityczną stylu brytyjskiego konserwatywnego polityka Margaret Thatcher, która była liderem swojej partii 1975/90 i premier Wielkiej Brytanii.Praca opisuje przede wszystkim wewnętrznej polityki Margaret Thatcher.The thesis describes the conviction politics, economic and social policy, and political style of the British Conservative politician Margaret Thatcher, who was leader of her party from 1975 to 1990 and Prime Minister of United Kingdom. The thesis is describing first of all internal policy of Margaret Thatcher

    Ocena tatuaży w dermatologii

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    Wstęp: W ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci tatuaże stawały się coraz bardziej popularne — prawdopodobnie w większości krajów europejskich. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu zweryfikowanie, jakie są motywacje ludzi do posiadania tatuaży i kiedy decydują się oni na ich wykonywanie. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono przekrojowe badanie ankietowe, opracowane przy współpracy lekarza psychiatry i lekarza dermatologa. Badaniu poddano ponad 400 ochotników mających na ciele tatuaże. Większość uczestników badania rozpoczęła tatuowanie w wieku dwudziestu kilku lat [średni wiek ± odchylenie standardowe (SD): 21,6 ± 5,9 lat]. Wyniki: Większość badanych wskazała względy estetyczne jako główny powód wykonywania tatuaży (44,5% kobiet vs. 29,6% mężczyzn; p < 0,05). Najpopularniejszymi motywami tatuażu były motywy zwierzęce (18,9% kobiet vs. 10,4% mężczyzn; p < 0,001), motywy roślinne (18,0% kobiet vs. 1,8% mężczyzn; p > 0,05) i napisy (18,0% kobiet vs. 15,3% mężczyzn; p > 0,05). Łącznie 423 (91,5%) respondentów planowało mieć więcej tatuaży w przyszłości. Wnioski: Na podstawie wyników badania można stwierdzić, że wykonywanie tatuaży ma obecnie na celu głównie upiększanie ludzkiego ciała. Jeśli tatuaż należy ocenić pod kątem jego znaczenia medycznego, można zastosować skalę Tattoo Severity Scale, biorąc pod uwagę jej dobrą odtwarzalność i trafność

    Generalized Pustular Psoriasis: Divergence of Innate and Adaptive Immunity

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    Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a severe, relapsing, immune-mediated disease characterized by the presence of multiple sterile pustules all over the body. The exact pathomechanisms behind GPP remain elusive, although increased interest in the genetic basis and immunological disturbances have provided some revealing insights into the underlying signaling pathways and their mutual interaction. The genetic background of GPP has been thoroughly investigated over the past few years. The conducted studies have identified genetic variants that predispose to pustular forms of psoriasis. The loss-of-function mutation of the interleukin 36 receptor antagonist gene, along with rare gain-of-function mutations in the gene that encodes the keratinocyte signaling molecule (CARD14), are examples of the uncovered abnormalities. Interleukin 36 (IL-36), along with neutrophils, is now considered a central cytokine in GPP pathogenesis, with IL-36 signaling providing a link between innate and adaptive immune responses. More recently, a new concept of inflammation, caused by a predominantly genetically determined abnormal activation of innate immune response and leading to inflammatory keratinization, has arisen. GPP is currently considered a representative of this novel group of skin conditions, called autoinflammatory keratinization diseases. As no therapeutic agents have been approved for GPP to date in the United States and Europe, the novel anti-IL-36R antibodies are particularly promising and may revolutionize management of the disease

    How we should assess tattoos in dermatologic clinic?

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    Introduction: Over the past decades, tattoos have become increasingly popular probably in most European countries. This study aimed  to find out people’s motivations for getting tattoos and when they decide to get them. Material and methods: This was a cross-sectional questionnaire study developed through the cooperation of a psychiatrist and a dermatologist.  More than 400 volunteers with tattoos were assessed. The majority of analyzed subjects started tattooing in their twenties  (mean age ± SD: 21.6 ± 5.9 years). Results: The majority of subjects indicated aesthetic reasons as the main reason for tattooing (44.5% women vs. 29.6% men; p < 0.05).  The most popular tattoo motifs were animal motifs (18.9% women vs. 10.4% men; p < 0.001), plant motifs (18.0% women vs. 1.8% men;  p > 0.05) and lettering (18.0% women vs. 15.3% men; p > 0.05). A total of 423 (91.5%) respondents planned to get more tattoos in the future.  Conclusions: Based on the study results, it can be concluded that tattooing is currently mainly done to mostly performed to beautify the  human body. If tattooing should be assessed in terms of its medical significance, the Tattoo Severity Scale can be used, given its good  reproducibility and relevance.

    Prevalence and Relevance of Pruritus in Pregnancy

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    Pregnant women are at greater risk to suffer from chronic pruritus, but data on this symptom in this group is very limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and the importance of pruritus in pregnant women. A total of 292 consecutive pregnant women at the 33.0±6.1 weeks of gestation (WoG) were recruited into this prospective, cross-sectional study. All patients underwent thorough anamnesis and detailed physical examination with the special emphasis on pruritus. Pruritus was assessed according to Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Quality of life was measured with the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). The point prevalence of pruritus was 20.2% (n=59), while pruritus prevalence during the entire pregnancy was 38.0% (n=111). Pruritus started on average at the 27.2±7.6 WoG; it was significantly more common among women in third trimester. The mean VAS was 4.8 (±2.4) points. The DLQI scoring significantly correlated with VAS (r=0.52, p<0.001). Based on the results of our study about one-third of women suffer from pruritus during pregnancy. Many of them find it a very distressing and disturbing symptom