7 research outputs found

    Poeta pojednania. O twórczości Ernsta Josefa Krzywona

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    This article presents key motifs in the lyrical works of Ernst Josef Krzywon, a German poet, literary historian. and translator of Polish literature. Krzywon was an intellectual of Upper Silesian origin, who struggled with the conditions of a double biography, enhanced by the socalled great history of belonging to two cultural circles. Both in his poetry and in his scientific works and essays, the author born in Rokitnica (a historical part of Zabrze), tries to face the challenge of presenting the cultural heritage of Upper Silesians as the product of meetings between representatives of several nations – as a common work of the German and Slavic peoples. Our article analyzes the main topic of his poems: the multiracial character of the region and its consequences for the individual – especially the necessity to look for national identity in the area between two cultures and two (or even three) languages

    Badania wrocławskich germanistów nad literaturą austriacką. Próba bilansu i bibliografia publikacji naukowych

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    Research of Wrocław’s Germanists over Austrian literature. A sample of the balance sheet and bibliography of scientific publications The aim of this article is to present the contribution of employees of the Institute of German Philology in research on the history of Austrian literature and its reception in Poland. The main goal is to show a wide range of research conducted at the Institute on literature and literary movement in Austria. The bibliography includes monographs, chapters in books, scientific articles on the history of German-speaking literature from Austria, dissertations and sketches on the Polish reception of Austrian literature, editions of Austrian authors, interviews with writers, articles, a list of Polish anthologies of Austrian literature and works on Polish-Austrian cultural relationships

    Bonifacy Miązek as a Historian of Poland’s Literature

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    The subject of this article is the presentation of the scientific achievements of Bonifacy Miązek – an emigrant poet, critic and historian of literature. This article discusses the historical/literary dissertations of a Viennese scholar published in German (Die lyrische Beschreibung im Nachkriegsschaffen Kazimierz Wierzyńskis,  polnische Literatur 1863–1914. Darstellung und Analyse, Polnische Literatur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Studien zur polnischen Literatur). The academic books of the professor show an innovative structure  which broadens the reader's knowledge of interesting issues relating to reception aesthetics, and the reception models of Polish writers at home and abroad. Publications by Bonifacy Miązek enrich and systematize knowledge about Polish literature, expose a new look of the work of recognized authors, and introduce new names and titles.Der vorliegende Artikel thematisiert die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen von Bonifacy Miązek – einem polnischen Exildichter, geschätzten Kritiker und Literaturhistoriker. Besprochen werden hier die historisch-literarischen Werke des bekannten Wiener Gelehrten in deutscher Sprache (Die lyrische Beschreibung im Nachkriegsschaffen Kazimierz Wierzyńskis, Polnische Literatur 1863–1914. Darstellung und Analyse, Polnische Literatur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Studien zur polnischen Literatur). Die akademischen Publikationen von Professor Miązek zeigen eine innovative Struktur – sie erweitern das Wissen der Leserschaft über die Problematik der Rezeptionsästhetik und analysieren die Rezeption der polnischen Schriftsteller im In- und Ausland. Die Werke von Bonifacy Miązek bereichern und systematisieren das Wissen über polnische Literatur, besprechen die Arbeit anerkannter Autoren neu und präsentieren neue Namen und Titel.Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja dorobku naukowego, w szczególności rozpraw historycznoliterackich opublikowanych w języku niemieckim (Die lyrische Beschreibung im Nachkriegsschaffen Kazimierz Wierzyńskis, Polnische Literatur 1863-1914. Darstellung und Analyse, Polnische Literatur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Studien zur polnischen Literatur), autorstwa Bonifacego Miązka – emigracyjnego poety, krytyka i historyka literatury. Książki naukowe księdza profesora wykazują nowatorską strukturę, poszerzając wiedzę czytelnika o zagadnienia będące przedmiotem zainteresowania estetyki recepcji, a przede wszystkim o modele odbioru utworów pisarzy polskich w kraju i za granicą. Publikacje wiedeńskiego uczonego wzbogacają i systematyzują wiedzę o literaturze polskiej, oferując nowe spojrzenie na twórczość uznanych i najnowszych autorów

    O sztuce wypowiedzi krytycznej. Analiza wybranych prac Bonifacego Miązka (1935–2018)

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    On the art of critical expression. Analysis of selected works of Bonifacy Miązek This article focuses on critical statements and examines many issues related to the art of writing critical texts. Bonifacy Miązek’s critical writings became the starting point for reflection on the broadly understood criticism of literature and the role the critic plays in today’s world. The author’s deliberations concentrate on the principles of creating critical statements and around the literary critic’s workshop and the methods he uses in his work. Bonifacy Miązek in his critical works formulates postulates that are important from the point of view of contemporary criticism of literature and creates a basic set of principles and standards that should be followed by a literary critic in his work. Therefore, this article is the essence of what is important for future scholars and critics of literature and what is the constitutive basis of their texts

    Between affirmation and rejection: Hermann Stehr in the jugdment of his contemporaries

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    The authors of this article discuss how the works of Hermann Stehr (1864–1940), a German writer from Silesia, were received. An author, who – like Gerhart Hauptmann – stayed in Germany after the national socialists took over. That fact affected the reception of his writing: to this day, he is considered as a representative of the so-colled ‘literature of blood and land’, which the Nazis perceived as expression of „German spirit”. This article presents Stehr’s literary works from various perspectives. It shows the tragedy of the author making political choices in times, when an individual, even the most prominent, was subjected to totalitarian processes of unification and de-individualization

    Poet of reconciliation. On the works of Ernst Josef Krzywon

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    This article presents key motifs in the lyrical works of Ernst Josef Krzywon, a German poet, literary historian. and translator of Polish literature. Krzywon was an intellectual of Upper Silesian origin, who struggled with the conditions of a double biography, enhanced by the socalled great history of belonging to two cultural circles. Both in his poetry and in his scientific works and essays, the author born in Rokitnica (a historical part of Zabrze), tries to face the challenge of presenting the cultural heritage of Upper Silesians as the product of meetings between representatives of several nations - as a common work of the German and Slavic peoples. Our article analyzes the main topic of his poems: the multiracial character of the region and its consequences for the individual - especially the necessity to look for national identity in the area between two cultures and two (or even three) languages