2 research outputs found

    3D-printed polyester-based prototypes for cosmetic applications鈥攆uture directions at the forensic engineering of advanced polymeric materials

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    Knowledge of degradation and impairment phenomena of (bio)degradable polymeric materials under operating conditions, and thus the selection of test procedures and prediction of their behavior designates the scope and capabilities as well as possible limitations of both: the preparation of the final product and its durability. The main novelty and objective of this research was to determine the degradation pathways during testing of polylactide and polylactide/polyhydroxyalkanoate materials made with three-dimensional printing and the development of a new strategy for the comprehensive characterization of such complex systems including behavior during waste disposal. Prototype objects were subjected to tests for damage evolution performed under simulating operating conditions. The reference samples and the tested items were characterized by gel permeation chromatography and differential scanning calorimetry to determine changes in material properties. The studies showed that: polyhydroxyalkanoate component during accelerated aging and degradation in environments rich in microorganisms accelerated the degradation of the material; paraffin accelerates polylactide degradation and slows degradation of polyhydroxyalkanoate-based material; under the influence of an environment rich in enzymes, paraffin contamination accelerates biodegradation; under the influence of natural conditions, paraffin contamination slowed degradation; the processing conditions, in particular the printing orientation of individual parts of the container, influenced the material properties in its various regions, affecting the rate of degradation of individual parts.European Regional Development Fun

    Identification of SSR markers useful for construction of genetic map and mapping of angular leaf spot resistance genes in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

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    W pracy podj臋to pr贸b臋 identyfikacji marker贸w SSR u偶ytecznych do konstrukcji mapy genetycznej og贸rka dla populacji mapuj膮cej 110 rekombinacyjnych linii wsobnych (RIL). Populacj臋 uzyskano z krzy偶owania ameryka艅skiej linii Gy14 wykazuj膮cej tolerancj臋 na bakteryjn膮 kanciast膮 plamisto艣膰 z polsk膮 lini膮 B10 wra偶liw膮 na t臋 chorob臋. Analiza bioinformatyczna zr贸偶nicowania sekwencji loci mikrosatelitarnych pozwoli艂a wskaza膰 markery SSR potencjalnie przydatne do mapowania w tej populacji. Wytypowano 222 markery SSR, spo艣r贸d kt贸rych 160 przetestowano na liniach rodzicielskich i wybranych RIL. Potwierdzono polimorfizm dla 103 marker贸w SSR (64,4%), za艣 dla 52 z nich wykazano przydatno艣膰 do konstrukcji mapy genetycznej populacji Gy14 脳 B10 i mapowania gen贸w odporno艣ci na kanciast膮 plamisto艣膰 li艣ci og贸rka. Wst臋pnie wskazano, 偶e marker SSR00398 zlokalizowany na chromosomie 5 mo偶e by膰 sprz臋偶ony z genem odporno艣ci na t臋 chorob臋.The aim of this study was identification of SSR markers useful for construction of genetic map of cucumber population that consists of 110 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). RILs population segregating for angular leaf spot (ALS) resistance was developed by crossing two inbred lines, an American line Gy14 showing tolerance for angular leaf spot and a Polish line B10, susceptible to this disease. A set of SSR markers was preliminary examined for polymorphism using bioinformatic analysis. There were 222 selected SSR markers and 160 of them were further tested on parental lines and chosen RILs. The polymorphism was confirmed for 103 (64.4%) SSR markers. Fifty two SSR markers were found to be useful for construction of genetic map of cucumber population Gy14 脳 B10 and further mapping of angular leaf spot resistance genes. Preliminary results suggest that SSR00398 located on chromosome 5 may be linked to angular leaf spot resistance gene