29 research outputs found

    The NASA MSFC Earth Global Reference Atmospheric Model-2007 Version

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    Reference or standard atmospheric models have long been used for design and mission planning of various aerospace systems. The NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) was developed in response to the need for a design reference atmosphere that provides complete global geographical variability, and complete altitude coverage (surface to orbital altitudes) as well as complete seasonal and monthly variability of the thermodynamic variables and wind components. A unique feature of GRAM is that, addition to providing the geographical, height, and monthly variation of the mean atmospheric state, it includes the ability to simulate spatial and temporal perturbations in these atmospheric parameters (e.g. fluctuations due to turbulence and other atmospheric perturbation phenomena). A summary comparing GRAM features to characteristics and features of other reference or standard atmospheric models, can be found Guide to Reference and Standard Atmosphere Models. The original GRAM has undergone a series of improvements over the years with recent additions and changes. The software program is called Earth-GRAM2007 to distinguish it from similar programs for other bodies (e.g. Mars, Venus, Neptune, and Titan). However, in order to make this Technical Memorandum (TM) more readable, the software will be referred to simply as GRAM07 or GRAM unless additional clarity is needed. Section 1 provides an overview of the basic features of GRAM07 including the newly added features. Section 2 provides a more detailed description of GRAM07 and how the model output generated. Section 3 presents sample results. Appendices A and B describe the Global Upper Air Climatic Atlas (GUACA) data and the Global Gridded Air Statistics (GGUAS) database. Appendix C provides instructions for compiling and running GRAM07. Appendix D gives a description of the required NAMELIST format input. Appendix E gives sample output. Appendix F provides a list of available parameters to enable the user to generate special output. Appendix G gives an example and guidance on incorporating GRAM07 as a subroutine in other programs such as trajectory codes or orbital propagation routines

    Engineering-Level Model Atmospheres for Titan and Neptune

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    Simulation of Skylab Orbit Decay and Attitude Dynamics

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    Atmospheric Models for Aerocapture Systems Studies

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    An Entry Trajectory Design Methodology for Lunar Return

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    Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Navigation During the Primary Science Phase

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    Approach Navigation for a Titan Aerocapture Orbiter

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    Use of Flexible Body Coupled Loads in Assessment of Day of Launch Flight Loads

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    Robust Control of Hypersonic Vehicles Considering Propulsive and Aeroelastic Effects

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    The in uence of propulsion system variations and elastic fuselage behavior on the ight control system of an airbreathing hypersonic vehicle is investigated. Thrust vector magnitude and direction changes due to angle of attack variations a ect the pitching moment. Low structural vibration frequencies may occur close to the rigid body modes in uencing the angle of attack and lead to possible cross coupling. These effects are modeled as uncertainties in the context of a robust control study of a hypersonic vehicle model accelerating through Mach 8 using H1 and synthesis techniques. Various levels of uncertainty are introduced into the system. Both individual and simultaneous appearance of uncertainty are considered. The results indicate that the chosen design technique is suitable for this kind of problem provided that a fairly good knowledge of the e ects mentioned above is available. The order of the designed controller is reduced but robust performance is lost which shows the need for xed order design techniques. 1