14 research outputs found

    Studying patched spacetimes for binary black holes

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    Circumbinary accretion disks have been examined, theoretically, for supermassive and intermediate mass black holes, however, disks for black hole masses in the LIGO regime are poorly understood. Assuming these binaries possess such a disk initially, the question we want to answer is: are they dissipated by outflows or accretion prior to inspiral? To study this problem we propose a novel approach, whereby we consider an approximate, analytic spacetime and solve the geodesic equation for particles in this spacetime so that we can determine the likely fate of particles coming from the accretion disk. Preliminary indications suggest a likelihood of accretion prior to inspiral.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Searching for self-duality in non-maximally supersymmetric backgrounds

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    Fermionic T-duality is the generalisation to superspace of bosonic T-duality (i.e. to include fermionic degrees of freedom). Originally, T-duality described the equivalence relation between two physical theories, each living on a different background. However, this thesis is concerned with fermionic T-duality and its role in self-duality. The goal is to determine whether AdS backgrounds with less than maximal supersymmetry are self-dual. A background is said to be self-dual if, after a specific sequence of bosonic and fermionic T-duality transformations, the original background is recovered. Self-dual backgrounds are of great interest due to their link to integrability. Fermionic T-duality has played a pivotal role in proving that the maximally supersymmetric background AdS₅ × S⁵ is self-dual. This background is also known to be integrable, therefore, when it was shown to be self-dual, the hypothesis that self-duality implied integrability, and vice-versa, was born. We investigate how far this hypothesis may be stretched for a number of AdS backgrounds, for which integrability has already been determined. The following backgrounds were considered: AdS₂ × S² × T⁶ and AdSd × Sᵈ XT(¹⁰⁻³ᵈ) (d = 2; 3). This question of self-duality was approached in two ways. In the first approach we show that these less supersymmetric backgrounds are self-dual by working with the supergravity fields and using the fermionic Buscher procedure derived by Berkovits and Maldacena. In the second approach, we verify the self-duality of Green-Schwarz supercoset σ-models on AdSd × Sᵈ (d = 2; 3) backgrounds. Furthermore, we prove the self-duality of AdS₅ × S⁵ without gauge fixing K-symmetry. We show that self-duality is a property which holds for the exceptional backgrounds, where the need to T-dualise along one of the spheres arises, again. Nature is not supersymmetric, therefore learning how to do physics in AdS₅ × S⁵ is not enough. In order to understand theories like Quantum Chromodynamics, we need to systematically break the supersymmetry present in our toy models. In this regard, it is easy to appreciate the significance of studying backgrounds with less than maximal supersymmetry

    T-Duality of Green-Schwarz Superstrings on AdS(d) x S(d) x M(10-2d)

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    We verify the self-duality of Green-Schwarz supercoset sigma models on AdSd×Sd_d \times S^d backgrounds (d=2,3,5) under combined bosonic and fermionic T-dualities without gauge fixing kappa symmetry. We also prove this property for superstrings on AdSd×Sd×Sd_d \times S^d \times S^d (d=2,3) described by supercoset sigma models with the isometries governed by the exceptional Lie supergroups D(2,1;α)D(2,1;\alpha) (d=2) and D(2,1;α)×D(2,1;α)D(2,1;\alpha)\times D(2,1;\alpha) (d=3), which requires an additional T-dualisation along one of the spheres. Then, by taking into account the contribution of non-supercoset fermionic modes (up to the second order), we provide evidence for the T-self-duality of the complete type IIA and IIB Green-Schwarz superstring theory on AdSd×Sd×T102d_d\times S^d \times T^{10-2d} (d=2,3) backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. Finally, applying the Buscher-like rules to T-dualising supergravity fields, we prove the T-self-duality of the whole class of the AdSd×Sd×M102d_d\times S^d \times M^{10-2d} superbackgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes in the context of supergravity.Comment: v2: 57 pages, 1 figure, typos fixed and clarifications added, version to appear in JHE

    Gauge-gravity duality at finite N

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    Recently it has been shown that N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory is integrable in the planar limit. Past arguments suggest the integrability is only present in the planar limit. However, this conclusion was shown to be incorrect. Two speci c classes of operators were studied in the O(N) sector. The rst were labelled by Young diagrams having two long columns. The second were labelled by Young diagrams having two long rows. This result was then generalized to p long rows or columns with p xed to be O(1) as N ! 1. For this case, the non-planar limit was found to be integrable. In this dissertation, we extend this work by considering p to be O(N). We have calculated the dilation operator for the case with two impurities