37 research outputs found

    lchneumonidae (Hymenoptera) new to Finland. ll.

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    Nine ichneumonids new to Finland are reported: Phobocampe neglecta (Holmgren), Agrypon canaliculatum (Ratzeburg), A. rugiftr (Thomson), Mesochorus albipes Thomson, M. globulator (Thunberg), M. lapponicus Thomson, M. novus Kiss, M. temporalis Thomson and M. velox Thomson. Phobocampe neglecta is reported for the first time from Norway. The Finnish records of Cidaphus brischkei (Szépligeti) refer to C. alarius (Gravenhorst). C. brischkei has not been found in Finland

    Dyspetes praerogator (Thomson, 1883), a new species and genus to Finland and Denmark (Hym., lchneumonidae, Tryphoninae)

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    The Tryphoninae (Hym., Ichneumonidae) species Dyspetes praerogator (Thomson) (Hym., Ichneumonidae) is reported from Finland and Denmark

    lchneumonidae (Hymenoptera) new to Finland. IV

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    Five ichneumonids new to Finland are reported: Syrphoctonus megaspis (Thomson), Woldstedtius holarcticus (Diller), Diplazon pallicoxa Manykian, Chorinaeus flavipes Bridgman and Trieces dinianae Aeschlieman

    lchneumonidae (Hymenoptera) new to Finland. V.

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    Eight lchneumonid species new to Finland are reported: Scambus eucosmidarum (Perkins), Mastrus pictipes (Gravenhorst), M. tenuicosta (Thomson), Endasys annulatus (Habermehl), Phygadeuon occisor Habermehl, Atractodes romani Jussila, Oresbius puncticollis (Thomson) and Aptesis albulatoria (Gravenhorst)

    lchneumonidae (Hymenoptera) new to Finland. III.

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    Twenty ichneumonids new to Finland are reported: Megastylus pectoralis (Forster), Aperileptus microspilus Forster, A. rossemi Jussila, A. viduatus Forster, Plectiscidea nava (Forster), P. substantiva van Rossem, P. subteres (Thomson), Entypoma robustator Aubert, Aniseres pallipes Forster, A. lapponicus Jussila, Helictes fabularis van Rossem, Helictes incongruens van Rossem, Symplecis breviuscula Roman, S. invisitata van Rossem, Orthocentrus ambiguus Holmgren, O. hirsutor Aubert, O. patulus Holmgren, O. thomsoni Roman, Stenomacrus laticollis (Holmgren) and S. minutissimus (Zetterstedt). Aperileptus microspilus, A. viduatus, Aniseres lapponicus and Stenomacrus laticollis are also new to Sweden

    Additions to the revision of the genus Atractodes (Hymenoptera, lchneumonidae) of the western Palaearctic Region. II.

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    The nomenclature of the following species has been clarified and corrected: Atractodes mediatus Förster has been corrected to a junior synonym of A. albovinctus Haliday, Atractodes brevicornis Bauer of A. gravidus Gravenhorst, Atractodes vestalis Haliday and A. discoloripes Förster of Stilpnus tenebricosus (Gravenhorst), Atractodes försteri Dalla Torre of A. obsoletor (Zetterstedt), Atractodes incessor Haliday of Mesoleptus laevigatus (Gravenhorst), Atractodes neophytus Förster of A. obsoletor (Zetterstedt), Atractodes pygmaeator Zetterstedt of A. bicolor Gravenhorst, Atractodes quanjeri Smits van Burgst of A. alutaceus Thomson, Atractodes sarntheinii Dalla Torre of A. vicinus Förster and Atractodes varicornis Holmgren of Oxytorus luridator (Gravenhorst). Atractodes rufipes Thomson, A. rufipes Förster and A. thomsoni Jussila are junior primary homonyms, and A. cultrarius Forster, A. designatus Forster, A. intersectus Förster, A. rufipes Förster and A. rufipes Thomson are junior secondary homonyms. Atractodes intersectus Boyer de Fonscolombe, A. mesozonius (Gravenhorst), A. quadrispinus Ratzeburg, A. riparius Ruschka, A. spiniger Snellen van Vollenhoven and A. teneriventris (Gravenhorst, 1829) are regarded as nomina dubia. Atractodes nigripennis Hellen has been added to the fauna of the western Palaearctic Region

    Additions to the revisions of the genus Stilpnus (Hymenoptera, lchneumonidae) of the Palaearctic Region. I.

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    New and additional information on Palaearctic species of the genus Stilpnus is given. The males of Stilpnus bottnicus Jussila and S. fallax Foerster are described. S. fallax is also new to the Finnish fauna. A revised key to the males is presented

    Netelia arabs (Strand) new to Israel and N. caucasica (Kokujev) new to Sweden (Hymenoptera: lchneumonidae; Tryphoninae)

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    The Tryphoninae (Hym., Ichneumonidae) species Netelia arabs (Strand) has been informed from Israel and Netelia caucasica (Kokujev) from Sweden

    Additions to the revision of the genus Atractodes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of the Palaearctic Region. III.

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    More faunistic and taxonomic information about the species of the genus Atractodes of the Palaearctic Region are reported. The following species are described as new: A. cylindraceus sp. n., A. foveoclypeatus sp. n., A. kasparyani sp. n., A. magnus sp. n. and A. rossicus sp. n. The females of A. procerus Foerster and A. remotus Jussila, and the male of A. turkuensis Jussila are described. A. ficticius (Foerster) is a senior synonym of A. genuinus Foerster, and A. helveticus (Foerster) a senior secondary homonym of A. helveticus Foerster and a senior synonym of A. oreophilus Foerster. A. areolaris (Habermehl) is a new junior synonym of A. gravidus Gravenhorst and A. cinctus (Foerster) a junior synonym of A. fumatus (Haliday). A. remotus Jussila is given a species rank. New combinations are A. cinctus (Foerster) and A. helveticus (Foerster). Renewed keys to the females and males of western Palaearctic Atractodes have been made

    lchneumonidae (Hymenoptera) of Greenland found in Scoresbysund (lttoggortoormiit)

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    Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) have been found from Scoresbysund, Eastern Greenland by Dominique Elin (Laboratoire d'écologie numérique de Lille, France) 1985. The following 11 species and one subspecies are described: Acrolyta glacialis sp.n., Theroscopus arcticus sp.n., Campodorus elini sp.n., C. polaris sp.n., Occapes hinzi sp.n., Campoletis rostrata sp.n., C. horstmanni sp.n., Stenomacrus brevipennis sp.n., S. groenlandicus sp.n., S. difficilis sp.n., Ichneumon scoresbysundensis sp.n. and Orthocentrus stigmaticus groenlandicus ssp.n. In addition, records are presented for five species new to Greenland: Gelis glacialis (Holmgren), G. melanogaster (Thomson), Atractodes alpestris Roman, A. pusillus Forster and Exochus consimilis Holmgren