61 research outputs found

    Informationally complete sets of Gaussian measurements

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    We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the informational completeness of an arbitrary set of Gaussian observables on continuous variable systems with finite number of degrees of freedom. In particular, we show that an informationally complete set either contains a single informationally complete observable, or includes infinitely many observables. We show that for a single informationally complete observable, the minimal outcome space is the phase space, and the observable can always be obtained from the quantum optical QQ-function by linear postprocessing and Gaussian convolution, in a suitable symplectic coordinatization of the phase space. In the case of projection valued Gaussian observables, e.g., generalized field quadratures, we show that an informationally complete set of observables is necessarily infinite. Finally, we generalize the treatment to the case where the measurement coupling is given by a general linear bosonic channel, and characterize informational completeness for an arbitrary set of the associated observables.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    On measurements of the canonical phase observable

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    Measurements of single-mode phase observables are studied in the spirit of the quantum theory of measurement. We determine the minimal measurement models of phase observables and consider methods of measuring such observables by using a double homodyne detector. We show that, in principle, the canonical phase distribution of the signal state can be measured via double homodyne detection by first processing the state using a two-mode unitary channel.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Tilted phase space measurements

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    We show that the phase shift of {\pi}/2 is crucial for the phase space translation covariance of the measured high-amplitude limit observable in eight-port homodyne detection. However, for an arbitrary phase shift {\theta} we construct explicitly a different nonequivalent projective representation of R2^2 such that the observable is covariant with respect to this representation. As a result we are able to determine the measured observable for an arbitrary parameter field and phase shift. Geometrically the change in the phase shift corresponds to the tilting of one axis in the phase space of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Covariant mutually unbiased bases

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    The connection between maximal sets of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in a prime-power dimensional Hilbert space and finite phase-space geometries is well known. In this article we classify MUBs according to their degree of covariance with respect to the natural symmetries of a finite phase-space, which are the group of its affine symplectic transformations. We prove that there exist maximal sets of MUBs that are covariant with respect to the full group only in odd prime-power dimensional spaces, and in this case their equivalence class is actually unique. Despite this limitation, we show that in even-prime power dimension covariance can still be achieved by restricting to proper subgroups of the symplectic group, that constitute the finite analogues of the oscillator group. For these subgroups, we explicitly construct the unitary operators yielding the covariance.Comment: 44 pages, some remarks and references added in v

    Quantum Tomography with Phase Space Measurements

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    This thesis addresses the use of covariant phase space observables in quantum tomography. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the informational completeness of covariant phase space observables are proved, and some state reconstruction formulae are derived. Different measurement schemes for measuring phase space observables are considered. Special emphasis is given to the quantum optical eight-port homodyne detection scheme and, in particular, on the effect of non-unit detector efficiencies on the measured observable. It is shown that the informational completeness of the observable does not depend on the efficiencies. As a related problem, the possibility of reconstructing the position and momentum distributions from the marginal statistics of a phase space observable is considered. It is shown that informational completeness for the phase space observable is neither necessary nor sufficient for this procedure. Two methods for determining the distributions from the marginal statistics are presented. Finally, two alternative methods for determining the state are considered. Some of their shortcomings when compared to the phase space method are discussed.Siirretty Doriast

    Tasks and premises in quantum state determination

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    The purpose of quantum tomography is to determine an unknown quantum state from measurement outcome statistics. There are two obvious ways to generalize this setting. First, our task need not be the determination of any possible input state but only some input states, for instance pure states. Second, we may have some prior information, or premise, which guarantees that the input state belongs to some subset of states, for instance the set of states with rank less than half of the dimension of the Hilbert space. We investigate state determination under these two supplemental features, concentrating on the cases where the task and the premise are statements about the rank of the unknown state. We characterize the structure of quantum observables (POVMs) that are capable of fulfilling these type of determination tasks. After the general treatment we focus on the class of covariant phase space observables, thus providing physically relevant examples of observables both capable and incapable of performing these tasks. In this context, the effect of noise is discussed.Comment: minor changes in v

    Maximally incompatible quantum observables

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    The existence of maximally incompatible quantum observables in the sense of a minimal joint measurability region is investigated. Employing the universal quantum cloning device it is argued that only infinite dimensional quantum systems can accommodate maximal incompatibility. It is then shown that two of the most common pairs of complementary observables (position and momentum; number and phase) are maximally incompatible

    Probing quantum state space: does one have to learn everything to learn something?

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    Determining the state of a quantum system is a consuming procedure. For this reason, whenever one is interested only in some particular property of a state, it would be desirable to design a measurement setup that reveals this property with as little effort as possible. Here we investigate whether, in order to successfully complete a given task of this kind, one needs an informationally complete measurement, or if something less demanding would suffice. The first alternative means that in order to complete the task, one needs a measurement which fully determines the state. We formulate the task as a membership problem related to a partitioning of the quantum state space and, in doing so, connect it to the geometry of the state space. For a general membership problem we prove various sufficient criteria that force informational completeness, and we explicitly treat several physically relevant examples. For the specific cases that do not require informational completeness, we also determine bounds on the minimal number of measurement outcomes needed to ensure success in the task.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure
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