36 research outputs found

    ISPRS Hannover Workshop, Njemačka

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    U Hannoveru, Njemačka od 6. do 9. lipnja 2017. godine održana je radionica međunarodnog udruženja za fotogrametriju i daljinska istraživanja (engl. International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ā€“ ISPRS). Domaćin radionice bio je Institut za fotogrametriju i geoinformacije Leibinz sveučiliÅ”ta u Hannoveru (njem. Institut fĆ¼r Photogrammetrie und GeoInformation, Leibniz UniversitƤt Hannover)

    Klinička slika zatajivanja srca

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    Zatajivanje srca je sindrom karakteriziran simptomima i znacima poremećene srčane funkcije te mogućim povoljnim odgovorom na odgovarajuću terapiju. Može ga uzrokovati svaka bolest koja izaziva strukturnu, mehaničku ili električnu abnormalnost srca. Čest je razlog hospitalizacije, posebno u osoba starije životne dobi, a remeti kvalitetu života, izaziva invalidnost i visoku smrtnost. Kliničkim pregledom bolesnika potrebno je otkriti simptome i znakove koji mogu biti manje ili viÅ”e specifični, ali i utvrditi uzrok zatajivanja srca, postojanje pratećih bolesti i stanja te precipitirajućih čimbenika. Ovakav sveobuhvatan (holistički) pristup važan je za postavljanje brze dijagnoze, izbor optimalnog liječenja i dobru prognostičku procjenu. Unatoč suvremenom trendu umanjivanja važnosti anamneze i fizikalnog pregleda u korist velikoga broja objektivnih pretraga kojima se mogu dokazati abnormalnosti strukture i funkcije srca, klinička slika ostaje temelj racionalne dijagnostike i primjerene terapije u svakog bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca

    Beta-Blockers: Drugs that Prolong Survival

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    Beta-blokatori (Ī²-B) imaju veliko značenje u liječenju kardiovaskularnih bolesti zbog svoje sposobnosti blokiranja nepovoljnoga neurohumoralnog učinka vrlo složene Ī²-adrenergične stimulacije. Od otkrića propranolola, 1964. g., stvoreno je viÅ”e farmakoloÅ”ki različitih Ī²-B. Ī²-B imaju antiishemijska svojstva i rabe se u svim stadijima ishemijske bolesti srca, s izuzetkom vazospastične angine pektoris. Produžavaju život u bolesnika nakon preboljelog infarkta miokarda i imaju posebno povoljan učinak na ishod u bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca (ZS), stoga su trenutačno jedna od temeljnih skupina lijekova u terapiji ZS-a. Imaju antiaritmijska svojstva i služe za uobičajenu kontrolu frekvencije klijetki u bolesnika s kroničnom fibrilacijom atrija. Indicirani su u liječenju arterijske hipertenzije, posebno uzimajući u obzir određena pridružena klinička stanja. Rabe se u liječenju bolesnika s opstruktivnom kardiomiopatijom, prolapsom mitralnog zalistka, disekcijom aorte, Marfanovim sindromom, Fallotovom tetralogijom, a i u nekih nekardiovaskularnih bolesti (npr. migrena, esencijalni tremor, glaukom). Ispravno primijenjeni Ī²-B su sigurni lijekovi, dokazano iznimno vrijedni i korisni u mnogim segmentima kardiovaskularnog kontinuuma.Beta blockers (Ī²-B) have an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases because of their ability to block adverse neurohumoral effect of very complex Ī²-adrenergic stimulation. Since the discovery of propranolol in 1964, more pharmacologically different Ī²-B have been discovered. Ī²-B have anti-ischemic properties and are used in all stages of ischemic heart disease, with the exception of vasospastic angina pectoris. They prolong life in patients after myocardial infarction and they have particularly beneficial effect on the outcome in patients with heart failure (HF). They are, therefore, one of the main classes of drugs in the treatment of HF. They have antiarrhythmic properties and are used as a common treatment to control ventricular frequency in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. They are indicated in the treatment of arterial hypertension, especially taking into account certain associated clinical conditions. They are used in the treatment of patients with obstructive cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapse, aortic dissection, Marfan syndrome, tetralogy of Fallot, and are also used in some non-cardiovascular diseases (e.g. migraine, essential tremor, glaucoma). When properly used Ī²-B are safe drugs and have proved extremely valuable and useful in many segments of the cardiovascular continuum

    Beta-Blockers: Drugs that Prolong Survival

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    Beta-blokatori (Ī²-B) imaju veliko značenje u liječenju kardiovaskularnih bolesti zbog svoje sposobnosti blokiranja nepovoljnoga neurohumoralnog učinka vrlo složene Ī²-adrenergične stimulacije. Od otkrića propranolola, 1964. g., stvoreno je viÅ”e farmakoloÅ”ki različitih Ī²-B. Ī²-B imaju antiishemijska svojstva i rabe se u svim stadijima ishemijske bolesti srca, s izuzetkom vazospastične angine pektoris. Produžavaju život u bolesnika nakon preboljelog infarkta miokarda i imaju posebno povoljan učinak na ishod u bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca (ZS), stoga su trenutačno jedna od temeljnih skupina lijekova u terapiji ZS-a. Imaju antiaritmijska svojstva i služe za uobičajenu kontrolu frekvencije klijetki u bolesnika s kroničnom fibrilacijom atrija. Indicirani su u liječenju arterijske hipertenzije, posebno uzimajući u obzir određena pridružena klinička stanja. Rabe se u liječenju bolesnika s opstruktivnom kardiomiopatijom, prolapsom mitralnog zalistka, disekcijom aorte, Marfanovim sindromom, Fallotovom tetralogijom, a i u nekih nekardiovaskularnih bolesti (npr. migrena, esencijalni tremor, glaukom). Ispravno primijenjeni Ī²-B su sigurni lijekovi, dokazano iznimno vrijedni i korisni u mnogim segmentima kardiovaskularnog kontinuuma.Beta blockers (Ī²-B) have an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases because of their ability to block adverse neurohumoral effect of very complex Ī²-adrenergic stimulation. Since the discovery of propranolol in 1964, more pharmacologically different Ī²-B have been discovered. Ī²-B have anti-ischemic properties and are used in all stages of ischemic heart disease, with the exception of vasospastic angina pectoris. They prolong life in patients after myocardial infarction and they have particularly beneficial effect on the outcome in patients with heart failure (HF). They are, therefore, one of the main classes of drugs in the treatment of HF. They have antiarrhythmic properties and are used as a common treatment to control ventricular frequency in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. They are indicated in the treatment of arterial hypertension, especially taking into account certain associated clinical conditions. They are used in the treatment of patients with obstructive cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapse, aortic dissection, Marfan syndrome, tetralogy of Fallot, and are also used in some non-cardiovascular diseases (e.g. migraine, essential tremor, glaucoma). When properly used Ī²-B are safe drugs and have proved extremely valuable and useful in many segments of the cardiovascular continuum

    Hand-Held Personal Laser Scanning ā€“ Current Status and Perspectives for Forest Inventory Application

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    The emergence of hand-held Personal Laser Scanning (H-PLS) systems in recent years resulted in initial research on the possibility of its application in forest inventory, primarily for the estimation of the main tree attributes (e.g. tree detection, stem position, DBH, tree height, etc.). Research knowledge acquired so far can help to direct further research and eventually include H-PLS into operational forest inventory in the future. The main aims of this review are: ƞ to present the current state of the art for H-PLS systems ƞ briefly describe the fundamental concept and methods for H-PLS application in forest inventory ƞ provide an overview of the results of previous studies ƞ emphasize pros and cons for H-PLS application in forest inventory in relation to conventional field measurements and other similar laser scanning systems ƞ highlight the main issues that should be covered by further H-PLS-based forest inventory studies

    Photogrammetric estimates of stand volume in pedunculate oak stands of the Pokupsko basin

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    U radu je dodatno istražena i evaluirana točnost fotogrametrijske procjene volumena na razini sastojine. Konkretno, na području Å”uma hrasta lužnjaka Pokupskog bazena (g.j. Jastrebarski lugovi) testirana je mogućnost koriÅ”tenja fotogrametrijske metode bazirane na postojećim i lako dostupnim podacima (aerosnimke, digitalni model reljefa, podaci osnove gospodarenja) kao i postojećih fotogrametrijskih modela procjene sastojinskog volumena izrađenih za Å”ume hrasta lužnjaka Spačvanskog bazena. Iz aerosnimaka i digitalnog modela reljefa izrađen je digitalni model visine kroÅ”anja (DMVK) prostorne rezolucije 5 m. Iz DMVK-a su dobiveni metrički podaci, koji su potom koriÅ”teni kao nezavisne varijable u modelima procjene volumena sastojine. Uspoređena je točnost procjene izvornih modela izrađenih za područje Spačvanskog bazena (SB modeli) te istih modela, ali s naknadno procijenjenim lokalnim parametrima za područje Pokupskog bazena (PB modeli). Fotogrametrijski procijenjeni volumeni validirani su s volumenom sastojina iz osnove gospodarenja. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na značajno poboljÅ”anje točnosti fotogrametrijske procjene volumena kod PB modela u odnosu na SB modele. KoriÅ”tenjem izvornih SB modela, volumen sastojine procijenjen je s korijenom srednje kvadratne pogreÅ”ke od 18,47%, dok je koriÅ”tenjem dodatno parametriziranih PB modela volumen procijenjen s pogreÅ”kom od 12,03%. U ovom radu prikazana fotogrametrijska metoda procjene volumena sastojina ne može zamijeniti klasične terenske metode za potrebe uređajne inventure Å”uma, međutim, budući da ne zahtijeva dodatna terenska mjerenja, već se u potpunosti bazira na postojećim podacima (aerosnimke, DMR, podaci osnove gospodarenja), a uz to pruža i zadovoljavajuću točnost, može poslužiti kao učinkovita i financijski isplativa metoda u slučajevima kada je u vrlo kratkom vremenu potrebno provesti inventuru nekog većeg Å”umskog područja.The application of digital aerial photogrammetry in forest inventory has been in the focus of a number of studies during the last decade (White et al. 2016, Goodbody et al. 2019). The results were tested and evaluated mostly on plot-level, and less often on stand-level (Bohlin et al. 2012, Rahlf et al. 2014, Gobakken et al. 2015, Pitt et al. 2015, Stepper et al. 2015, Puliti et al. 2016, Balenović et al. 2017, Iqbal et al. 2019). In almost all studies, a classic Area-Based Approach (ABA) which includes modelling at plot-level and ā€˜wall-to-wallā€™ mapping to estimate forest variables at stand-level were applied. A somewhat different ABA approach which implies direct modelling and estimation at stand-level were proposed by Balenović et al. (2017). This new approach, hereinafter referred to as Stand-Based Approach (SBA), is based on existing and easily available photogrammetric materials and data (aerial images from regular national topographic surveys, official national digital terrain data) as well as on data from existing forest management plans. The main precondition for the SBA method application is the approximate time coincidence between the time of aerial images acquisition and the time of the field data collection for the forest management plan generation. Similar to classical ABA, SBA also requires models (equations) for forest variable estimations. However, in SBA case, models are developed on the certain number of stands (subcompartments) of similar structural characteristics (e.g. forest management classes). In SBA, independent variables are metric stand-level data obtained from aerial images and its product (normalized point clouds or canopy height models), while reference (modelling or validation) data are obtained from regular forest management plans. Compared to classical ABA, SBA does not require additional field measurements, and therefore presents a fast and cost-effective alternative to ABA. An additional assumption is that models developed for the certain area can be applied for other forest areas with similar forest characteristics. This work presents the continuation of previous study (Balenović i dr. 2017) with the aim to additionally test the effectiveness and accuracy of SBA method. More precisely, SBA method and existing models of stand volume estimation originally developed for lowland pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) of Spačva basin forest complex (Eastern Croatia) were tested in pedunculated oak forest of Pokupsko basin forest complex (Central Croatia). A total of 87 even-aged pedunculate oak forest stands of Jastrebarski lugovi management unit were included in this study (Figure 1, Table 1). Photogrammetric data (aerial images, digital terrain data) were provided by the Croatian State Geodetic Administration, and were used to generate Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM). A raster Canopy Height Model (CHM) of 5 m resolution was generated by subtracting DTM from DSM (Figure 2). Metrics extracted from CHM for each stand and used for stand-level volume estimation are presented in Table 2. Equations (1) and (2) present photogrammetric models for stand-level volume estimation. A more detailed description of the models can be found in Table 3. SB-1 and SB-2 models consist of independent variables and parameters (regression constant and coefficients) originally developed for the Spačva basin area (Table 4). PB-1 and PB-2 models consisted of the same variables as SB-1 and SB-2 models, but their parameters were developed for the present study area (Pokupsko basin) (Table 4). All models were validated using the reference stand volume from the forest management plan. SB-1 and SB-2 models were validated using the entire dataset (87 stands), whereas PB-1 and PB-2 models were validated using the randomly selected 29 stands (other 58 stands were used for parameters estimation). According to validation results (Table 2, Figure 3), PB models showed considerably greater performance than SB-models. Compared to SB-1 model, PB-1 model achieved 11% higher R2adj values, for 3,92% MD% values (absolute), and for 6,44% higher RMSE% values. Also, the results showed that the inclusion of stand age (SA) as an additional predictor in SB-2 and PB-2 models did not contribute significantly on model performance. All models showed a similar trend (Figure 3), i.e. volume in stands with lover volume values were overestimated, while in stands with higher volume values were underestimated. However, overestimations (&8776; 8,5%) using SB models were considerably greater than underestimations (&8776; -4%) using PB models. Differences in SB and PB models performance are probably due to differences in stand and site characteristics between two forest areas (Spačva basin and Pokupsko basin). The obtained results suggest that the model with independent variables (Equation 1) originally developed for Spačva basin area can be used for Pokupsko basin and other areas with similar forest characteristics, but local model parameters have to be estimated in order to increase estimation accuracy. It has to be emphasized that the photogrammetric method tested in this paper can not replace the conventional field methods in regular forest inventory. However, its application is based on existing and easily available data (aerial images from regular topographic surveys, official DTM, forest management plan) and does not require additional field measurements and therefore present effective and low-cost solution when in a very short period large areas have to be inventoried. Further research should be focused on other important forest variables (e.g. mean stand height, mean stand diameter, basal area, stand density, biomass, etc.) and different forest types

    Klinička slika zatajivanja srca

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    Zatajivanje srca je sindrom karakteriziran simptomima i znacima poremećene srčane funkcije te mogućim povoljnim odgovorom na odgovarajuću terapiju. Može ga uzrokovati svaka bolest koja izaziva strukturnu, mehaničku ili električnu abnormalnost srca. Čest je razlog hospitalizacije, posebno u osoba starije životne dobi, a remeti kvalitetu života, izaziva invalidnost i visoku smrtnost. Kliničkim pregledom bolesnika potrebno je otkriti simptome i znakove koji mogu biti manje ili viÅ”e specifični, ali i utvrditi uzrok zatajivanja srca, postojanje pratećih bolesti i stanja te precipitirajućih čimbenika. Ovakav sveobuhvatan (holistički) pristup važan je za postavljanje brze dijagnoze, izbor optimalnog liječenja i dobru prognostičku procjenu. Unatoč suvremenom trendu umanjivanja važnosti anamneze i fizikalnog pregleda u korist velikoga broja objektivnih pretraga kojima se mogu dokazati abnormalnosti strukture i funkcije srca, klinička slika ostaje temelj racionalne dijagnostike i primjerene terapije u svakog bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca

    Beta-Blockers: Drugs that Prolong Survival

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    Beta-blokatori (Ī²-B) imaju veliko značenje u liječenju kardiovaskularnih bolesti zbog svoje sposobnosti blokiranja nepovoljnoga neurohumoralnog učinka vrlo složene Ī²-adrenergične stimulacije. Od otkrića propranolola, 1964. g., stvoreno je viÅ”e farmakoloÅ”ki različitih Ī²-B. Ī²-B imaju antiishemijska svojstva i rabe se u svim stadijima ishemijske bolesti srca, s izuzetkom vazospastične angine pektoris. Produžavaju život u bolesnika nakon preboljelog infarkta miokarda i imaju posebno povoljan učinak na ishod u bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca (ZS), stoga su trenutačno jedna od temeljnih skupina lijekova u terapiji ZS-a. Imaju antiaritmijska svojstva i služe za uobičajenu kontrolu frekvencije klijetki u bolesnika s kroničnom fibrilacijom atrija. Indicirani su u liječenju arterijske hipertenzije, posebno uzimajući u obzir određena pridružena klinička stanja. Rabe se u liječenju bolesnika s opstruktivnom kardiomiopatijom, prolapsom mitralnog zalistka, disekcijom aorte, Marfanovim sindromom, Fallotovom tetralogijom, a i u nekih nekardiovaskularnih bolesti (npr. migrena, esencijalni tremor, glaukom). Ispravno primijenjeni Ī²-B su sigurni lijekovi, dokazano iznimno vrijedni i korisni u mnogim segmentima kardiovaskularnog kontinuuma.Beta blockers (Ī²-B) have an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases because of their ability to block adverse neurohumoral effect of very complex Ī²-adrenergic stimulation. Since the discovery of propranolol in 1964, more pharmacologically different Ī²-B have been discovered. Ī²-B have anti-ischemic properties and are used in all stages of ischemic heart disease, with the exception of vasospastic angina pectoris. They prolong life in patients after myocardial infarction and they have particularly beneficial effect on the outcome in patients with heart failure (HF). They are, therefore, one of the main classes of drugs in the treatment of HF. They have antiarrhythmic properties and are used as a common treatment to control ventricular frequency in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. They are indicated in the treatment of arterial hypertension, especially taking into account certain associated clinical conditions. They are used in the treatment of patients with obstructive cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapse, aortic dissection, Marfan syndrome, tetralogy of Fallot, and are also used in some non-cardiovascular diseases (e.g. migraine, essential tremor, glaucoma). When properly used Ī²-B are safe drugs and have proved extremely valuable and useful in many segments of the cardiovascular continuum