7 research outputs found

    Lingvistička obilježja i aspekti blogova u kontekstu Netspeaka

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    Within the context of Netspeak, and English as a global language, weblogs (blogs) are defined as frequently modified web pages in which dated entries are listed in reverse chronological sequence, are becoming an increasingly popular form of communication on the World Wide Web. The present paper introduces blogs as an asynchronous type of online communication that share features with asynchronous discussion forums. The paper presents the origin of blogs, the blogosphere – who blogs and about what - and most importantly, why people blog. The scope of blogs is argued to have expanded dramatically over the past decade, making blogging more of a multifaceted tool than a specific type of Internet platform. The paper outlines the basic linguistic features of blogs and gives an overview of basic blog types and their corresponding linguistic properties and aspects. The paper serves the purposes of characterizing the properties of the emergent blog genre, situating it with respect to the broader genre ecology of the Internet. The idea is to provide an empirical snapshot of the weblog in its present stage, as a historical record for purposes of comparison with future stages of evolution, and to contribute to a theoretical understanding of how technological changes trigger the formation of new genres, which in turn may affect the genre ecology of a larger domain such as the Internet.U kontekstu Netspeaka i engleskoga kao globalnog jezika, blogovi, koji se definiraju kao često modificirane internetske stranice na kojima se unešeni podaci navode obrnutim kronološkim redoslijedom, postaju sve popularnijim oblikom komunikacije na Internetu. U ovome se radu daje prikaz blogova kao asinkronog vida online komunikacije koji dijeli neka od razlikovnih obilježja sa asinkronim forumima za diskusiju. U radu se daje prikaz podrijetla blogova, predstavlja se blogosfera – tko blogira i o čemu – i, najvažnije, zašto ljudi rade blogove. Smatra se da se broj vrsta blogova drastično proširio tokom protekloga desetljeća, što blogove čini višestruko korisnim sredstvom nego običnom vrstom internetske platforme. U radu se prikazuju osnovna lingvistička obilježja blogova, kao i prikaz osnovnih vrsta blogova i njihovih lingvističkih obilježja i apsekata. U radu se karakteriziraju obilježja bloga kao žanra u nastanku koji svoje mjesto nalazi negdje između ostalih mnogobrojnih žanrova na Internetu. Glavna je ideja empirijski predstaviti blogove u njihovom trenutačnom stanju i obliku, radi usporedbe s njegovim budućim stadijima evolucije, istovremeno pridonoseći teorijskom shvaćanju procesa putem kojeg tehnološke promjene pokreću formiranje novih žanrova, što, s druge strane, može utjecati na cijeli skup žanrova iz šire domene kao što je Internet


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    The present paper examines and portrays some of the major distinctive features of Netspeak in the context of English as a global language, with particular focus on the language of chatgroups (synchronous and asynchronous). Netspeak is a brand new electronic medium of communication, global and interactive in character, evidently related to English as a global language, with its own distinctive features in all of its varieties. The data used in the paper were obtained from several Internet sites, and then further analysed, bearing mind at all times the model used by David Crystal (2001), and starting with most of his suppositions and claims. The analysis of the data has proven that Netspeak displays a number of highly distinct features undoubtedly classifying it as a brand new (electronic) medium of communication.U ovom se radu ispituju i prikazuju neka od temeljnih razlikovnih obilježja netspeaka u kontekstu engleskog kao globalnog jezika, s posebnim osvrtom na jezik tzv. chat grupa (sinkronih i asinkronih). Netspeak je potpuno novi elektronski medij komunikacije, globalnog i interaktivnog karaktera, koji je očigledno povezan s engleskim kao globalnim jezikom, i koji ima vlastita razlikovna obilježja u svim svojim pojavnostima. Podaci korišteni u radu pribavljeni su s nekoliko internetskih stranica te analizirani imajući u vidu model kojim se koristi David Crystal (2001), polazeći od većine njegovih pretpostavki i tvrdnji. Analiza podataka je pokazala da netspeak karakterizira velik broj izrazito razlikovnih obilježja što ga nesumnjivo svrstava u potpuno novi (elektronički) medij komunikacije

    Community Interpreting in the Context of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The present paper surveys the development and the current position of community interpreting (CI) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), by providing an insight into the emergence of this “out of necessity” concept. The paper is a reflection of the origins and major features of the profession, from the perspective of active participants in this process. Since the research in this field practically does not exist in BiH, the paper attempts to highlight the fundamentals of the profession, fields of practice, professional organizations and training opportunities. The paper portrays the historical backgroundof CI in the context of BiH, trying to capture the interpreting activities and the accompanying practicalities both in the conflict (1992-1995) and post-conflict periods. CI in BiH is mainly performed my semi- and non-professionals, due to the fact that education and training institutions for community interpreters are traditionally non-existent in this country. The paper brings a historicalparadigm into the emergence of the interpreting profession and its inherently embedded international character in BiH. The study of CI may not have such a long tradition as other disciplines, but has immensely gained in popularity in recent decades, particularly in the context of ever-growing interestby scholars. The paper follows these recent global trends aiming at contributing to a more comprehensive research in the field in the context of BiH, highlighting the importance of CI in the evolving society challenged by the newly-emerging social phenomena

    From introduction to phonemic symbols to development of transcription skills: A case study in the English Department at University of Tuzla

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    The present study portrays some of the key aspects of connected speech in English, as adopted by 42 native Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian-speaking undergraduate students of English in the English Department, University of Tuzla, in the academic year 2013/2014. More specifically, the study shows how successfully these students developed their transcription skills in English, particularly when it comes to the use of diacritics for dental, velarised, and syllabic consonants of English, as well as for aspirated and unreleased (unexploded) English plosives. In addition, the study focuses on the coalescent type of assimilation. Connected speech (also known as rapid, relaxed, casual, or fluent speech) is characterised by a number of phonetic phenomena. The paper also analyses the level to which students enrolled in the English Department in Tuzla have developed a sense of elementary terms in this field, an understanding of the English sound system, and generally speaking, to what extent they developed their broad and narrow transcription skills

    Jezik informacijskih tehnologija: figurativna uporaba računalnih izraza

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    The rapidly emerging terminology associated with the Internet and its use result in highly figurative use of the terminology in this domain (the Internet), and its supporting technology (the computers). The present paper takes a look at the figurative use of computer terms from a cognitive linguistics point of view, arguing the vocabulary of the language of information technology is created in a number of ways, including neologisation, derivation, blending, conversion, analogy to general language vocabulary, compression, etc., with metaphor being highly used in the language of information technology. The paper introduces the language of information technology and its accompanying features in the context of Netspeak as a new online medium of communication.Velik broj novonastalih termina povezanih s internetom i njihova uporaba rezultiraju izrazito figurativnom uporabom terminologije u ovoj domeni (internet), kao i u samoj tehnologiji koja joj služi kao podloga (računalo). U ovom se radu daje pregled određenog broja računalnih termina i njihove figurativne uporabe iz perspektive kognitivne lingvistike, gdje se vokabular jezika informacijske tehnologije kreira na više načina, uključujući neologizme, izvedenice, stapanje riječi, konverziju, analogiju s općim jezičnim vokabularom, kompresiju itd., s tim da metaforičko izražavanje zauzima vrlo važnu poziciju u jeziku informacijskih tehnologija. Rad daje uvod u taj jezik i njegova obilježja u kontekstu Netspeak-a kao novog medija online komunikacije

    Lingvistička obilježja i aspekti blogova u kontekstu Netspeaka

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    Within the context of Netspeak, and English as a global language, weblogs (blogs) are defined as frequently modified web pages in which dated entries are listed in reverse chronological sequence, are becoming an increasingly popular form of communication on the World Wide Web. The present paper introduces blogs as an asynchronous type of online communication that share features with asynchronous discussion forums. The paper presents the origin of blogs, the blogosphere – who blogs and about what - and most importantly, why people blog. The scope of blogs is argued to have expanded dramatically over the past decade, making blogging more of a multifaceted tool than a specific type of Internet platform. The paper outlines the basic linguistic features of blogs and gives an overview of basic blog types and their corresponding linguistic properties and aspects. The paper serves the purposes of characterizing the properties of the emergent blog genre, situating it with respect to the broader genre ecology of the Internet. The idea is to provide an empirical snapshot of the weblog in its present stage, as a historical record for purposes of comparison with future stages of evolution, and to contribute to a theoretical understanding of how technological changes trigger the formation of new genres, which in turn may affect the genre ecology of a larger domain such as the Internet.U kontekstu Netspeaka i engleskoga kao globalnog jezika, blogovi, koji se definiraju kao često modificirane internetske stranice na kojima se unešeni podaci navode obrnutim kronološkim redoslijedom, postaju sve popularnijim oblikom komunikacije na Internetu. U ovome se radu daje prikaz blogova kao asinkronog vida online komunikacije koji dijeli neka od razlikovnih obilježja sa asinkronim forumima za diskusiju. U radu se daje prikaz podrijetla blogova, predstavlja se blogosfera – tko blogira i o čemu – i, najvažnije, zašto ljudi rade blogove. Smatra se da se broj vrsta blogova drastično proširio tokom protekloga desetljeća, što blogove čini višestruko korisnim sredstvom nego običnom vrstom internetske platforme. U radu se prikazuju osnovna lingvistička obilježja blogova, kao i prikaz osnovnih vrsta blogova i njihovih lingvističkih obilježja i apsekata. U radu se karakteriziraju obilježja bloga kao žanra u nastanku koji svoje mjesto nalazi negdje između ostalih mnogobrojnih žanrova na Internetu. Glavna je ideja empirijski predstaviti blogove u njihovom trenutačnom stanju i obliku, radi usporedbe s njegovim budućim stadijima evolucije, istovremeno pridonoseći teorijskom shvaćanju procesa putem kojeg tehnološke promjene pokreću formiranje novih žanrova, što, s druge strane, može utjecati na cijeli skup žanrova iz šire domene kao što je Internet