26 research outputs found

    Oceanic stochastic parametrizations in a seasonal forecast system

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    We study the impact of three stochastic parametrizations in the ocean component of a coupled model, on forecast reliability over seasonal timescales. The relative impacts of these schemes upon the ocean mean state and ensemble spread are analyzed. The oceanic variability induced by the atmospheric forcing of the coupled system is, in most regions, the major source of ensemble spread. The largest impact on spread and bias came from the Stochastically Perturbed Parametrization Tendency (SPPT) scheme - which has proven particularly effective in the atmosphere. The key regions affected are eddy-active regions, namely the western boundary currents and the Southern Ocean. However, unlike its impact in the atmosphere, SPPT in the ocean did not result in a significant decrease in forecast error. Whilst there are good grounds for implementing stochastic schemes in ocean models, our results suggest that they will have to be more sophisticated. Some suggestions for next-generation stochastic schemes are made.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Oceanic stochastic parametrizations in a seasonal forecast system

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    We study the impact of three stochastic parametrizations in the ocean component of a coupled model, on forecast reliability over seasonal timescales. The relative impacts of these schemes upon the ocean mean state and ensemble spread are analyzed. The oceanic variability induced by the atmospheric forcing of the coupled system is, in most regions, the major source of ensemble spread. The largest impact on spread and bias came from the Stochastically Perturbed Parametrization Tendency (SPPT) scheme - which has proven particularly effective in the atmosphere. The key regions affected are eddy-active regions, namely the western boundary currents and the Southern Ocean. However, unlike its impact in the atmosphere, SPPT in the ocean did not result in a significant decrease in forecast error. Whilst there are good grounds for implementing stochastic schemes in ocean models, our results suggest that they will have to be more sophisticated. Some suggestions for next-generation stochastic schemes are made.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Stochastische Perturbation der Parametrisierung der EishÀrte in einem Finite-Elemente Meereis-Ozean-Modell

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    In dieser Arbeit werden drei AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr eine stochastische Perturbation des EishĂ€rteparameters P* aus der Meereisrheologie von Hibler et al. [1979] entwickelt. Dabei handelt es sich beim ersten Ansatz um eine Störung ohne örtliche und zeitliche Korrelation. Des Weiteren wird ein nur zeitlich korrelierter und ein sowohl zeitlich als auch örtlich korrelierter Ansatz prĂ€sentiert. Sowohl der theoretische Hintergrund als auch die technische Umsetzung in dem gekoppelten Finite-Elemente Meereis-Ozean-Modell FESOM des Alfred-Wegener-Instituts in Bremerhaven werden in der Arbeit hergeleitet. Des Weiteren werden drei Transformationen zusammengetragen und angepasst, die fĂŒr die ÜberfĂŒhrung normalverteilter Zufallszahlen in einen notwendigerweise beschrĂ€nkten Wertebereich in dieser Arbeit genutzt werden können. Mit Hilfe eines Referenzlaufs von FESOM ohne stochastische Parametrisierung werden dann die Auswirkungen der drei AnsĂ€tze ausgewertet. Abschließend erfolgt ein Vergleich des zeitlich und örtlich korrelierten Ansatzes mit Messdaten der Meereisdicke und der Eiskonzentration in der Arktis. Die Auswertungen zeigen, dass trotz einer symmetrischen Perturbation des Parameters P* die Auswirkungen auf Eisvolmen und EisflĂ€che eine klare Tendenz aufweisen, die zur Zunahme des Volumens und zur Abnahme der FlĂ€che fĂŒhrt. Zudem treten lokal sehr ausgeprĂ€gte Änderungen in der Eisdickenverteilung und der Eiskonzentration in der Arktis auf. Die drei AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die stochastische Perturbation der Eisrheologie erweisen sich als fundierter und erfolgreicher Einstieg in die stochastische Parametrisierung bei einem gekoppelten Meereis-Ozean-Modell

    Influence of stochastic sea ice parametrization on climate and the role of atmosphere-sea ice-ocean interaction

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    The influence of a stochastic sea ice strength parametrization on the mean climate is investigated in a coupled atmosphere–sea ice–ocean model. The results are compared with an uncoupled simulation with a prescribed atmosphere. It is found that the stochastic sea ice parametrization causes an effective weakening of the sea ice. In the uncoupled model this leads to an Arctic sea ice volume increase of about 10–20% after an accumulation period of approximately 20–30 years. In the coupled model, no such increase is found. Rather, the stochastic perturbations lead to a spatial redistribution of the Arctic sea ice thickness field. A mechanism involving a slightly negative atmospheric feedback is proposed that can explain the different responses in the coupled and uncoupled system. Changes in integrated Antarctic sea ice quantities caused by the stochastic parametrization are generally small, as memory is lost during the melting season because of an almost complete loss of sea ice. However, stochastic sea ice perturbations affect regional sea ice characteristics in the Southern Hemisphere, both in the uncoupled and coupled model. Remote impacts of the stochastic sea ice parametrization on the mean climate of non-polar regions were found to be small

    Stochastic subgrid-scale ocean mixing: Impacts on low-frequency variability

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    In global ocean models, the representation of small-scale, high-frequency processes considerably influences the large-scale oceanic circulation and its low-frequency variability. This study investigates the impact of stochastic perturbation schemes based on three different subgrid-scale parameterizations in multidecadal ocean-only simulations with the ocean model NEMO at 1° resolution. The three parameterizations are an enhanced vertical diffusion scheme for unstable stratification, the Gent-McWilliams (GM) scheme, and a turbulent kinetic energy mixing scheme, all commonly used in state-of-the-art ocean models. The focus here is on changes in interannual variability caused by the comparatively high-frequency stochastic perturbations with subseasonal decorrelation time scales. These perturbations lead to significant improvements in the representation of low-frequency variability in the ocean, with the stochastic GM scheme showing the strongest impact. Interannual variability of the Southern Ocean eddy and Eulerian streamfunctions is increased by an order of magnitude and by 20%, respectively. Interannual sea surface height variability is increased by about 20%-25% as well, especially in the Southern Ocean and in the Kuroshio region, consistent with a strong underestimation of interannual variability in the model when compared to reanalysis and altimetry observations. These results suggest that enhancing subgrid-scale variability in ocean models can improve model variability and potentially its response to forcing on much longer time scales, while also providing an estimate of model uncertainty

    Stochastic subgrid-scale ocean mixing: Impacts on low-frequency variability

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    In global ocean models, the representation of small-scale, high-frequency processes considerably influences the large-scale oceanic circulation and its low-frequency variability. This study investigates the impact of stochastic perturbation schemes based on three different subgrid-scale parameterizations in multidecadal ocean-only simulations with the ocean model NEMO at 1° resolution. The three parameterizations are an enhanced vertical diffusion scheme for unstable stratification, the Gent-McWilliams (GM) scheme, and a turbulent kinetic energy mixing scheme, all commonly used in state-of-the-art ocean models. The focus here is on changes in interannual variability caused by the comparatively high-frequency stochastic perturbations with subseasonal decorrelation time scales. These perturbations lead to significant improvements in the representation of low-frequency variability in the ocean, with the stochastic GM scheme showing the strongest impact. Interannual variability of the Southern Ocean eddy and Eulerian streamfunctions is increased by an order of magnitude and by 20%, respectively. Interannual sea surface height variability is increased by about 20%-25% as well, especially in the Southern Ocean and in the Kuroshio region, consistent with a strong underestimation of interannual variability in the model when compared to reanalysis and altimetry observations. These results suggest that enhancing subgrid-scale variability in ocean models can improve model variability and potentially its response to forcing on much longer time scales, while also providing an estimate of model uncertainty

    Potential sea ice predictability and the role of stochastic sea ice strength perturbations

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    Ensemble experiments with a climate model are carried out in order to explore how incorporating a stochastic ice strength parameterization to account for model uncertainty affects estimates of potential sea ice predictability on time scales from days to seasons. The impact of this new parameterization depends strongly on the spatial scale, lead time and the hemisphere being considered: Whereas the representation of model uncertainty increases the ensemble spread of Arctic sea ice thickness predictions generated by atmospheric initial perturbations up to about 4 weeks into the forecast, rather small changes are found for longer lead times as well as integrated quantities such as total sea ice area. The regions where initial condition uncertainty generates spread in sea ice thickness on subseasonal time scales (primarily along the ice edge) differ from that of the stochastic sea ice strength parameterization (along the coast lines and in the interior of the Arctic). For the Antarctic the influence of the stochastic sea ice strength parameterization is much weaker due to the predominance of thinner first year ice. These results suggest that sea ice data assimilation and prediction on subseasonal time scales could benefit from taking model uncertainty into account, especially in the Arctic

    Seasonal to annual ocean forecasting skill and the role of model and observational uncertainty

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    Accurate forecasts of the ocean state and the estimation of forecast uncertainties are crucial when it comes to providing skilful seasonal predictions. In this study we analyse the predictive skill and reliability of the ocean component in a seasonal forecasting system. Furthermore, we assess the effects of accounting for model and observational uncertainties. Ensemble forcasts are carried out with an updated version of the ECMWF seasonal forecasting model System 4, with a forecast length of ten months, initialized every May between 1981 and 2010. We find that, for essential quantities such as sea surface temperature and upper ocean 300 m heat content, the ocean forecasts are generally underdispersive and skilful beyond the first month mainly in the Tropics and parts of the North Atlantic. The reference reanalysis used for the forecast evaluation considerably affects diagnostics of forecast skill and reliability, throughout the entire ten‐month forecasts but mostly during the first three months. Accounting for parametrization uncertainty by implementing stochastic parametrization perturbations has a positive impact on both reliability (from month 3 onwards) as well as forecast skill (from month 8 onwards). Skill improvements extend also to atmospheric variables such as 2 m temperature, mostly in the extratropical Pacific but also over the midlatitudes of the Americas. Hence, while model uncertainty impacts the skill of seasonal forecasts, observational uncertainty impacts our assessment of that skill. Future ocean model development should therefore aim not only to reduce model errors but to simultaneously assess and estimate uncertainties

    A Stochastic Representation of Subgrid Uncertainty for Dynamical Core Development

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    Numerical weather prediction and climate models comprise a) a dynamical core describing resolved parts of the climate system and b) parameterizations describing unresolved components. Development of new subgrid-scale parameterizations is particularly uncertain compared to representing resolved scales in the dynamical core. This uncertainty is currently represented by stochastic approaches in several operational weather models, which will inevitably percolate into the dynamical core. Hence, implementing dynamical cores with excessive numerical accuracy will not bring forecast gains, may even hinder them since valuable computer resources will be tied up doing insignificant computation, and therefore cannot be deployed for more useful gains, such as increasing model resolution or ensemble sizes. Here we describe a low-cost stochastic scheme that can be implemented in any existing deterministic dynamical core as an additive noise term. This scheme could be used to adjust accuracy in future dynamical core development work. We propose that such an additive stochastic noise test case should become a part of the routine testing and development of dynamical cores in a stochastic framework. The overall key point of the study is that we should not develop dynamical cores that are more precise than the level of uncertainty provided by our stochastic scheme. In this way, we present a new paradigm for dynamical core development work, ensuring that weather and climate models become more computationally efficient. We show some results based on tests done with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) dynamical core