137 research outputs found

    Rapid diagnosis of dengue viremia by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction using 3\u27-noncoding region universal primers

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    A reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method was developed as a rapid diagnostic test of dengue viremia. To detect dengue viruses in serum or plasma specimens, a pair of universal primers was designed for use in the RT-PCR. Using these primers, the 3\u27-noncoding region of dengue virus types 1, 2, 3, and 4 could be amplified, but not those of other flaviviruses, such as West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and yellow fever virus, or the alphavirus Sindbis virus. The sensitivity of the RT-PCR assay was similar to that of a quantitative fluorescent focus assay of dengue viruses in cell culture. Combining a silica method for RNA isolation and RT-PCR dengue virus could be detected in a 6-hr assay. In a preliminary study using this method, we detected dengue virus in 38 of 39 plasma specimens from which dengue virus had been isolated by mosquito inoculation. We then applied this method for detecting dengue viremia to 117 plasma samples from 62 children with acute febrile illnesses in a dengue-endemic area. We detected dengue viremia in 19 of 20 samples obtained on the day of presentation, which had been confirmed as acute dengue infection by mosquito inoculation and antibody responses. The overall sensitivity of this method was 91.4% (32 of 35; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 82.2-100%). The results from testing plasma samples from febrile nondengue patients showed a specificity of 95.4% (42 of 44; 95% CI = 89.3-100%)

    A Novel Hypothesis for Thalidomide-Induced Limb Teratogenesis: Redox Misregulation of the NF-κB Pathway

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    Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanisms of thalidomide teratogenesis, although none adequately accounts for the observed malformations and explains the basis for species specificity. Recent observations that thalidomide increases the production of free radicals and elicits oxidative stress, coupled with new insights into the redox regulation of nuclear transcription factors, lead to the suggestion that thalidomide may act through redox misregulation of the limb outgrowth pathways. Oxidative stress, as marked by glutathione depletion/oxidation and a shift in intracellular redox potential toward the positive, occurs preferentially in limbs of thalidomide-sensitive rabbits, but not in resistant rats. DNA binding of nuclear factor κ-B (NF-κB), a redox-sensitive transcription factor and key regulator of limb outgrowth, was shown to be significantly attenuated in rabbit limb cells and could be restored following the addition of a free radical spin-trapping agent, phenyl N-tert-butyl nitrone. The inability of NF-κB to bind to its DNA promoter results in the failure of limb cells to express fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-10 and twist in the limb progress zone (PZ) mesenchyme, which in turn attenuates expression of FGF-8 in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER). Failure to establish an FGF-10/FGF-8 feedback loop between the PZ and AER results in the truncation of limb outgrowth. We hypothesize that species-selective alterations in redox microenvironment caused by free radical production from thalidomide results in attenuation of the NF-κB-mediated gene expression that is responsible for limb outgrowth.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63400/1/152308604771978291.pd

    Challenges associated with vascular access through the common carotid artery during embalming procedures in humans: A technical note

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    Background: The teaching of anatomy is a key component in the training of physicians, and the foundation of this teaching is the human body, which must be properly prepared to be used as a teaching aid. Due to a lack of modern literature on this topic, we decided to write a technical note discussing access to the carotid artery. Materials and methods: We pre-qualified 43 donor bodies for the study. The bodies had to meet standards such as no signs of post-mortem decomposition, preservation of body integrity, and the absence of known infections. Carotid artery access was performed based on descriptions of the types of vascular access performed in surgery and our own observations. Results: We consider carotid artery access to be a convenient option due to its ease of location. When performed correctly and with attention to the surrounding structures, it is relatively low in tissue trauma, which translates into a higher quality of preparation. Data analysis has revealed several factors that can have a significant impact on the success of the embalming procedure. Conclusions: Proper execution of minimally invasive access to the common carotid artery minimizes tissue damage and ensures a high success rate of the procedure. Knowledge of the types of vascular access is essential for preparing the highest quality specimens

    Country-level and individual-level predictors of men's support for gender 20 equality in 42 countries

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    Men sometimes withdraw support for gender equality movements when their higher gender status is threatened. Here, we expand the focus of this phenomenon by examining it cross5 culturally, to test if both individual- and country-level variables predict men’s collective action intentions to support gender equality. We tested a model in which men’s zero-sum beliefs about gender predict reduced collective action intentions via an increase in hostile sexism. Because country-level gender equality may threaten men’s higher gender status, we also examined whether the path from zero-sum beliefs to collective action intentions was stronger in countries higher in gender equality. Multilevel modeling on 6,781 men from 42 countries supported the individual-level mediation model, but found no evidence of moderation by country-level gender equality. Both country-level gender equality and individual-level zero-sum thinking independently predicted reductions in men’s willingness to act collectively for gender equality

    Red Blood Cell Fatty Acid Patterns and Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND:Assessment of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk is typically based on a weighted combination of standard risk factors. We sought to determine the extent to which a lipidomic approach based on red blood cell fatty acid (RBC-FA) profiles could discriminate acute coronary syndrome (ACS) cases from controls, and to compare RBC-FA discrimination with that based on standard risk factors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:RBC-FA profiles were measured in 668 ACS cases and 680 age-, race- and gender-matched controls. Multivariable logistic regression models based on FA profiles (FA) and standard risk factors (SRF) were developed on a random 2/3(rds) derivation set and validated on the remaining 1/3(rd). The area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (c-statistics), misclassification rates, and model calibrations were used to evaluate the individual and combined models. The FA discriminated cases from controls better than the SRF (c = 0.85 vs. 0.77, p = 0.003) and the FA profile added significantly to the standard model (c = 0.88 vs. 0.77, p<0.0001). Hosmer-Lemeshow calibration was poor for the FA model alone (p = 0.01), but acceptable for both the SRF (p = 0.30) and combined models (p = 0.22). Misclassification rates were 23%, 29% and 20% for FA, the SRF, and the combined models, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:RBC-FA profiles contribute significantly to the discrimination of ACS cases, especially when combined with standard risk factors. The utility of FA patterns in risk prediction warrants further investigation

    Long-Distance Signals Are Required for Morphogenesis of the Regenerating Xenopus Tadpole Tail, as Shown by Femtosecond-Laser Ablation

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    tadpoles has recently emerged as an important model for these studies; we explored the role of the spinal cord during tadpole tail regeneration.Using ultrafast lasers to ablate cells, and Geometric Morphometrics to quantitatively analyze regenerate morphology, we explored the influence of different cell populations. For at least twenty-four hours after amputation (hpa), laser-induced damage to the dorsal midline affected the morphology of the regenerated tail; damage induced 48 hpa or later did not. Targeting different positions along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis caused different shape changes in the regenerate. Interestingly, damaging two positions affected regenerate morphology in a qualitatively different way than did damaging either position alone. Quantitative comparison of regenerate shapes provided strong evidence against a gradient and for the existence of position-specific morphogenetic information along the entire AP axis.We infer that there is a conduit of morphology-influencing information that requires a continuous dorsal midline, particularly an undamaged spinal cord. Contrary to expectation, this information is not in a gradient and it is not localized to the regeneration bud. We present a model of morphogenetic information flow from tissue undamaged by amputation and conclude that studies of information coming from far outside the amputation plane and regeneration bud will be critical for understanding regeneration and for translating fundamental understanding into biomedical approaches

    The Effect of Iron Limitation on the Transcriptome and Proteome of Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5

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    One of the most important micronutrients for bacterial growth is iron, whose bioavailability in soil is limited. Consequently, rhizospheric bacteria such as Pseudomonas fluorescens employ a range of mechanisms to acquire or compete for iron. We investigated the transcriptomic and proteomic effects of iron limitation on P. fluorescens Pf-5 by employing microarray and iTRAQ techniques, respectively. Analysis of this data revealed that genes encoding functions related to iron homeostasis, including pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis, a number of TonB-dependent receptor systems, as well as some inner-membrane transporters, were significantly up-regulated in response to iron limitation. Transcription of a ribosomal protein L36-encoding gene was also highly up-regulated during iron limitation. Certain genes or proteins involved in biosynthesis of secondary metabolites such as 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), orfamide A and pyrrolnitrin, as well as a chitinase, were over-expressed under iron-limited conditions. In contrast, we observed that expression of genes involved in hydrogen cyanide production and flagellar biosynthesis were down-regulated in an iron-depleted culture medium. Phenotypic tests revealed that Pf-5 had reduced swarming motility on semi-solid agar in response to iron limitation. Comparison of the transcriptomic data with the proteomic data suggested that iron acquisition is regulated at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels