3 research outputs found

    Application of computational methods in the assessment of the aeroelastic response of cable supported bridges

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    En este trabajo se muestra el potencial de los métodos computacionales para analizar la respuesta frente a la acción del viento de los puentes soportados por cables, y se evalúa su capacidad para sustituir a las campañas experimentales en túnel de viento, particularmente en las fases iniciales del diseño. Se ha tomado como caso de estudio el diseño preliminar propuesto para el proyecto real de un puente atirantado continuo con 2 vanos de 650 m y sección transversal en cajón. Así, se han evaluado numéricamente los coeficientes aerodinámicos de la sección transversal y se ha simulado la respuesta no estacionaria frente al desprendimiento de torbellinos utilizando software comercial de mecánica de fluidos computacional. Además, se ha analizado, mediante un código propio, la respuesta de la estructura frente a los fenómenos del flameo y el bataneo utilizando la metodología híbrida y adoptando valores de las funciones experimentales de flameo pertenecientes a una sección transversal de geometría similar. Los resultados computacionales obtenidos se han validado comparándolos con datos experimentales de puentes semejantes publicados por otros autores. Se ha comprobado que el conjunto de métodos adoptados ofrece resultados fiables con costes moderados, por lo que el planteamiento descrito es muy atractivo en la fase inicial del proyecto de puentes de gran vano o en trabajos de diseño conceptual.The possibilities of computational methods for assessing the response of cable supported bridges under wind action are considered in this work. The main objective is to study the possibilities of substituting wind tunnel campaigns by computer based analyses, particularly at the early design stage. The preliminary proposed design for a continuous cable-stayed bridge with two main spans of 650 m and a single box girder deck has been considered as a case study. The force coefficients of the deck cross-section have been computed and the unsteady response associated to vortex-shedding has been simulated using CFD commercial software. Furthermore, an in-house piece of software has been employed to obtain the response for flutter and buffeting phenomena adopting the hybrid approach; with that purpose the experimental flutter functions of a similar box girder deck were adopted. The computational results have been validated by comparison with similar experimental results published by other researchers. It has been verified that the set of adopted methods offers reliable results with moderate costs; therefore, the proposed approach is very suitable at the early design stage of long span bridges or at conceptual design works.Peer Reviewe

    Seguimiento de las guías españolas para el manejo del asma por el médico de atención primaria: un estudio observacional ambispectivo

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    Objetivo Evaluar el grado de seguimiento de las recomendaciones de las versiones de la Guía española para el manejo del asma (GEMA 2009 y 2015) y su repercusión en el control de la enfermedad. Material y métodos Estudio observacional y ambispectivo realizado entre septiembre del 2015 y abril del 2016, en el que participaron 314 médicos de atención primaria y 2.864 pacientes. Resultados Utilizando datos retrospectivos, 81 de los 314 médicos (25, 8% [IC del 95%, 21, 3 a 30, 9]) comunicaron seguir las recomendaciones de la GEMA 2009. Al inicio del estudio, 88 de los 314 médicos (28, 0% [IC del 95%, 23, 4 a 33, 2]) seguían las recomendaciones de la GEMA 2015. El tener un asma mal controlada (OR 0, 19, IC del 95%, 0, 13 a 0, 28) y presentar un asma persistente grave al inicio del estudio (OR 0, 20, IC del 95%, 0, 12 a 0, 34) se asociaron negativamente con tener un asma bien controlada al final del seguimiento. Por el contrario, el seguimiento de las recomendaciones de la GEMA 2015 se asoció de manera positiva con una mayor posibilidad de que el paciente tuviera un asma bien controlada al final del periodo de seguimiento (OR 1, 70, IC del 95%, 1, 40 a 2, 06). Conclusiones El escaso seguimiento de las guías clínicas para el manejo del asma constituye un problema común entre los médicos de atención primaria. Un seguimiento de estas guías se asocia con un control mejor del asma. Existe la necesidad de actuaciones que puedan mejorar el seguimiento por parte de los médicos de atención primaria de las guías para el manejo del asma. Objective: To assess the degree of compliance with the recommendations of the 2009 and 2015 versions of the Spanish guidelines for managing asthma (Guía Española para el Manejo del Asma [GEMA]) and the effect of this compliance on controlling the disease. Material and methods: We conducted an observational ambispective study between September 2015 and April 2016 in which 314 primary care physicians and 2864 patients participated. Results: Using retrospective data, we found that 81 of the 314 physicians (25.8%; 95% CI 21.3–30.9) stated that they complied with the GEMA2009 recommendations. At the start of the study, 88 of the 314 physicians (28.0%; 95% CI 23.4–33.2) complied with the GEMA2015 recommendations. Poorly controlled asthma (OR, 0.19; 95% CI 0.13–0.28) and persistent severe asthma at the start of the study (OR, 0.20; 95% CI 0.12–0.34) were negatively associated with having well-controlled asthma by the end of the follow-up. In contrast, compliance with the GEMA2015 recommendations was positively associated with a greater likelihood that the patient would have well-controlled asthma by the end of the follow-up (OR, 1.70; 95% CI 1.40–2.06). Conclusions: Low compliance with the clinical guidelines for managing asthma is a common problem among primary care physicians. Compliance with these guidelines is associated with better asthma control. Actions need to be taken to improve primary care physician compliance with the asthma management guidelines

    Application of computational methods in the assessment of the aeroelastic response of cable supported bridges

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    The possibilities of computational methods for assessing the response of cable supported bridges under wind action are considered in this work. The main objective is to study the possibilities of substituting wind tunnel campaigns by computer based analyses, particularly at the early design stage. The preliminary proposed design for a continuous cable-stayed bridge with two main spans of 650 m and a single box girder deck has been considered as a case study. The force coefficients of the deck cross-section have been computed and the unsteady response associated to vortex-shedding has been simulated using CFD commercial software. Furthermore, an in-house piece of software has been employed to obtain the response for flutter and buffeting phenomena adopting the hybrid approach, with that purpose the experimental flutter functions of a similar box girder deck were adopted. The computational results have been validated by comparison with similar experimental results published by other researchers. It has been verified that the set of adopted methods offers reliable results with moderate costs, therefore, the proposed approach is very suitable at the early design stage of long span bridges or at conceptual design works