374 research outputs found

    Gaseous emissions and toxic hazards associated with plastics in fire situations: A literature review

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    The hazards of plastics in fire situations, the gases emitted, the factors influencing the nature of these emissions, the characteristics of toxic gases, and the results of laboratory studies, are discussed. The literature pertaining to the pyrolysis and oxidation of plastics was reviewed. An effort was made to define the state of the art for determining the toxic gases emitted by plastics under fire conditions. Recommendations are made and research needs defined as a result of this review

    Toxic substances alert program

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    A toxicity profile is provided, of 187 toxic substances procured by NASA Lewis Research Center during a 3 1/2 year period, including 27 known or suspected carcinogens. The goal of the program is to assure that the center's health and safety personnel are aware of the procurement and use of toxic substances and to alert and inform the users of these materials as to the toxic characteristics and the control measures needed to ensure their safe use. The program also provides a continuing record of the toxic substances procured, who procured them, what other toxic substances the user has obtained in the past, and where similar materials have been used elsewhere at the center

    Magnetic Field induced Dimensional Crossover Phenomena in Cuprate Superconductors and their Implications

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    We discuss the occurrence of crossing points in the magnetization - temperature (m,T(m,T) plane within the framework of critical phenomena. It is shown that in a two-dimensional superconducting slab of thickness dsd_{s} mz(δ)m_{z}(\delta) versus temperature TT curves measured in different fields H=H(0,sin(δ),cos(δ))\mathbf{H} = H(0,\sin (\delta) ,\cos (\delta)) will cross at the critical temperature T_c of the slab. In contrast, in a 3D anisotropic bulk superconductor the crossing point occurs in the plot mz(δ)/Hz1/2m_{z}(\delta) /H_{z}^{1/2} versus TT. The experimental facts that 2D crossing point features have been observed in ceramics and in single crystals for H\mathbf{H} close to H=H(0,0,1)\mathbf{H} = H(0,0,1), but not for H=H(0,1,0)\mathbf{H} = H(0,1,0), is explained in terms of an angle-dependent crossover field separating the regions where 2D or 3D thermal fluctuations dominate. The measured 2D-crossing point data are used to estimate one of the fundamental parameters of cuprate superconductors, the minimum thickness of the slab (ds)(d_{s}), which remains superconducting. Our estimates, based on experimental 2D-crossing point data for single crystals, reveal that this length adopts material dependent values. Therefore, experimental data for T_c and λ2(T=0)\lambda_{\Vert}^{2}(T=0), plotted in terms of T_c versus 1/λ2(T=0)1/\lambda_{\Vert}^{2}(T=0) will not tend to a straight line with universal slope as the underdoped limit is approached. Implications for magnetic torque measurements are also worked out

    Critical dynamics, duality, and the exact dynamic exponent in extreme type II superconductors

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    The critical dynamics of superconductors is studied using renormalization group and duality arguments. We show that in extreme type II superconductors the dynamic critical exponent is given exactly by z=3/2z=3/2. This result does not rely on the widely used models of critical dynamics. Instead, it is shown that z=3/2z=3/2 follows from the duality between the extreme type II superconductor and a model with a critically fluctuating gauge field. Our result is in agreement with Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; version accepted for publication in PR

    Superconducting Diamagnetic Fluctuations in MgB2

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    The fluctuating diamagnetic magnetization Mfl at constant field H as a function of temperature and the isothermal magnetization Mfl vs H are measured in MgB2, above the superconducting transition temperature. The expressions for Mfl in randomly oriented powders are derived in the Gaussian approximation of local Ginzburg-Landau theory and used for the analysis of the data. The scaled magnetization Mfl/H^{1/2}*T is found to be field dependent. In the limit of evanescent field the behaviour for Gaussian fluctuations is obeyed while for H>~ 100 Oe the field tends to suppress the fluctuating pairs, with a field dependence of Mfl close to the one expected when short wavelength fluctuations and non-local electrodynamic effects are taken into account. Our data, besides providing the isothermal magnetization curves for T>Tc(0) in a BCS-type superconductor such as MgB2, evidence an enhancement of the fluctuating diamagnetism which is related to the occurrence in this new superconductor of an anisotropic spectrum of the superconducting fluctuations.Comment: Tex file, 4 pages, 3 ps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Specific heat of single crystal MgB_2: a two-band superconductor with two different anisotropies

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    Heat-capacity measurements of a 39 microgramm MgB_2 single crystal in fields up to 14 T and below 3 K allow the determination of the low-temperature linear term of the specific heat, its field dependence and its anisotropy. Our results are compatible with two-band superconductivity, the band carrying the small gap being isotropic, that carrying the large gap having an anisotropy of ~ 5. Three different upper critical fields are thus needed to describe the superconducting state of MgB2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures - V2: Bibliography updated and some typo corrected. One reference added - V3: version accepted for publication in PRL, changes made in the tex

    SO(5) superconductor in a Zeeman magnetic field: Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties

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    In this paper we present calculations of the SO(5) quantum rotor theory of high-Tc_{c} superconductivity in Zeeman magnetic field. We use the spherical approach for five-component quantum rotors in three-dimensional lattice to obtain formulas for critical lines, free energy, entropy and specific heat and present temperature dependences of these quantities for different values of magnetic field. Our results are in qualitative agreement with relevant experiments on high-Tc_{c} cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, see http://prb.aps.or

    Observation of Magnetic Flux Generated Spontaneously During a Rapid Quench of Superconducting Films

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    We report observations of spontaneous formation of magnetic flux lines during a rapid quench of YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7δ_{7-\delta} films through Tc_{c}. This effect is predicted according to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism of creation of topological defects of the order parameter during a symmetry-breaking phase transition. Our previous experiment, at a quench rate of 20K/sec, gave null results. In the present experiment, the quench rate was increased to \TEXTsymbol{>} 108^{8} K/sec. Within experimental resolution, the dependence of the measured flux on the cooling rate is consistent with the prediction

    Superconductivity mediated by a soft phonon mode: specific heat, resistivity, thermal expansion and magnetization of YB6

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    The superconductor YB6 has the second highest critical temperature Tc among the boride family MBn. We report measurements of the specific heat, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and thermal expansion from 2 to 300 K, using a single crystal with Tc = 7.2 K. The superconducting gap is characteristic of medium-strong coupling. The specific heat, resistivity and expansivity curves are deconvolved to yield approximations of the phonon density of states, the spectral electron-phonon scattering function and the phonon density of states weighted by the frequency-dependent Grueneisen parameter respectively. Lattice vibrations extend to high frequencies >100 meV, but a dominant Einstein-like mode at ~8 meV, associated with the vibrations of yttrium ions in oversized boron cages, appears to provide most of the superconducting coupling and gives rise to an unusual temperature behavior of several observable quantities. A surface critical field Hc3 is also observed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 tables, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.