7 research outputs found

    From symplectic cohomology to Lagrangian enumerative geometry

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    We build a bridge between Floer theory on open symplectic manifolds and the enumerative geometry of holomorphic disks inside their Fano compactifications, by detecting elements in symplectic cohomology which are mirror to Landau-Ginzburg potentials. We also treat the higher Maslov index versions of LG potentials. We discover a relation between higher disk potentials and symplectic cohomology rings of anticanonical divisor complements (themselves related to closed-string Gromov-Witten invariants), and explore several other applications to the geometry of Liouville domains.Comment: 47 pages, 13 figures; v2: reference fixes, minor correction

    Identification of the Microbiota in Carious Dentin Lesions Using 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing

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    <div><p>While mutans streptococci have long been assumed to be the specific pathogen responsible for human dental caries, the concept of a complex dental caries-associated microbiota has received significant attention in recent years. Molecular analyses revealed the complexity of the microbiota with the predominance of <i>Lactobacillus</i> and <i>Prevotella</i> in carious dentine lesions. However, characterization of the dentin caries-associated microbiota has not been extensively explored in different ethnicities and races. In the present study, the bacterial communities in the carious dentin of Japanese subjects were analyzed comprehensively with molecular approaches using the16S rRNA gene. Carious dentin lesion samples were collected from 32 subjects aged 4–76 years, and the 16S rRNA genes, amplified from the extracted DNA with universal primers, were sequenced with a pyrosequencer. The bacterial composition was classified into clusters I, II, and III according to the relative abundance (high, middle, low) of <i>Lactobacillus</i>. The bacterial composition in cluster II was composed of relatively high proportions of <i>Olsenella</i> and <i>Propionibacterium</i> or subdominated by heterogeneous genera. The bacterial communities in cluster III were characterized by the predominance of <i>Atopobium</i>, <i>Prevotella</i>, or <i>Propionibacterium</i> with <i>Streptococcus</i> or <i>Actinomyces</i>. Some samples in clusters II and III, mainly related to <i>Atopobium</i> and <i>Propionibacterium</i>, were novel combinations of microbiota in carious dentin lesions and may be characteristic of the Japanese population. Clone library analysis revealed that <i>Atopobium</i> sp. HOT-416 and <i>P. acidifaciens</i> were specific species associated with dentinal caries among these genera in a Japanese population. We summarized the bacterial composition of dentinal carious lesions in a Japanese population using next-generation sequencing and found typical Japanese types with <i>Atopobium</i> or <i>Propionibacterium</i> predominating.</p></div

    UniFrac analysis of the microbiota in carious dentin lesions.

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    <p>A. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) diagram based on weighted UniFrac distance showing the similarity relationships among the 44 carious dentin samples collected from 32 subjects. These two components explained 71.1% of the variance. Multiple samples collected from the same caries region are plotted in the same shape and color. Single samples are plotted as a gray cross (×). B. Weighted UniFrac distances between samples collected from the same caries region (the same teeth) and those between samples collected from the deepest layer of dental caries regions of different subjects (different teeth). ***<i>P</i><0.001, Student’s t-test.</p

    Bacterial species identified in 3 carious dentin samples of Cluster I.

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    a<p>Sequences with no hits (<98% identity) in Human Oral Microbiome Database were further compared against database Nucleotide collection database (nr/nt) of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.</p

    General condition of the 32 patients and details of dental caries regions.

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    a<p>The tooth position was described based on two-digit tooth numbering system defined by World Dental Federation (FDI).</p>b<p>Large carious dentin samples were divided according to depth, placed into two or three different tubes.</p

    Relative abundance distribution of the bacterial genera in the 32 samples collected from the deepest layer of each region.

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    <p>Only 11 bacterial genera for which mean relative abundance exceeded 1% of total reads are described. Hierarchical cluster analysis using Euclidean distance and Ward’s method classified them into three clusters, according to the relative abundance of Lactobacillus: High-Lactobacillus group (cluster I), Mid-Lactobacillus group (cluster II) and Low-Lactobacillus group (cluster III). Age, gender of each subject, and deciduous or permanent tooth are indicated on the right side of the heatmap.</p