16 research outputs found

    A Problem of Finite-Horizon Optimal Switching and Stochastic Control for Utility Maximization

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    In this paper, we undertake an investigation into the utility maximization problem faced by an economic agent who possesses the option to switch jobs, within a scenario featuring the presence of a mandatory retirement date. The agent needs to consider not only optimal consumption and investment but also the decision regarding optimal job-switching. Therefore, the utility maximization encompasses features of both optimal switching and stochastic control within a finite horizon. To address this challenge, we employ a dual-martingale approach to derive the dual problem defined as a finite-horizon pure optimal switching problem. By applying a theory of the double obstacle problem with non-standard arguments, we examine the analytical properties of the system of parabolic variational inequalities arising from the optimal switching problem, including those of its two free boundaries. Based on these analytical properties, we establish a duality theorem and characterize the optimal job-switching strategy in terms of time-varying wealth boundaries. Furthermore, we derive integral equation representations satisfied by the optimal strategies and provide numerical results based on these representations.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figure

    An Integral Equation Approach to the Irreversible Investment Problem with a Finite Horizon

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    This paper studies an irreversible investment problem under a finite horizon. The firm expands its production capacity in irreversible investments by purchasing capital to increase productivity. This problem is a singular stochastic control problem and its associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation is derived. By using a Mellin transform, we obtain the integral equation satisfied by the free boundary of this investment problem. Furthermore, we solve the integral equation numerically using the recursive integration method and present the graph for the free boundary

    Power Exchange Option with a Hybrid Credit Risk under Jump-Diffusion Model

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    In this paper, we study the valuation of power exchange options with a correlated hybrid credit risk when the underlying assets follow the jump-diffusion processes. The hybrid credit risk model is constructed using two credit risk models (the reduced-form model and the structural model), and the jump-diffusion processes are proposed based on the assumptions of Merton. We assume that the dynamics of underlying assets have correlated continuous terms as well as idiosyncratic and common jump terms. Under the proposed model, we derive the explicit pricing formula of the power exchange option using the measure change technique with multidimensional Girsanov’s theorem. Finally, the formula is presented as the normal cumulative functions and the infinite sums

    Power Exchange Option with a Hybrid Credit Risk under Jump-Diffusion Model

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    In this paper, we study the valuation of power exchange options with a correlated hybrid credit risk when the underlying assets follow the jump-diffusion processes. The hybrid credit risk model is constructed using two credit risk models (the reduced-form model and the structural model), and the jump-diffusion processes are proposed based on the assumptions of Merton. We assume that the dynamics of underlying assets have correlated continuous terms as well as idiosyncratic and common jump terms. Under the proposed model, we derive the explicit pricing formula of the power exchange option using the measure change technique with multidimensional Girsanov’s theorem. Finally, the formula is presented as the normal cumulative functions and the infinite sums


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    Jeon J, Oh J. VALUATION OF AMERICAN STRANGLE OPTION: VARIATIONAL INEQUALITY APPROACH. DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B. 2019;24(2):755-781.In this paper, we investigate a parabolic variational inequality problem associated with the American strangle option pricing. We obtain the existence and uniqueness of W-p,loc(2,1) solution to the problem. Also, we analyze the smoothness and monotonicity of two free boundaries. Finally, numerical results of the model based on this problem are described and used to show the boundary properties and the price behavior

    Analytic Valuation Formula for American Strangle Option in the Mean-Reversion Environment

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    This paper investigates the American strangle option in a mean-reversion environment. When the underlying asset follows a mean-reverting lognormal process, an analytic pricing formula for an American strangle option is explicitly provided. To present the pricing formula, we consider the partial differential equation (PDE) for American strangle options with two optimal stopping boundaries and use Mellin transform techniques to derive the integral equation representation formula arising from the PDE. A Monte Carlo simulation is used as a benchmark to validate the formula’s accuracy and efficiency. In addition, the numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effects of the mean-reversion on option prices and the characteristics of options with respect to several significant parameters

    Variational inequality arising from variable annuity with mean reversion environment

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    Abstract In this paper, we study a variational inequality arising from variable annuity (VA) to find the optimal surrender strategy for a VA investor when the underlying asset follows a mean reverting process. We formulate the problem as a free boundary partial differential equation (PDE) to obtain the optimal strategy. The PDE is solved analytically by the Mellin transform approach. Using the Mellin transform, we derive the integral equations for the value of the VA and the optimal surrender boundary. Since the solutions are obtained as the integral equations, we use the recursive integration method to determine the optimal surrender strategy. Finally, we provide the optimal surrender boundaries and values of VA with respect to some significant parameters to show the impacts of mean reversion

    Pricing of Fixed-Strike Lookback Options on Assets with Default Risk

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    In over-the-counter markets, many options on defaultable instruments are influenced by default risks emanating from the possibility that the option writer may not fulfill its contractual obligations. In this paper, we investigate the valuation of fixed-strike lookback options based on the issuer’s credit risk. Using double Mellin transforms and the method of images, we have a closed-form solution to fixed-strike lookback options with a default risk. Furthermore, we analyze the values of the vulnerable fixed-strike lookback options with respect to the model parameters and also show that the Monte Carlo simulations and the Implicit Finite Difference Method converge to the closed-form solutions and this verifies the correctness of our formulas