3 research outputs found

    A municipalização portuária em Itajaí e a redefinição das relações entre cidade e porto

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    The crisis of fordism at the end of the last century undermines the strategies and classic mechanisms for the management of material and immaterial flows produced in an increasingly globalized economy. Some authors consider that this could be the emergence of a period dominated by the logistics and integrated management of the production process – where productivity is more closely linked to the ability of organization, coordination and interaction among the various segments and actors, promoting what Veltz (1999) called “competitiveness through differentiation” – rather than the logics of the transports and segmented production of Taylorism type. Based on this scenario, new prospects of integration into world economy are drawn from various strategies of the more economically competitive regions and the others. The global economic space acquires a new configuration and redefines the contours of the international territorial division of labour. Under these transformations, territorial disputes occur in all geographic scales to “capture” the investments and flows of globalization. In this context, the city-ports becomes a economic space with great potential for organizing the world economy. They are positioned as strategic nodes in the economy-networks that attract/articulate the material and immaterial flows that multiply in contemporary capitalism. Thus, based on a systemic and territorial approach, we intend to analyze the productive dimension of the relation between city and port that is configured in the city of Itajaí, Santa Catarina, from the municipalization of the port in mid 1990s. In addition to its pioneering use of the regulatory device that allows the transfer of responsibility for administration of the ports of the Union for municipalities; Itajaí also figures as a unique case of integrated management between city and port. This experience allows the constitution of a port tertiary in the region and increases its competitiveness in the global marine system port

    Ferramenta SIG de cálculo de estimativa populacional para o planejamento urbano na cidade do Rio de Janeiro

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    One of the biggest challenges in managing big cities is to have complete and trustful information about it. In this area, the Geoprocessing Office of Pereira Passos Institute, a Rio de Janeiros City Hall Autarchy, develops web applications to allow public managers and the overall public a better knowledge of the city characteristics. This paper describes the development and show the results of one of these web apps, one that is intended to do estimative calculations of inhabitants per area of the city, using as input a user provided zone. The ArGis software package was used to develop this tool, from the creation of the dataset it reads, a population per pixel raster, to the publication of the map and geoprocessing services. The biggest challenge faced by the team was the creation of the population per pixel raster, to which was used as input the polygons of the census tracts of the last census research made in Brazil, form 2010. The results show a good quality on the estimative calculation, proved by tests that are shown during the full text. At this day the web app is available at Pereira Passos Institute website for sharing city information, known as Armazém de Dados (Data Warehouse), and can be used by anyone with an internet access.Pages: 4746-475