2 research outputs found

    Penetapan Kadar Besi (Fe) Total Dalam Susu Formula Dengan Menggunakan Metode Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometry

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    Atomic absorption spectrophotometry can be used to determine iron in milk by wet ashing destruction method at wave length 248.3 nm. There research is aimed to know iron in formula milk it is based on the label and validation of the analytical method. According to validation is linearity test, precision test, accurate test, limit of detection and limit of quantitation. Linearity test showed with correlation (r) 0.998 (> 0.878 r table). Toll precision test with Standard Deviation (SD) 0.012%, Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) 1.835% and detection tool 98.165 %. The sample A of Accurate test with recovery 91.317% (standard 80 – 120 %) dan systematic error 8.683 %. Limited of detection according to the research is much 1.75 ppm, this valid method. At this iron research, it has been got different with the label. The compare result is smaller than label. Key words : iron, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, milk

    Penerapan Dam Lp (Lepas Pantai) Menuju Indonesia Bebas Banjir Rob, Pembangkit Energi Alternatif dan Penyedia Air Tawar Bagi Kawasan Daerah Pesisir Indonesia

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    With the increasing volume of sea water due to global climate change in the coastal area is very prone to rob (flood). Indonesian mainland will automatically narrowed since eroded by sea water which swept the coast. Construction of a structure to prevent it are necessary. So dam offshore is the right solution to reduce the problem of marine activities which lead to the reduction of the Indonesian mainland. In addition this structure also has a variety of functions, among others, is a provider of fresh water and alternative energy generation for coastal communities. Application of offshore dam would improve the welfare of people, especially in the coastal areas of Indonesia