30 research outputs found

    Good Corporate Governance and Predicting Financial Distress Using Logistic and Probit Regression Model

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    The study aims to prove whether good corporate governance (GCG) is able to predict the probability of companies experiencing financial difficulties. Financial ratios that traditionally used for predicting bankruptcy remains used in this study. Besides, this study also compares logit and probit regression models, which are widely used in research related accounting bankruptcy prediction. Both models will be compared to determine which model is more superior. The sample in this study is the infrastructure, transportation, utilities & trade, services and hotels companies experiencing financial distress in the period 2008-2011. The results show that GCG and other three variables control i.e DTA, CR and company category do not prove significantly to predict the probability of companies experiencing financial difficulties. NPM, the only variable that proved significantly distinguishing healthy firms and distress. In general, logit and probit models do not result in different conclusions. Both of the models confirm the goodness of fit of models and the results of hypothesis testing. In terms of classification accuracy, logit model proves more accurate predictions than the probit models

    Profesi Akuntan Merespon Dampak Memburuknya Kondisi Ekonomi

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    The economic crisis has already generated some audit risks. Audit practices become more complex. Going concern issues, litigation toward accounting profession, changes in laws and regulations affecting the profession have created the risk environment. Accounting profession responses such changes by managing them properly. Two approaches that are used to mitigate such risks are the comprehensive approach, and the appropriate policies and procedures approach. Moreover Indonesian Accountant Association as a Standard Board Authority has issued some PSAK (Indonesian GAAP) and SPAP (Indonesian GAAS) to provide the guidance for implementing audit engagement in the risk environment

    Perkembangan Topik Penelitian Eskalasi Komitmen Dan De-eskalasi Komitmen

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    This article portrays the development of research topic related to escalation and de-escalation commitment for nearly 36 years since the fenomenal research in escalation commitment pioneered by Staw (1976). The research has also become the main reference in several subsequent studies related to escalation commitment. Through the mapping of a number of studies on escalation and de-escalation is expected to provide the researh status to date and some venues for the future research

    Mana Yang Lebih Memiliki Value-relevant: Net Income Atau Cash Flows (Studi Terhadap Siklus Hidup Organisasi)

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    This research is aimed to examine the relative value-relevant of net income and cash flow measures in different life cycle stages. Corporate life cycle consists of four stages: start up, growth, mature, and decline stage. Firms in different life cycle stages have different characteristics, and therefore in each life cycle stages the usefulness of accounting measures also different. Net incomes are predicted to be more value relevant in mature stages, while cash flows are expected to be more value relevant in stages characterized by start up, growth, and decline stages. The results prove that in the growth stage, the analysis supports the hypothesis that cash flows are more value relevant than net income. However, in the mature stage, the analysis results reject the hypothesis. This research do not analyze for the start up stage and decline stage, because of the limitation of the sample data

    Hubungan Karakteristik Informasi Yang Dihasilkan Oleh Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial Pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Manufaktur Di Jawa Timur

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    Only limited empirical evidence has confirmed the relationship of information resulted by management information systems and the management performance. One of the previous research indicated that the information with certain characteristic leads to improve performance (Nazaruddin 1998). Based on the previous research finding, this study is intended to examine the relationship between the characteristic of information and the managerial\u27s performance. Indicators to measure the characteristic of information consist of broadscope, aggregation, integration and timeliness, while performance of management represented by the capability of manager in making planning, in achieving target, and in playing their role outside of the company. This research results revealed that in general there is a correlation between the characteristic of information consists of broadscope, aggregation, integration and timeliness and the performance of manager, eventhough the degree of correlation vary depend on the management need in achieving their performance

    Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance, Voluntary Disclosure Terhadap Biaya Hutang (Costs of Debt)

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    This study is aimed to investigate the influences of good corporate governance and voluntary disclosure conducted by a company on its costs of debt.. Good corporate governance would be estimated by using the proportion of independent commissionare; managerial ownership; institutional ownership; and audit quality. Voluntary disclosure would however be calculated based on the scoring method of some selected criterias. The study also includes debt equity ratio and firm size as controlled variables in its estimated model. The result proves that institutional ownership and quality audit negative-significantly affect the companies' costs of debt. In contrast the other variables as well as the both controlled variables do not contribute to the to costs of debt

    Pengaruh Tingkat Disclosure Terhadap Biaya Ekuitas

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of disclodure level to cost of equity and the significancy of the influence to companies with bluechips and nonbluechips stock. Thirty listed companies in Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) selected based on certain criteria were used as research sample. Data are collected from documentation of financial statements and are analyzed by using statistical tool i.e. multiple regression. This research indicate that there is significant influence of disclosure level to cost of equity. However, this research cannot prove that there is a significant different of the influence of disclosure level to cost of equity to the companies with bluechips and nonbluechips stocks

    Analisa Faktor-faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Perataan Laba (Income Smoothing) Pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Go Public

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    The objective of this research is to identify factors which have an influence on income smoothing. This research involved 54 listed companies in Surabaya Stock Exchange during 6 years from 1994 until 2001 which excluded the data of 1997 and 1998. The results of univariate test in H01 indicated that there is no significant difference of company size and industrial sector between smoothing and non-smoothing company, while profitability proved to have significant difference between smoothing and non-smoothing company. However, the result of univariate test was not supported by the result of multivariate test in H02 which indicated that company size, profitability, and company industrial sector did not prove to have an influence on income smoothing

    Risk Factors for Incidence of Measles in the Hamlet Wandu Salubomba Village Work Area Health Center Donggala

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    Measles in Health Center Donggala increase from year 2014 - 2015 ie from 3 cases to 31 cases precisely in Hamlet Village Wandu Salubomba with incidence rate of 27.6%. Measles immunization coverage per year is not the UCI (<85%) and there are still many people who do not understand about balanced nutrition in the family as well as 35% of the villagers Salubomba children are in the age group 0-15 years were estimated susceptible to measles. These conditions allow a risk factor for the incidence of measles in the hamlet village Wandu Salubomba ie age, immunization status and nutritional status. This study aims to determine risk factors for incidence of measles in the hamlet Wandu Salubomba Village Health Center Donggala. Research is a kind of case control analytic approach that is by comparing the case group and the control group. The sample in this study is total cases: 31 patients and 31 children as controls. The results showed that age, immunization status and nutritional status is a risk factor incidence of measles with OR = 2.07 (CI = 0.17 to 24.0), OR 3.38 (CI = 1.18 to 9.7) and OR = 3.81 (CI = 1.33 - 10.9). This study suggested that Health Center should conduct more thorough counseling and continuing the Hamlet Village Wandu Salubomba particular and the whole society in Puskesmas Donggala in general in order to increase knowledge about measle