141 research outputs found

    Robust Tests in Genome-Wide Scans under Incomplete Linkage Disequilibrium

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    Under complete linkage disequilibrium (LD), robust tests often have greater power than Pearson's chi-square test and trend tests for the analysis of case-control genetic association studies. Robust statistics have been used in candidate-gene and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) when the genetic model is unknown. We consider here a more general incomplete LD model, and examine the impact of penetrances at the marker locus when the genetic models are defined at the disease locus. Robust statistics are then reviewed and their efficiency and robustness are compared through simulations in GWAS of 300,000 markers under the incomplete LD model. Applications of several robust tests to the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium [Nature 447 (2007) 661--678] are presented.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-STS314 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Robust trend tests for genetic association in case-control studies using family data

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    We studied a trend test for genetic association between disease and the number of risk alleles using case-control data. When the data are sampled from families, this trend test can be adjusted to take into account the correlations among family members in complex pedigrees. However, the test depends on the scores based on the underlying genetic model and thus it may have substantial loss of power when the model is misspecified. Since the mode of inheritance will be unknown for complex diseases, we have developed two robust trend tests for case-control studies using family data. These robust tests have relatively good power for a class of possible genetic models. The trend tests and robust trend tests were applied to a dataset of Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism

    A new family-based association test via a least-squares method

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    To test the association between a dichotomous phenotype and genetic marker based on family data, we propose a least-squares method using the vector of phenotypes and their cross products within each family. This new approach allows covariate adjustment and is numerically much simpler to implement compared to likelihood- based methods. The new approach is asymptotically equivalent to the generalized estimating equation approach with a diagonal working covariance matrix, thus avoiding some difficulties with the working covariance matrix reported previously in the literature. When applied to the data from Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism, this new method shows a significant association between the marker rs1037475 and alcoholism

    Selection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in disease association data

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    We studied several methods for selecting single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a disease association study. Two major categories for analytical strategy are the univariate and the set selection approaches. The univariate approach evaluates each SNP marker one at a time, while the set selection approach tests disease association of a set of SNP markers simultaneously. We examined various test statistics that can be utilized in testing disease association and also reviewed several multiple testing procedures that can properly control the family-wise error rates when the univariate approach is applied to multiple markers. The set association methods were then briefly reviewed. Finally, we applied these methods to the data from Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA)

    Interleukin-10 Polymorphisms in Association with Prognosis in Patients with B-Cell Lymphoma Treated by R-CHOP

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    Interleukin-10 (IL10) plays an important role in initiating and maintaining an appropriate immune response to non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Previous studies have revealed that the transcription of IL10 mRNA and its protein expression may be infl uenced by several single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter and intron regions, including rs1800896, rs1800871, and rs1800872. However, the impact of polymorphisms of the IL10 gene on NHL prognosis has not been fully elucidated. Here, we investigated the association between IL10 polymorphisms and NHL prognosis. This study involved 112 NHL patients treated at the National Cancer Center, Korea. The median age was 57 years, and 70 patients (62.5%) were men. Clinical characteristics, including age, performance status, stage, and extra-nodal involvement, as well as cell lineage and International Prognostic Index (IPI), were evaluated. A total of four polymorphisms in IL10 with heterozygous alleles were analyzed for hazard ratios of overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) using Cox proportional hazards regression analysis. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was the most common histologic type (n = 83), followed by T-cell lymphoma (n = 18), mantle cell lymphoma (n = 6), and others (n = 5). Cell lineage, IPI, and extra-nodal involvement were predictors of prognosis. In the additive genetic model results for each IL10 polymorphism, the rs1800871 and rs1800872 polymorphisms represented a marginal association with OS (p = 0.09 and p = 0.06) and PFS (p = 0.05 and p = 0.08) in B-cell lymphoma patients treated with rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CHOP). These findings suggest that IL10 polymorphisms might be prognostic indicators for patients with B-cell NHL treated with R-CHOP

    Time course analysis of gene expression identifies multiple genes with differential expression in patients with in-stent restenosis

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    Abstract Background The vascular disease in-stent restenosis (ISR) is characterized by formation of neointima and adverse inward remodeling of the artery after injury by coronary stent implantation. We hypothesized that the analysis of gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) would demonstrate differences in transcript expression between individuals who develop ISR and those who do not. Methods and Results We determined and investigated PBMC gene expression of 358 patients undergoing an index procedure to treat in de novo coronary artery lesions with bare metallic stents, using a novel time-varying intercept model to optimally assess the time course of gene expression across a time course of blood samples. Validation analyses were conducted in an independent sample of 97 patients with similar time-course blood sampling and gene expression data. We identified 47 probesets with differential expression, of which 36 were validated upon independent replication testing. The genes identified have varied functions, including some related to cellular growth and metabolism, such as the NAB2 and LAMP genes. Conclusions In a study of patients undergoing bare metallic stent implantation, we have identified and replicated differential gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, studied across a time series of blood samples. The genes identified suggest alterations in cellular growth and metabolism pathways, and these results provide the basis for further specific functional hypothesis generation and testing of the mechanisms of ISR.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112500/1/12920_2010_Article_214.pd

    Le teorie sociologiche sulla comunicazione di massa. Dieci lezioni

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    La communication research ha oramai guadagnato una propria autonomia scientifica e accademica, sostenuta dal riconoscimento della qualità e rilevanza sociale e culturale dell’oggetto di studio. Le comunicazioni di massa sono una realtà affluente della nuova era antropologica, che si manifesta in molteplici aspetti che incidono sulla riproduzione simbolica e materiale dei sistemi sociali. Di fronte all’emergenza di un fenomeno pervasivo e pluriforme, da circa un secolo, gli studiosi si pongono il problema di come darne conto in maniera adeguata. Il libro ricostruisce lo sviluppo dei differenti paradigmi che si sono affermati nel corso del Novecento, orientando i modelli teorici e le attività di ricerca sui media. INDICE 11 - Prefazione. Ciò che è vivo e ciò che è morto nella teoria della comunicazione del Novecento. Per una storiografia della teoria, i principali modelli e le principali scuole di Michele Infante; 31 - Introduzione; 37 - Capitolo I. Le prime riflessioni sugli effetti dei mass media; 63 - Capitolo II. La scoperta delle variabili intervenienti; 85 - Capitolo III. Le reti sociali e il “flusso a due fasi”; 121 - Capitolo IV. L’approccio degli usi e delle gratificazioni; 141 - Capitolo V. La teoria critica vs. l’industria culturale; 171 - Capitolo VI. I Cultural Studies; 197 - Capitolo VII. La teoria dell’agenda setting; 227 - Capitolo VIII. La teoria della spirale del silenzio; 239 - Capitolo IX. La teoria della coltivazione; 257 - Capitolo X. La teoria della dipendenza; 273 - Bibliografia
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