304 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of ferroelectric domain imaging with piezoresponse force microscopy

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    The contrast mechanism for ferroelectric domain imaging via piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) is investigated. A novel analysis of PFM measurements is presented which takes into account the background caused by the experimental setup. This allows, for the first time, a quantitative, frequency independent analysis of the domain contrast which is in good agreement with the expected values for the piezoelectric deformation of the sample and satisfies the generally required features of PFM imaging

    Crosstalk Correction in Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Commercial atomic force microscopes usually use a four-segmented photodiode to detect the motion of the cantilever via laser beam deflection. This read-out technique enables to measure bending and torsion of the cantilever separately. A slight angle between the orientation of the photodiode and the plane of the readout beam, however, causes false signals in both readout channels, so-called crosstalk, that may lead to misinterpretation of the acquired data. We demonstrate this fault with images recorded in contact mode on ferroelectric crystals and present an electronic circuit to compensate for it, thereby enabling crosstalk-free imaging

    Impact of Electrostatic Forces in Contact Mode Scanning Force Microscopy

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    In this \ll contribution we address the question to what extent surface charges affect contact-mode scanning force microscopy measurements. % We therefore designed samples where we could generate localized electric field distributions near the surface as and when required. % We performed a series of experiments where we varied the load of the tip, the stiffness of the cantilever and the hardness of the sample surface. % It turned out that only for soft cantilevers could an electrostatic interaction between tip and surface charges be detected, irrespective of the surface properties, i.\,e. basically regardless its hardness. % We explain these results through a model based on the alteration of the tip-sample potential by the additional electric field between charged tip and surface charges

    Sol-Gel Derived Ferroelectric Nanoparticles Investigated by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

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    Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) was used to investigate the ferroelectric properties of sol-gel derived LiNbO3_3 nanoparticles. To determine the degree of ferroelectricity we took large-area images and performed statistical image-analysis. The ferroelectric behavior of single nanoparticles was verified by poling experiments using the PFM tip. Finally we carried out simultaneous measurements of the in-plane and the out-of-plane piezoresponse of the nanoparticles, followed by measurements of the same area after rotation of the sample by 90^{\circ} and 180^{\circ}. Such measurements basically allow to determine the direction of polarization of every single particle

    Contrast Mechanisms for the Detection of Ferroelectric Domains with Scanning Force Microscopy

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    We present a full analysis of the contrast mechanisms for the detection of ferroelectric domains on all faces of bulk single crystals using scanning force microscopy exemplified on hexagonally poled lithium niobate. The domain contrast can be attributed to three different mechanisms: i) the thickness change of the sample due to an out-of-plane piezoelectric response (standard piezoresponse force microscopy), ii) the lateral displacement of the sample surface due to an in-plane piezoresponse, and iii) the electrostatic tip-sample interaction at the domain boundaries caused by surface charges on the crystallographic y- and z-faces. A careful analysis of the movement of the cantilever with respect to its orientation relative to the crystallographic axes of the sample allows a clear attribution of the observed domain contrast to the driving forces respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Precision nanoscale domain engineering of lithium niobate via UV laser induced inhibition of poling

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    Continuous wave ultraviolet (UV) laser irradiation at lambda=244 nm on the +z face of undoped and MgO doped congruent lithium niobate single crystals has been observed to inhibit ferroelectric domain inversion. The inhibition occurs directly beneath the illuminated regions, in a depth greater than 100 nm during subsequent electric field poling of the crystal. Domain inhibition was confirmed by both differential domain etching and piezoresponse force microscopy. This effect allows the formation of arbitrarily shaped domains in lithium niobate and forms the basis of a high spatial resolution micro-structuring approach when followed by chemical etching

    Impact of the tip radius on the lateral resolution in piezoresponse force microscopy

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    We present a quantitative investigation of the impact of tip radius as well as sample type and thickness on the lateral resolution in piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) investigating bulk single crystals. The observed linear dependence of the width of the domain wall on the tip radius as well as the independence of the lateral resolution on the specific crystal-type are validated by a simple theoretical model. Using a Ti-Pt-coated tip with a nominal radius of 15 nm the so far highest lateral resolution in bulk crystals of only 17 nm was obtained

    Nanoscale surface domain formation on the +z face of lithium niobate by pulsed UV laser illumination

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    Single-crystal congruent lithium niobate samples have been illuminated on the +z crystal face by pulsed ultraviolet laser wavelengths below (248 nm) and around (298-329 nm) the absorption edge. Following exposure, etching with hydrofluoric acid reveals highly regular precise domain-like features of widths ~150-300 nm, exhibiting distinct three-fold symmetry. Examination of illuminated unetched areas by scanning force microscopy shows a corresponding contrast in piezoelectric response. These observations indicate the formation of nanoscale ferroelectric surface domains, whose depth has been measured via focused ion beam milling to be ~2 micron. We envisage this direct optical poling technique as a viable route to precision domain-engineered structures for waveguide and other surface applications