117 research outputs found

    Large-Field Inflation with Multiple Axions and the Weak Gravity Conjecture

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    In this note, we discuss the implications of the weak gravity conjecture (WGC) for general models of large-field inflation with a large number of axions NN. We first show that, from the bottom-up perspective, such models admit a variety of different regimes for the enhancement of the effective axion decay constant, depending on the amount of alignment and the number of instanton terms that contribute to the scalar potential. This includes regimes of no enhancement, power-law enhancement and exponential enhancement with respect to NN. As special cases, we recover the Pythagorean enhancement of NN-flation, the NN and N3/2N^{3/2} enhancements derived by Bachlechner, Long and McAllister and the exponential enhancement by Choi, Kim and Yun. We then analyze which top-down constraints are put on such models from the requirement of consistency with quantum gravity. In particular, the WGC appears to imply that the enhancement of the effective axion decay constant must not grow parametrically with NN for N≫1N \gg 1. On the other hand, recent works proposed that axions might be able to violate this bound under certain circumstances. Our general expression for the enhancement allows us to translate this possibility into a condition on the number of instantons that couple to the axions. We argue that, at large NN, models consistent with quantum gravity must either allow super-Planckian field excursions or have an enormous, possibly even exponentially large, number of dominant instanton terms in the scalar potential.Comment: 30+8 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. v2: several remarks and references added, version to appear in JHE

    Weakly Coupled de Sitter Vacua with Fluxes and the Swampland

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    It was recently argued that the swampland distance conjecture rules out dS vacua at parametrically large field distances. We point out that this conclusion can in principle be avoided in the presence of large fluxes that are not bounded by a tadpole cancellation condition. We then study this possibility in the concrete setting of classical type IIA flux compactifications with (anti-)O6-planes, (anti-)D6-branes and/or KK monopoles and show that, nonetheless, parametrically controlled dS vacua are strongly constrained. In particular, we find that such dS vacua are ruled out at parametrically large volume and/or parametrically small string coupling. We also find obstructions in the general case where the parametrically large field is an arbitrary field combination.Comment: 27 pages. v2: references added, improved discussion in section 3.2. v3: minor changes, JHEP versio

    Curvature-induced Resolution of Anti-brane Singularities

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    We study AdS7_7 vacua of massive type IIA string theory compactified on a 3-sphere with H3H_3 flux and anti-D6-branes. In such backgrounds, the anti-brane backreaction is known to generate a singularity in the H3H_3 energy density, whose interpretation has not been understood so far. We first consider supersymmetric solutions of this setup and give an analytic proof that the flux singularity is resolved there by a polarization of the anti-D6-branes into a D8-brane, which wraps a finite 2-sphere inside of the compact space. To this end, we compute the potential for a spherical probe D8-brane on top of a background with backreacting anti-D6-branes and show that it has a local maximum at zero radius and a local minimum at a finite radius of the 2-sphere. The polarization is triggered by a term in the potential due to the AdS curvature and does therefore not occur in non-compact setups where the 7d external spacetime is Minkowski. We furthermore find numerical evidence for the existence of non-supersymmetric solutions in our setup. This is supported by the observation that the general solution to the equations of motion has a continuous parameter that is suggestive of a modulus and appears to control supersymmetry breaking. Analyzing the polarization potential for the non-supersymmetric solutions, we find that the flux singularities are resolved there by brane polarization as well.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. v2: minor changes, discussion of scalar masses adde

    de Sitter-eating O-planes in supercritical string theory

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    It has been proposed that flux compactifications of supercritical string theories (i.e., with spacetime dimension D>10D>10) have dS vacua, with large DD acting as a control parameter for corrections to the classical spacetime effective action. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of the self-consistency of such models, focussing on α′\alpha^\prime and backreaction corrections. We first show that all supercritical AdS, Minkowski and dS vacua in this setting have ≳O(1)\gtrsim \mathcal{O}(1) curvature and/or field strengths in the string frame. This may be in tension with suppressing α′\alpha^\prime corrections unless the coefficients of the higher-derivative terms have a sufficiently strong large-DD suppression. We then argue that an additional and more severe problem arises in the dS case due to the backreaction of O-planes. In particular, we argue using a combination of geometric bounds and string-theory constraints that the O-plane backreaction is large in supercritical dS models. This implies that a large part of the naive classical geometry is eaten up by singular holes and thus indicates a breakdown of the classical description. Our finding resonates with several other recent results suggesting that string theory does not admit dS vacua in regimes where string and backreaction corrections are under control. As byproducts of our analysis, we derive a number of technical results that are useful beyond the specific applications in this paper. In particular, we compute the leading backreaction corrections to the smeared solution in a general flux compactification from DD to dd dimensions for an arbitrary distribution of O-planes and D-branes. We further argue for a general estimate for Green's functions on compact manifolds (and therefore for the backreaction corrections) in terms of their diameter, volume and dimension.Comment: 59 pages, 3 figures. v2: minor changes, JHEP versio

    Cosmological Constant, Near Brane Behavior and Singularities

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    We show that the classical cosmological constant in type II flux compactifications can be written as a sum of terms from the action of localized sources plus a specific contribution from non-trivial background fluxes. Exploiting two global scaling symmetries of the classical supergravity action, we find that the flux contribution can in many interesting cases be set to zero such that the cosmological constant is fully determined by the boundary conditions of the fields in the near-source region. This generalizes and makes more explicit previous arguments in the literature. We then discuss the problem of putting \bar{D3}-branes at the tip of the Klebanov-Strassler throat glued to a compact space in type IIB string theory so as to engineer a de Sitter solution. Our result for the cosmological constant and a simple global argument indicate that inserting a fully localized and backreacting \bar{D3}-brane into such a background yields a singular energy density for the NSNS and RR 3-form field strengths at the \bar{D3}-brane. This argument does not rely on partial smearing of the \bar{D3}-brane or a linearization of field equations, but on a few general assumptions that we also discuss carefully.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, v2: Minor modifications and references added. Version to appear in JHE

    A note on O6 intersections in AdS flux vacua

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    The DGKT-CFI construction of AdS flux vacua in type IIA string theory has interesting features such as classical moduli stabilization and a parametric scale separation between the Hubble scale and the Kaluza-Klein scale. A possible worry regarding the consistency of these vacua is that pathologies could arise due to intersections of the O6-planes, which are not well understood in the 10D solution. In this note, we show that such intersections are sometimes, but not always, absent if one compactifies on smooth Calabi-Yau manifolds instead of toroidal orbifolds. In particular, we show that the blow-up of the T6/Z3T^6/\mathbb{Z}_3 orbifold yields a single O6-plane which wraps a smooth submanifold without any (self-)intersections. On the other hand, blowing up the T6/Z32T^6/\mathbb{Z}_3^2 orbifold yields an O6-plane which self-intersects.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure
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