178 research outputs found

    Criminaliteitspreventie: beleid en technologie

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    Het doel van Crime Science is om criminaliteit en overlast zo goed mogelijk te onderzoeken en te analyseren om vervolgens te bepalen hoe, met effectief beleid en technische middelen, ervoor kan worden gezorgd dat criminaliteit kan worden voorkomen. De bedoeling is om zowel met betrekking tot het onderwijs als met betrekking tot het onderzoek alle docenten en onderzoekers op de UT die iets te maken hebben met criminaliteit en/of veiligheid samen te brengen om meer samenwerking, coördinatie en nieuwe onderwijs en onderzoek tot stand te brengen

    Cyber-crime Science = Crime Science + Information Security

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    Cyber-crime Science is an emerging area of study aiming to prevent cyber-crime by combining security protection techniques from Information Security with empirical research methods used in Crime Science. Information security research has developed techniques for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets but is less strong on the empirical study of the effectiveness of these techniques. Crime Science studies the effect of crime prevention techniques empirically in the real world, and proposes improvements to these techniques based on this. Combining both approaches, Cyber-crime Science transfers and further develops Information Security techniques to prevent cyber-crime, and empirically studies the effectiveness of these techniques in the real world. In this paper we review the main contributions of Crime Science as of today, illustrate its application to a typical Information Security problem, namely phishing, explore the interdisciplinary structure of Cyber-crime Science, and present an agenda for research in Cyber-crime Science in the form of a set of suggested research questions

    Anti Crime Design

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    Aan de Universiteit Twente is in 2009 de onderzoekgroep Crime Science Twente (CST) opgericht, waarin diverse faculteiten samenwerken. Inmiddels zijn verschillende onderzoekprojecten tot stand gebracht en is er een minor ontwikkeld waaraan studenten hebben deelgenomen. Vanuit de faculteit Constructieve Technische Wetenschappen (CTW) maakt Wim Poelman deel uit van de CST. De inbreng van CTW richt zich hoofdzakelijk op de rol die de ontwerper kan spelen bij het voorkomen van misdaad

    Criminaliteitsbeleid: wat werkt?

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    In dit stuk beantwoorden we de vraag wat verstandig beleid met betrekking tot criminaliteitspreventie is, d.w.z. beleid dat wordt ondersteund door de meest recente wetenschappelijke inzichten. Ook voor lokale initiatieven is het essentieel om beleid met een adequaat onderzoek te begeleiden om de effecten en indien mogelijk de kosten/baten van de onderzochte maatregelen te evalueren. In dit verhaal gaan we in op enkele voorbeelden van beleid op het terrein van criminaliteit, en geven daarbij aan wat werkt en wat niet. We concluderen dat criminaliteitsbeleid niet alleen gericht moet zijn op potentiële daders, maar dat het belangrijker is om de context waarin criminaliteit wordt gepleegd in het beleid te betrekken. Allereerst wordt een aantal belangrijke feiten met betrekking tot criminaliteit uiteengezet. Daarna volgen de principes van criminaliteitsbestrijding. Vervolgens wordt uiteengezet waarom experimenteel onderzoek van groot belang is. We eindigen met een overzicht van waar de beste informatie te vinden is

    Laptop Theft in a University Setting can be Avoided with Warnings

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    Laptops have become an indispensable asset in today's digital age. They often contain highly sensitive information, such as credentials and confidential documents. As a result, the value of a laptop is an accumulation of the value of both the physical device itself and the cyber assets it contains, making it a lucrative target for theft. Educational institutions have a large population of potential victims of laptop theft. To mitigate this risk, we investigate whether a simple warning sign can reduce the opportunity for potential offenders. To this end, we have conducted an empirical study to observe the prevalence of students/staff leaving their laptops unattended at a university study hall at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, both with and without a warning sign. We observed 148 out of 220 subjects leaving their laptops unattended in just three weeks. The results also showed that without the warning banner, 75.5% (83 out of 110) of subjects left their laptops unattended and with the warning, only 59.1% (65 out of 110) of subjects showed the same behavior, which is a significant reduction of 16.4%. In addition, a qualitative analysis was performed on the responses of subjects who left their laptops unattended after the warning banner was placed. The results showed a mix of convenience, and a blind trust on the safety of the faculty. In conclusion, a simple banner was effective in reducing the opportunity for laptop theft. However, the percentage of laptops left unattended was still high even after the introduction of the banner.Comment: The results in this paper are erroneous. Due to selection bias, the results aren't actually statistically significan

    Some explanations of crime among four ethnic groups in the Netherlands

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    Since 1950 there has been large-scale immigration to Western Europe, mainly from Muslim countries. This paper focuses on the degree of involvement in crime of ethnic minority boys as compared to indigenous boys and on the possible causes of these crime involvements. A random sample from three ethnic minority boys (Moroccans, Turks, Surinamese) was taken. A control group consisted of indigenous boys with a comparable socioeconomic background as the minority respondents. Data were gathered about self-report and recorded delinquency, family and school life, leisure time, traditionalism, migration problems, and socioeconomic status. It appears that the arrest rates among the minority youths are substantially higher than among the comparable Dutch boys. A number of explanations are considered: strain, lack of social control, cultural dissonance, and migration problems. Results show that only social control factors explain criminality within the groups, indicating that the causes of criminality among ethnic minority boys may essentially be the same as those among the indigenous boys

    Feeling good, bad or nothing: A Qualitative study of emotions towards mobile app permissions

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    Smartphone users install apps for various purposes. Before getting hands-on over the functionality of a desired app, a user must give several types of permissions such as access to camera, gallery, messages etc. Since giving app permission expose users to phone security and user privacy, this study seeks to investigate the user emotional experiences while they are going through the process of giving access to mobile ap
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