83 research outputs found

    Einflüsse von Minimalbodenbearbeitung und Transfermulch auf die perennierende Beikrautflora im Kartoffelbau

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    Reduced tillage enhances soil fertility and can help to avoid erosion. The drawback of increased weed pressure is a challenge for organic farmers due to the prohibition of herbicides. Mulch could be a way to suppress weeds and to introduce reduced tillage systems in potato cultivation. The number of perennial weeds were monitored in a comparison of two potato cultivation systems: conventional ploughing and hilling versus reduced tillage with dead mulch. In 2014, perennial weeds in the mulch system increased to double the number compared to the ploughed system. The reverse pattern was observed in 2015. This reversed effect was due to improved application methods of mulch with smaller particle size and a closer C/N-Ratio in the mulch in 2015 in combination with a severe spring drought in 2015 but not in 2014

    Der Einfluss von reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung und Zwischenfrüchten auf die Unkrautsamenbank nach ökologischem Winterweizen- und Kartoffelbau

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    Conservation agriculture is one answer to counteract problems that are arising with climate change and soil degradation since the period of agricultural intensification. The main objectives of conservation agriculture are reduction of tillage intensity and a permanent soil cover by cash and cover crops. However, increased weed infestations are frequently reported in minimum tillage systems, particularly under organic management, resulting in increased weed seed banks. In two field experiments introduced in 2010 and 2011 and starting with two years grass-clover followed by winter wheat and potatoes, we evaluated the effect of chisel ploughing with mulch application to potatoes and different cover crops after winter wheat on the weed seed bank. Therefore, soil cores were taken before sowing wheat and after potato harvest and the viable weed seed bank from soil samples was assessed over a nine month period. Our results suggested a strong influence of weather conditions resulting in decreased and increased weed seed banks in the first and second experiments, respectively. Furthermore, winter wheat was confirmed as the main contributor of weed seeds to the seed bank resulting in dominances of winter annual weeds

    Einflüsse von Minimalbodenbearbeitung und Transfermulch auf den Initialbefall und die Populationsentwicklung des Kartoffelkäfers (Leptinotarsa decemlineata)

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    The growing economic importance of potatoes in organic agriculture has led to the intensification of potato production and farm specialization. This has in turn increased the occurrence of the Colorado potato beetle, the most important potato insect pest worldwide. The effects of the application of green manure mulch to potatoes, which improves water and nutrient availability were investigated in a long-term field experiment, comparing two potato cultivation systems: conventional ploughing and hilling versus reduced tillage with dead mulch application. There were no differences in the initial degree of potato beetle infestation. However, a significant reduction in the number of potato beetle larvae and eggs was observed. The mechanism behind the effects should examined in future experiments

    Regenerative Landwirtschaft – Bewertung des Systems durch die Erweiterte Spatendiagnose am Beispiel Kartoffel

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    Der Kartoffelanbau ist ein wichtiges ökonomisches Standbein vieler Biobetriebe. Die intensive Bodenbearbeitung gefährdet die Bodenstruktur und erhöht das Risiko von Wasser- und Winderosion. Die regenerative Landwirtschaft hat den Anspruch, den Boden während des Anbaus zu verbessern, was in der Praxis erprobt und diskutiert wird. In einem einjährigen Experiment wurden Techniken der regenerativen Landwirtschaft auf den Kartoffelanbau angewandt und durch die erweiterte Spatendiagnose bewertet. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung mit und ohne Mulch die Bodenstruktur verbessert unter Beibehaltung wirtschaftlicher Erträge

    Der Einfluss von Minimalbodenbearbeitung, Zwischenfrüchten, Frischmulch und Kompostdüngung auf die Entwicklung der Kraut- und Knollenfäule

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    Reduced tillage combined with about 10cm of fresh mulch of a mixture of green peas and rye was compared to a system with conventional tillage with a plow for its effects on disease development of Phytophthora infestans. Within tillage treatments the precrops for potatoes were weedy fallow, vetch (Vicia sativa), or a mixture of oilseed radish and black oats with or without compost application. The Area Under the Disease Progress Curve in the minimum tillage and mulched plots was on average 881 while in the plowed plots it was 1336, a highly significant difference. Yield data are currently being analyzed and will be presented

    Organic potatoes, reduced tillage and mulch in temperate climates

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    The experiments with mulching were done in a systems approach comparing potatoes as they are typically produced in Germany with ploughing to a system of non-inversion tillage combined with mulch. As the plots are integrated in two long-term experiments comparing ploughed versus minimum tillage it was not possible to integrate a mulched ploughed treatment or a non-mulched non-inversion tillage due to restrictions in plot size. We tested the effects of mulching in a ploughed system in 2015. There was no late blight but good erosion control (Pict.5) and yields were increased through mulching. Compost effects on the system were so far not clearly visible. It will most likely take several more years of regular applications to start seeing changes in system performance. Overall, mulching will change the potato system and it will depend very much on the local soil and climatic conditions if and when mulching will be positive (Table 1). On the one hand, mulching is labor intensive and requires the availability of materials to use. Besides freshly cut materials silage is an alternative option some farmers are using in vegetables in Germany. This reduces the dependence on the growing conditions for the mulch early in the season and likely also increases the fertilization effect. Farms that have no animals often mulch grass-clover. This will suppress N-fixation by the clover due to the nutrients in the mulch and thus reduce the usefulness of the grass-clover for nutrient accumulation. In addition it may result in leaching and thus loss of nutrients and even potentially harm the environment. Using the first and most rich harvest as mulch in the potatoes or alternatively making silage for later use is easier than composting such materials. Once the mulch is applied, no more mechanical weed control is done saving labor and energy. More importantly, it will also reduce the mechanical damage done to the potato foliage that makes them more susceptible to infections and it allows for profuse growth of fine roots into the applied mulch materials. Mulching also reduced Colorado potato beetles in both years to some extent but these data need confirmation. Also, the residual effects on the subsequent crop after the potatoes due to the increased input of organic amendments still need to be studied. Ecologically speaking mulching has many advantages. These advantages are especially important in water restricted areas. If and how mulching is feasible and economical depends on the specific conditions and organization of a farm, however

    Dual functionality of formamidine polymers, as ligands and as bases, in ruthenium-catalysed hydrogen evolution from formic acid

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.In the present study, the ruthenium-catalysed decomposition of formic acid to yield hydrogen has been examined. A ruthenium complex modified polyformamidine network was used as a solid catalyst. As a dual support the polyformamidine acts both as a ligand and as a base for the activation of formic acid.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi

    Reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung, Zwischenfrüchte und Transfermulch für einen bodenregenerierenden Anbau

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    Spezialisierung, Intensivierung und Ökonomisierung erschweren Bodenstrukturverbesserung und den Pflanzenschutz im ökologischen Landbau. Um die nachhaltigen Ziele des Ökolandbaus zu erreichen muss parallel eine ökologische Intensivierung stattfinden. Durch Zwischenfrüchte, reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung und Mulch aus Gründüngern soll der Bodenzustand während des Anbaus verbessert, Erosion vermieden und der Pflanzenschutzaufwand verringert werden, für einen resilienten Anbau. In dem Workshop werden Akteure aus Praxis, Beratung und Wissenschaft ihre Erkenntnisse zum bodenschonenden Anbau zusammenfassen. In Arbeitsgruppen werden Fragen der Umsetzung, Herausforderungen und einer Vernetzung erörtert. Die abschließende Diskussion bietet Raum um offene Fragen und Wiedersprüche zu debattieren

    Das EU-Projekt OSCAR (Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations): Ergänzende Pflanzen zur Systemoptimierung in der pfluglosen Landwirtschaft: Neue Genotypen gesucht

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    In diesem Artikel konnte nur ein sehr kleiner Einblick in das Projekt OSCAR gegeben werden. Inspirationen kommen vor allem aus Südamerika, wo die Direktsaat bereits Standard ist. Die erfolgversprechendsten Arten als Zwischenfrüchte und Untersaaten werden von mehreren Projektpartnern gemeinsam mit beteiligten Landwirten in der Praxis getestet. OSCAR wird jedoch zum Projektende noch keine fertigen Lösungen bieten können. Mit dem sich deutlich wandelnden Klima auch in Deutschland werden Boden- und Wasserschutz immer wichtiger. Dazu tragen die Lösungsansätze von OSCAR bei. Es sind aber bereits einige Folgeprojekte entstanden. Dazu gehört vor allem ein Projekt zur Züchtung von Untersaaten unter den Bedingungen der Minimalbodenbearbeitung

    Ökonomische Bewertung und Optimierung eines regenerativen Speisekartoffelanbaus unter Transfermulch

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    Die Bruttoerträge, unter Einbezug unbepflanzter Fahrgassen für die Mulchausbringung, wirken sich entscheidend auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit einer regenerativen Kartoffelanbau-Methode unter Transfermulch aus. Außerdem relevant sind die Gestaltung der Mulchprozesskette sowie die Mulcherträge und -kosten