166 research outputs found

    Histological Analysis of the Mandible in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus for Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation. A Pilot Case-Control Study

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    Diabetes mellitus has a major impact on the metabolic activity of a significant number of tissues. Its impact on the jaw bones cannot be neglected, especially if rehabilitation using prosthetic restorations supported on dental implants is intended. The aim of this study is to comparatively analyze vascularization, the degree of mineralization and the cellular component of the mandible in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients undergoing dental implant placement. For this study, eight patients assigned to two groups were selected. The study group included four patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in whom dental implants were placed, and the control group comprised 4 patients without systemic pathology. The bone debris obtained after dental implant placement were collected and analyzed using hematoxylin-eosin and PAS–Alcian Blue staining. The results obtained indicated the presence of diabetic angiopathy in the mandible, a higher cellular density in the diabetic bone, and a lower degree of mineralization in the bone taken from patients of the study group. In conclusion, histological changes can be detected in the mandible of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to those without systemic disease, but their effect on bone healing cannot be quantified

    Obilježja fraktura kostiju lica i vezane ozljede mekog tkiva: retrospektivna studija na 1007 pacijenata

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    Background: Knowing the severity of a pathology in a population helps to both establish a rapid diagnosis and to prepare medical staff to provide adequate and complete treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the patterns of maxillofacial fractures and their associated soft tissue injuries in order to identify the specific types of maxillofacial fractures with the highest incidence of associated soft tissue injuries. Methods: A 10-year retrospective evaluation of maxillofacial trauma was performed on 1007 patients. All 1007 patients were clinically and paraclinically confirmed to have facial skeletal injuries. Results: The highest incidence of maxillofacial fractures was found in the mandible (62.16%), the mandibular angle being the most frequently involved (28.84%). Most of the fractures were complete (97.82%), displaced (87.98%) and closed (86.30%). Hematoma was the most common associated soft tissue injury (44.79%). In mandibular trauma, the incidence of hematoma and laceration was the highest in angle and simultaneous multiple fracture lines (p=0.002). In the midface, hematoma was more frequently associated with non-comminuted zygomatic bone fractures (p=0.003), while laceration was associated with multiple underlying fracture lines (p=0.002). Conclusions: Patients presenting with hematomas will most frequently have an underlying single closed fracture line, while patients with lacerations will most frequently present underlying multiple and displaced fractures.Pozadina: Poznavanje težine dane patologije u populaciji pomaže u bržem postavljanju dijagnoze i pripremanju medicinskog osoblja na pružanje adekvatnog i kompletnog liječenja. Cilj ove studije bio je odrediti karakteristike maksilofacijalnih fraktura i vezanih ozljeda mekog tkiva kako bi se odredile vrste maksilofacijalnih fraktura s najvišom pojavnosti vezanih ozljeda mekog tkiva. Metode: Provedena je retrospektivna analiza maksilofacijalnih trauma na 1007 pacijenata u razdoblju od 10 godina. Kod svih 1007 pacijenata je klinički i paraklinički potvrđeno prisustvo ozljeda facijalnog skeleta. Rezultati: Najviša pojavnost maksilofacijalnih fraktura nađena je u mandibuli (62,16%), pri čemu je kut mandibule bio najčešće zahvaćen (28,84%). Većina je fraktura bila potpuna (97,82%), dislocirana (87,98%) i zatvorena (86,30%). Hematomi su bila najčešća vezana ozljeda mekog tkiva (44,79%). U mandibularnim traumama je pojavnost hematoma i laceracija bila najviša u kutnim prijelomima i kod simultanih višestrukih linija prijeloma (p=0,002). U srednjem licu, hematomi su bili češći u ne-kominutivnim zigomatičnim frakturama (p=0,003), dok su laceracije bile povezane s višestrukim frakturnim linijama (p=0,002). Zaključci: Pacijenti s hematomima će najčešće imati jednu zatvorenu liniju frakture, dok će pacijenti s laceracijama najčešće imati višestruke i dislocirane frakture

    A Sebaceous Cyst Located in the Maxillary Sinus

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    Maxillary sinus cysts are quite common, being most frequently detected on the occasion of radiological investigations. On an OPG (orthopantomogram), these cysts appear as round masses, similar to a dome, in contact with one of the walls or the floor of the maxillary sinus. In this study, authors present the case of a patient with a maxillary cyst involving the maxillary sinus. Removal of the maxillary cyst was performed with the extraction of the causative tooth. Complete removal of the sebaceous cyst is mandatory in order to avoid recurrences and potential infectious complications. &nbsp

    Implant-prosthetic Rehabilitation after Removal of a Maxillary Cyst with Maxillary Sinus Involvement, without using Bone Augmentation Materials

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    Inflammatory odontogenic cysts are among the most frequent lesions of the maxillary bones. Through their evolution, these pathological formations may affect adjacent anatomical structures such as the nasal fossae or the maxillary sinus. Patient rehabilitation is a time-consuming process that can be a challenge for medical practitioners. In this study, authors present the case of a patient with a maxillary cyst involving the maxillary sinus, rehabilitated by implant-prosthetic treatment without using bone augmentation materials. Removal of the maxillary cyst was performed with the preservation of the maxillary sinus membrane, with apicectomy of the teeth adjacent to the cyst and extraction of the causative tooth. The post-cystectomy bone defect was protected with a pericardium membrane, and after 6 months postoperatively, a dental implant was placed in the edentulous area. Three years after cystectomy, the presence of mature bone in the defect area and the stability of the implant-prosthetic restoration could be observed. The rehabilitation method proved to be effective in obtaining a predictable and stable therapeutic outcome

    Contrast Interferometry Using Bose-Einstein Condensates to Measure h/m and the Fine Structure Constant

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    The kinetic energy of an atom recoiling due to absorption of a photon was measured as a frequency using an interferometric technique called ``contrast interferometry''. Optical standing wave pulses were used as atom-optical elements to create a symmetric three-path interferometer with a Bose-Einstein condensate. The recoil phase accumulated in different paths was measured using a single-shot detection technique. The scheme allows for additional photon recoils within the interferometer and its symmetry suppresses several random and systematic errors including those from vibrations and ac Stark shifts. We have measured the photon recoil frequency of sodium to 77 ppm precision, using a simple realization of this scheme. Plausible extensions should yield a sufficient precision to bring within reach a ppb-level determination of h/mh/m and the fine structure constant α\alpha

    Evaluation of the Epidemiology and Traumatic Etiology of Mandibular Fractures a 10-year Retrospective Statistical Study

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    The mandible or lower jaw is the most frequently fractured bone because of the mandible's prominence and relative lack of support. Literature data differ considerably with respect to the epidemiology and etiopathogeny of mandibular fractures. The aim of this study is to evidence the incidence of mandibular fractures depending on sex, age and etiology in a significant group of patients. Materials and methods: For the current study, a 10-year retrospective evaluation of cases diagnosed with mandibular fractures in the period 1 January 2002 – 31 December 2011 at the Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery I Cluj-Napoca was performed. Data were collected from clinical observation charts, processed and compared to literature results. Results: The study included 709 patients. The highest incidence of mandibular fractures was found in the 20-29 year age group (37.24%). Most of the patients were male (92.81%) and came from an urban environment (54.58%).The most frequent cause of mandibular fractures was interpersonal violence (67.28%), followed by falls from the same level. Conclusions: Taking measures to reduce interpersonal violence would significantly decrease the incidence of mandibular fractures in our geographic area

    Supuraţiile lojilor superficiale şi profunde de masiv facial studiu statistic retrospectiv pe o perioadă de 5 ani (2000 - 2004)

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    Catedra de Chirurgie Orală şi Maxilo-Faxială I Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie "Iuliu Haţieganu" , Cluj-Napoca, RomâniaIn the study named: “The suppurations of the superficial and deep regions of the head statistical study on a 5 years period(2000-2004)”, we have made an analysis concerning the way of appearance and evolution of the suppurations ,establishing the right medical attitude necessary to treat them. . In the retrospective study, 270 patients treated in the Maxillo - Facial I Clinique in Cluj-Napoca were included. Most frequently the provenance of the heads superficial and deep suppurations are dental and parodonthal affections. The surgical treatament it’s proven to be the most efficient. Prin lucrarea intitulată „Supuraţiile lojilor superficiale şi profunde de masiv facial studiu statistic retrospectiv pe o perioadă de 5 ani (2000 - 2004)” am făcut o analiză cu privire la modul de apariţie şi evoluţie al supuraţiilor şi stabilirea unei conduite medicale adecvate pentru tratamentul acestora. Am luat în calcul un număr de 270 de pacienţi internaţi şi trataţi în Clinica de Chirurgie Orală şi Maxilo-Facială I din Cluj Napoca. Punctul cel mai frecvent de plecare al supuraţiilor este reprezentat de afecţiunile dento – pardontale. Tratamentul chirurgical s-a dovedit a fi cea mai eficientă modalitate de tratament a acestora

    Periodontal Disease in Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 2 diabetes is one of the most important growing health problems worldwide causing several complications in different parts of the organism, including the oral cavity. Aim: The purpose of this study is to assess the periodontal disease of type 2 diabetes patients which came randomly and voluntarily for evaluation of their oral health. Materials and methods: 112 patients with marginal inflammatory pathology were selected and evaluated. The followed parameters were: age, gender, environment, status of diabetes, oral non-odontogenic lesions, local aspects of marginal tissue inflammation. Data were centralized in electronic format using Microsoft Excel software. Results: The average age of patients was 57.3, 56.25% of all patients had uncompensated diabetes with HbA1c levels over 7.5%. Most of them were males (52%) and lived in an urban community (83.93%). 52.27% had severe forms of periodontitis, requiring radical treatment, while the most common oral non-odontogenic pathology was candidosis (40.98%). Conclusion: By modifying local metabolism, diabetes increases the risk of inflammatory lesions, especially periodontitis