71 research outputs found

    Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis with Incomplete Double Ureter

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    Introduction. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) is a type of chronic renal inflammation that usually occurs in immunocompromised middle-aged women with chronic urinary tract infection or ureteral obstruction induced by the formation of ureteral stones. XGP with an incomplete double ureter is extremely rare. Case Presentation. A 76-year-old woman was referred to our department to undergo further examination for a left renal tumor that was detected by ultrasonography. Dynamic contrast computed tomography (CT) revealed an enhanced tumor in the upper renal parenchyma. Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy was performed based on a preoperative diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma. Histological sections showed the aggregation of foam cells; thus, XGP was diagnosed. Conclusion. We herein report a rare case of XGP in the upper pole of the kidney, which might have been associated with an incomplete double ureter

    The temporal stability and variability across frequency bands in neural synchrony between primary and secondary somatosensory areas following somatosensory stimulation

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    Objectives: To examine the temporal stability and variability of neuronal synchronization among the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex (cSI) and contralateral (cSII) and ipsilateral secondary somatosensory cortex (iSII) in response to median nerve stimulation. Methods: Both the spontaneous magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals as the pre-stimulus condition and somatosensory evoked magnetic-fields (SEF) were recorded in eleven healthy subjects. We calculated a phase-locking value (PLV) between two areas among cSI, cSII, and iSII in five frequency bands (theta: 5–7 Hz, alpha: 8–12 Hz, beta: 15–29 Hz, gamma-1: 30–59 Hz, and gamma-2: 60–90 Hz), and compared the PLV among in pre-stimulus and stimulus conditions. Results: The PLV between cSI and cSII for the theta band activity varied within 2 s from the stimulus onset. On the other hand, the PLV between cSI and iSII for the alpha band did not vary within 2 s. Conclusion: The fluctuation of neuronal synchrony among sensory-related cortices in response to median nerve stimulation depends on the induced frequency band and inter-region. Significance: This study is the first to report the temporal characteristic of stimulus-driven neural synchrony following somatosensory stimulation. Keywords: Somatosensory, Neural synchrony, Phase-locking value, Magnetoencephalograph

    Critical effect of spin-dependent transport in a tunnel barrier on enhanced Hanle-type signals observed in three-terminal geometry

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    The MgO thickness dependence of Hanle signals in Co50Fe50/MgO/n-Si tunnel junctions was investigated using a three-terminal geometry. The observed Hanle signal is several orders of magnitude stronger than the predicted value by conventional theory as reported in many literatures. Furthermore, the magnitude of the spin signal depends on the junction resistance rather than the channel resistance, implying that the largest part of the observed Hanle signal is not caused by spin accumulation in the semiconductor region. A possible origin of the observed strong Hanle signal is due to a modulation of the tunneling resistance by a magnetic field, which is induced by the spin precession in localized states formed in the vicinity of the Co50Fe50/MgO interface

    Enterogenous cyst of pediatric testis: a case report

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    Abstract Background An enterogenous cyst is a rare entity categorized as an intestinal cyst. In most cases, enterogenous cysts are seen in the mediastinum, peritoneal cavity, spinal canal, subarachnoid space, and cerebral ventricle. Case presentation A 14-year-old Asian (Japanese) boy reported feeling pain in his left groin, and a mass was found. We did not perform orchiectomy because intraoperative frozen sections showed no malignant findings. On histological examination the resected specimens contained columnar epithelium surrounded by smooth muscle. Based on these findings, an enterogenous cyst was diagnosed. Few cases of enterogenous cysts of the testis have been described. Conclusion We encountered a case of an enterogenous cyst of a pediatric testis