16 research outputs found

    Effect of intervention on review of patients who died in the first 48 hours of admission.

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    a<p>Analysis restricted to patients who died within 5 days of admission but were alive on the first day of admission.</p>b<p>All the three vital signs (temperature, pulse and respiratory rate) assessed.</p>c<p>Chi square test.</p

    Effects of intervention on selected treatment practices<sup>a</sup>.

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    a<p>Chi square test.</p>b<p>Composite indicator; achieved if dose and frequency of crystalline penicillin is consistent with CPGs.</p>c<p>Composite indicator; achieved if dose and frequency of gentamicin is consistent with CPGs.</p>d<p>Composite indicator; achieved if type, volume and duration of IVF is consistent with CPGs.</p>e<p>22 records for 2005 and 3 for 2009 were excluded in the analysis for treatment due to serum sodium >145 or <135 mmol/l. In addition 11 and 5 records in 2005 and 2009 respectively were excluded because there was no evidence that IVF was continued on the ward and diagnosis of either some dehydration or no dehydration was made.</p>f<p>Composite indicator; achieved if type and volume of feeds for severe malnutrition is consistent with CPGs.</p

    Use of terms for severity of illness of the patients consistent with CPG/ETAT+ terms as recorded by clinicians on admission.

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    a<p>Not classified' means a diagnostic label captured by the target disease inclusion criteria but not consistent with ETAT+ terms was used.</p>b<p>Includes pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and lobar pneumonia.</p>c<p>Includes gastroenteritis and dehydration.</p>d<p>Includes severe malnutrition, marasmus, marasmic kwashiorkor, kwashiorkor, oedematous malnutrition and protein energy malnutrition.</p

    Definition of the composite indicators of processes of care for each diseases.

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    a<p>Patients documented to have altered consciousness were assumed that they are not able to drink if ability to drink is not documented while patients documented in the history as able to drink were assumed to have the sign ‘able to drink’.</p>b<p>Patients documented as able to drink or alert were assumed not to have a weak pulse if pulse character was not documented.</p>c<p>was either a manufactured product (depending on the availability) or milk-based solution prepared in the hospital that provided 75kcal and 0.9g of protein/100 ml.</p>d<p>If dextrose added, correct if given at 2.4–6.0 mg/kg/min (approximates dextrose requirement for a sick child 3–5 mg/kg/min; +/−20%).</p>e<p>Initial treatment is considered given on time if it is given within 12 hours of admission on the ward.</p

    Effect of intervention on the administration of the prescribed treatment in the first 48 hours of admission.

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    a<p>Analysis restricted to patients alive after 2 days, crystalline penicillin prescribed as four times a day and not stopped during the first 2 days of admission.</p>b<p>Chi square test.</p>c<p>Kruskal Wallis test.</p>d<p>Analysis restricted to patients with evidence that intravenous fluid (IVF) was prescribed on the ward and were alive after one day of admission.</p>e<p>Analysis restricted to patients who had feed prescribed and were alive after 1 day of admission.</p