7 research outputs found
Map of the Two Study Regions Selected and Major Towns in Each Region.
<p>Map of the Two Study Regions Selected and Major Towns in Each Region.</p
Percentage of Suspected Malaria Episodes Treated by Sector, March 2011–March 2012.
<p>Percentage of Suspected Malaria Episodes Treated by Sector, March 2011–March 2012.</p
Antimalarial Preferences.
<p>Notes: Household level results take all households with at least one reported malaria episode and estimate the fraction of those households that treat at least one episode with ACT (either overall or by region).</p
ACT Deliveries, Retail Outlet ACT Stocking and Survey Timing.
<p>ACT Deliveries, Retail Outlet ACT Stocking and Survey Timing.</p
Suspected Malaria Episodes (Experienced in the Past 4 Weeks) by Age, Region and SES.
<p>Suspected Malaria Episodes (Experienced in the Past 4 Weeks) by Age, Region and SES.</p
MOESM1 of Prevalence and risk factors associated with female anal sex in the context of HIV/AIDS in the selected districts of Tanzania
Additional file 1. A questionnaire used in the data collection
MOESM2 of Determinants of demand for condoms to prevent HIV infections among barmaids and guesthouse workers in two districts, Tanzania
Additional file 2. A Structured Questionnaire for Data Collection from Condom Retailers on Determinants of the Demand for Condoms in Mpwapwa and Mbeya Rural Districts, Tanzania