427 research outputs found

    Hospital management staffing and training issues

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    Hospitals dominate health care in most parts of the world and for a variety of reasons are likely to continue being a key factor in the overall performance of the health care system. Any efforts to improve this performance must therefore give greater hospital efficiency the highest priority. After discussing key issues of managerial, clinical, and production efficiency, this paper suggests an agenda for the most useful areas of research.Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Pharmaceuticals&Pharmacoeconomics,Housing&Human Habitats,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Systems Development&Reform

    Global Rules for Global Health: Why We Need An Independent, Impartial WHO

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    Over the past few years the World Health Organization (WHO) has been undergoing a significant reform process. The immediate trigger was a budget crisis in 2010 that spurred massive lay-offs at the global agency. But at a more fundamental level, deeper systematic changes in global health governance have made reform imperative. While WHO reform draws relatively little attention outside diplomatic circles in Geneva, at stake are critical issues that will impact public health everywhere. This article’s key messages are: Recent outbreaks of MERS highlight the need for a global response to infectious disease The WHO has had a crucial role in developing rapid information sharing on new infectious threats and fair arrangements for access to drugs and vaccines and to research and development The WHO is the only international agency that can broker such global rules but is badly underfunded to perform this core function The MERS outbreaks offer an opportunity to reform WHO financing

    Improving the Quality of Care in Developing Countries

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    Although the quantity rather than quality of health services has been the focus historically in developing countries, ample evidence suggests that quality of care (or the lack of it) must be at the center of every discussion about better health. This paper discusses the cost effectiveness of various interventions to improve the quality of care in developing countries.health economics, quality of care, cost effectiveness

    Ética e saúde pública: definição de prioridades na Reforma Sanitária mexicana

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss one of the most common ethical predicaments faced by public health practitioners: the distribution of limited resources for health. The question we address is the following: If there are limited resources to provide necessary health care, how can we reasonably establish priorities? We discuss this question using as reference a real-life situation, which was the establishment of priorities in the design of a package of high-cost interventions for Seguro Popular in Mexico, a public insurance scheme that extended social protection in health to over 50 million people between 2003 and 2018. The main conclusion of this paper is that the use of explicit ethical assumptions in the design of public policies contribute to their acceptability and eventual success.El propósito de este artículo es discutir uno de los dilemas éticos que con mayor frecuencia enfrentan quienes se dedican a la salud pública: la distribución de recursos limitados para la salud. La pregunta a la que se pretende responder es la siguiente: si existen recursos limitados para prestar los servicios de salud necesarios, ¿cómo podemos fijar prioridades? Intentamos responder a esta pregunta haciendo referencia a una situación de la vida real que fue el establecimiento de prioridades en el diseño de un paquete de intervenciones de alto costo para el Seguro Popular de México, un seguro público que extendió la protección social en salud a más de 50 millones de personas entre 2003 y 2018. La principal conclusión de este artículo es que el uso de un marco ético explícito en el diseño de las políticas públicas incrementa su aceptabilidad y favorece su eventual éxito.O propósito deste artigo é discutir um dos dilemas éticos que com maior frequência aqueles que se dedicam à saúde pública enfrentam: a distribuição de recursos limitados para a saúde. A pergunta que se pretende responder é a seguinte: se existem recursos limitados para prestar os serviços de saúde necessários, como podemos fixar prioridades? Tentamos responder a esta pregunta fazendo referência a uma situação de vida real que foi o estabelecimento de prioridades na concepção de um pacote de intervenções de alto custo para o Seguro Popular do México, um seguro público que estendeu a proteção social em saúde a mais de 50 milhões de pessoas entre 2003 e 2018. A principal conclusão deste artigo é que o uso de um enquadramento ético explícito na concepção das políticas públicas aumenta sua aceitação e favorece seu eventual sucesso

    The Quest for Global Justice in Health: A Review of Global Health Law by Lawrence 0. Gostin

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    We are witnessing the emergence of a new world health order. Health occupies an increasingly relevant place in the global agenda. An unprecedented health transition is leading to a new model characterized by expanded international and national funding for health and the involvement of a growing pluralism of actors

    The evolution of the field of Health Policy and Systems Research and outstanding challenges.

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    BACKGROUND: We provide a historical analysis of the evolution of the field of health policy and systems research (HPSR) since 1996. In the mid-1990s, three main challenges affected HPSR, namely (1) fragmentation and lack of a single agreed definition of the field; (2) ongoing dominance of biomedical and clinical research; and (3) lack of demand for HPSR. Cross-cutting all these challenges was the problem of relatively limited capacity to undertake high quality HPSR. Our discussion analyses how these problems were addressed so as to facilitate growth and enhanced recognition of the field. DISCUSSION: HPSR has benefitted significantly from increased recognition of the importance of strong health systems to health outcomes, particularly those linked to the Millennium Development Goals. In addition to this, some of the challenges described above have been addressed through (1) sustained advocacy for the importance of HPSR, (2) efforts to clarify the content and focus of the field, and (3) growing appreciation of and efforts to engage health practitioners and policy-makers in HPSR. While advocacy for the field of HPSR was initially fragmented, since the late 1990s there has been a consistent flow of focusing events and publications that have served to enhance the profile and understanding of the field. There have also been multiple efforts to establish greater coherence within the field, for example, interrogating the distinctions between health services research and health systems research, and how critical the "P" for policy is to HPSR. Finally, HPSR has developed at the same time as growing interest in evidence-informed policy and, more recently, implementation science, which have served to underscore the relevance and utility of HPSR to policy- and decision-makers. CONCLUSIONS: During the past two decades, the field of HPSR has developed significantly, leading to enhanced clarity about its purpose, activity levels and utility. Several challenges remain that will need to be addressed in the decades ahead

    Pluralismo estructurado: Hacia un modelo innovador para la reforma de los sistemas de salud en América Latina

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    El presente documento busca desarrollar opciones para reestructurar los sistemas de salud. En particular, intenta examinar las deficiencias de los modelos actuales y ofrecer una alternativa. Nuestro enfoque es sistemático, en cuanto a que analiza cada elemento dentro de un marco coherente, así como sistémico, en el sentido de que considera todo el sistema de salud, otorgando un énfasis particular a las relaciones entre sus principales componentes.

    Overcoming gaps to advance global health equity: a symposium on new directions for research

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>The 20<sup>th </sup>anniversary of the groundbreaking report of the Commission on Health Research for Development inspired a Symposium to assess progress made in strengthening essential national health research capacity in developing countries and in global research partnerships. Significant aspects of the health gains achieved in the 20<sup>th </sup>century can be attributed to the advancement and translation of knowledge, and knowledge continues to occupy center stage amidst growing complexity that characterizes the global health field. The way forward will entail a reinvigoration of research-generated knowledge as a crucial ingredient for global cooperation and global health advances. To do this we will need to overcome daunting gaps, including the divides between domestic and global health, among the disciplines of research (biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, health systems), between clinical and public health approaches, public and private investments, and between knowledge gained and action implemented. Overcoming systematically these obstacles can accelerate progress towards research for equity in health and development.</p

    The Global Health System: Strengthening National Health Systems as the Next Step for Global Progress

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    In the second in a series of articles on the changing nature of global health institutions, Julio Frenk offers a framework to better understand national health systems and their role in global health