2,495 research outputs found

    A Proposal for Compensation between TSOs for Cross Border Trades

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    The increasing amount of power exchanges in the European networks makes necessary to design a method for the allocation of the grid costs incurred by these exchanges. This paper presents a method that complies with the conditions required by the regulatory authorities and is technically sound. It calculates the compensation due to a grid using a differential method, while the contributions of the grid users are calculated by the Simplified Average Participation approachX Portuguese-Spanish Conference in Electrical EngineeringNo publicad

    Poster Abstract: Practical issues in image acquisition and transmission over wireless sensor network

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    Multimedia data have become an important objective in wireless sensor networks. Due to the node resource constraints (energy consumption, memory capacity, network latency and throughput) the incorporation of image sensor at the nodes is currently a challenge. In this paper, we study different node architectures, evaluating processing time, energy consumption, image quality and data delivery issues. The study shows that a specialized image co-processor is an optimal solutionJUnta de Andalucía P07-TIC-0247

    Comparison and Assessment of Two Emission inventories for the Madrid Region

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    Emission inventories are databases that aim to describe the polluting activities that occur across a certain geographic domain. According to the spatial scale, the availability of information will vary as well as the applied assumptions, which will strongly influence its quality, accuracy and representativeness. This study compared and contrasted two emission inventories describing the Greater Madrid Region (GMR) under an air quality simulation approach. The chosen inventories were the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and the Regional Emissions Inventory of the Greater Madrid Region (REI). Both of them were used to feed air quality simulations with the CMAQ modelling system, and the results were compared with observations from the air quality monitoring network in the modelled domain. Through the application of statistical tools, the analysis of emissions at cell level and cell – expansion procedures, it was observed that the National Inventory showed better results for describing on – road traffic activities and agriculture, SNAP07 and SNAP10. The accurate description of activities, the good characterization of the vehicle fleet and the correct use of traffic emission factors were the main causes of such a good correlation. On the other hand, the Regional Inventory showed better descriptions for non – industrial combustion (SNAP02) and industrial activities (SNAP03). It incorporated realistic emission factors, a reasonable fuel mix and it drew upon local information sources to describe these activities, while NEI relied on surrogation and national datasets which leaded to a poorer representation. Off – road transportation (SNAP08) was similarly described by both inventories, while the rest of the SNAP activities showed a marginal contribution to the overall emissions

    Los repositorios institucionales de las universidades como escenarios de la producción intelectual. En: Jornadas Científicotecnológicas 40 aniversario UNaM

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    Los repositorios institucionales se han transformado en la opción para sacar a la luz la producción intelectual, habida cuenta de que en ellos es posible reunir, publicar, diseminar y preservar la misma. La idea de dar visibilidad a dicha producción genera un sinnúmero de desafíos, tanto para las universidades como para los investigadores; problemas que se pueden resumir en la pérdida del anonimato de los autores; la visibilidad de proyectos similares; la posibilidad de compartir recursos humanos y económicos, entre otros. Esta problemática también está presente en las universidades del NEA1, dado que no cuentan con Repositorios Institucionales que alberguen la producción generada en ellas. El presente proyecto planea reunir los elementos necesarios para presentar un acabado diagnóstico de situación que permita impulsar su concreción para beneficio de la comunidad académica de la región

    El Potencial de Aprendizaje de Lengua a través de la Escritura basado en el Procesamiento del Feedback en Estudiantes de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

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    This study investigates the effects of low L2 proficiency students’ processing of two feedback types (direct and indirect) during a written languaging session on the accuracy of their rewritten texts. Data were collected during two weeks and were statistically analysed. The main findings showed that none of the two feedback groups reflected on and understood all the errors on which they received feedback, which in turn determined the accuracy of the rewritten texts. These results open a new window for the investigation of the effectiveness of different feedback types and the language learning potential of writing. The empirical and pedagogical implications of these findings are discussed.Este estudio investiga los efectos del procesamiento de dos tipos de feedback (directo e indirecto) sobre la corrección de textos reescritos en estudiantes de bajo nivel de L2 durante una sesión de verbalización de errores de forma escrita. Los datos fueron recogidos durante dos semanas y analizados estadísticamente. Los resultados principales muestran que ninguno de los dos grupos de feedback reflexionó ni entendió todos los errores que les fueron corregidos, lo que a su vez determinó la corrección lingüistica de los textos reescritos. Estos resultados abren una nueva ventana para la investigación de la efectividad de los diferentes tipos de correcciones y el potencial de aprendizaje de lengua a través de la escritura. Las implicaciones empíricas y pedagógicas del estudio son discutidas.The research reported in this paper is part of the work conducted within two research projects financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (research grant FFI 2016-79763-P) and by Fundación Séneca (19463/PI/14)

    A general framework to testing the effect of transport policy measures to achieve a modal shift: a sequental hybrid model

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    In order to achieve to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. In the transport modelling literature there has been an increasing awareness that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users? social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced, but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely deal. In this paper, factorial and path analyses through a Multiple-Indicator Multiple-Cause (MIMIC) model are used to understand and describe the relationship between the different psychological and environmental constructs with social influence and socioeconomic variables. The MIMIC model generates Latent Variables (LVs) to be incorporated sequentially into Discrete Choice Models (DCM) where the levels of service and cost attributes of travel modes are also included directly to measure the effect of the transport policies that have been introduced in Madrid during the last three years in the context of the economic crisis. The data used for this paper are collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) of Madrid

    Urban built environment analysis: evidence from a mobility survey in Madrid

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    Applications involving travel behavior from the perspective of land use are dating from the 1990s. Usually, four important components are distinguished: density, diversity and design (3D?s of Cervero and Kockelman) and accessibility (introduced by Geurs and van Wee). But there is not a general agreement on how to measure each of those 4 components. Density is used to be measured as population and employment densities, but others authors separate population density between residential and building densities. A lot of measures have been developed to estimate diversity: among others, a dissimilarity index to indicate the degree to which different land uses lie within one another?s surrounding, an entropy index to quantify the degree of balance across various land use types or proximities to commercial-retail uses. Design has been characterized by site design, and dwelling and street characteristics. Lastly, accessibility has become a frequently used concept, but its meaning on travel behavior field always refers to the ability ?to reach activities or locations by means of a travel mode?, measured as accessibility to jobs, to leisure activities, and others. Furthermore, the previous evidence is mainly based on US data or on north European countries. Therefore, this paper adds some new evidence from a Spanish perspective to the research debate. Through a Madrid smartphone-based survey, factor analysis is used to linearly combine variables into the 3D?s and accessibility dimensions of the built environment. At a first step for future investigations, land use variables will be treated to define accurately the previous 4 components

    Digital Competency Frames for university teachers: evaluation through the expert competence coefficient

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    Las tecnologías se encuentran en el centro de una de las transformaciones más radicales que se han producido en la enseñanza universitaria, reclamando la atención del profesorado y de planes de formación del profesorado. Diferentes instituciones han propuesto una serie de marcos competenciales sobre las competencias prioritarias en las cuales deben formarse los docentes. El objetivo del trabajo es mediante juicio de expertos, elegir un marco de competencias que se convierta en el eje de una investigación más amplia: Diseño, producción y evaluación de t.MOOC para la adquisición por los docentes de “Competencias Digitales Docentes” (DIMOOC)”. Se enviaron 369 correos a expertos, se recibieron 179 contestaciones aplicando el Coeficiente de Competencia Experta que hizo que nos el total fuese 148 expertos. Tras los resultados obtenidos, se puede constatar que ha sobresalido un marco de Competencia Digital Docente (CDD), el Marco de la Unión Europea de Competencia Digital Docente (DigCompEdu)

    Optimal user esperience in social commerce: the role of emotions, flow and user-generated information

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    This doctoral dissertation aims to understand how to optimize online customer experience in the highly interactive environment of social commerce. In an attempt to go beyond online commercial transactions and to support a consumer-centered and social-oriented perspective, social commerce offers users the necessary tools (e.g., recommendations, referrals, ratings and forums) for fostering social interactions during the online purchasing process. User-generated content, the fruit of these social interactions, can affect and help users in their decision-making process. Hence, the main objective of this dissertation aims to understand online consumer behavior to optimize the customer experience in social commerce. This doctoral dissertation is organized into four studies.Study 1 aims to investigate the customer engagement behavior literature in depth, analyzing the cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions of the engagement generation process in social commerce and the role of emotions within that process. This study proposes a model of the cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions of the engagement generation process. The model analyzes how interactivity, social presence and enjoyment affect sPassion and result in positive sWOM. The results confirm empirically that cognitive experience and emotional feelings derived from the process boost user participation. At the core of the process, sPassion positively affects the spread of sWOM. Study 2 has the objective of reaching a wider understanding of optimal user experience in social commerce and its mediating effect between emotions and behavior. Accordingly, the study is divided into two parts: first, to analyze the dimensionality, structure and measurement of the state of flow; and second, to test how websites can improve user experience to boost positive sWOM while avoiding negative sWOM. The empirical results confirm the three-dimensional nature of the concept and support its second-order reflective structure, thereby helping to establish the basis for measuring state of flow, its structure and factors; and it confirms that passionate users are likely to experience a state of flow and, as a consequence, to share positive sWOM. Study 3 investigates how user-generated versus company-generated information contributes to trust in the social commerce site, at the same time analyzing how user-generational cohorts behave (Generations X, Y and Z). Social commerce websites offer content created by the company itself and by its users, and this content is accessible without time and space constraints; therefore, everyone, regardless of age, can access social commerce information. The mission of social commerce is to boost tradeoffs while offering users the chance to share their own experiences and to obtain information from the experiences of others. Hence, trust transferred in this part of the purchasing decision process will be influenced by trust in the type of information available. Thus, Study 3 analyzes how user-generated and company-generated information contribute to trust in social commerce. The younger the generation, the more trust in social commerce is transferred from trust in user-generated information; the older the generation, the more trust in social commerce is transferred from trust in company-generated information. Study 3 confirms that users cannot be considered as a single group and must be segmented into generational cohorts.Study 4 investigates user experience across cultures, analyzing the effect of hedonic and utilitarian antecedents on optimal user experience and its consequences on user intention. Taking into account the salience of emotions within experiences of digital technologies, this study has a twofold purpose. First, it analyzes how emotions such as sPassion compared with flow state affected by usability, resulting in a positive impact on emotional and behavioral loyalty. Second, as the main focus of the study, cultural background is tested as a moderating effect.This dissertation allows us to draw a number of main conclusions regarding the study of online consumer experience in social commerce. First, on the basis of the importance of emotion in customer experience, this dissertation supports the primary role of emotions in shaping optimal user experience in social commerce. Second, once users are engaged and have reached an optimal experience (state of flow), this situation drives positive changes in their behavior, positively affecting their decision-making process. Third, it is necessary to take into account the fact that generational cohorts behave differently, since they trust information in different ways. Last, but not least, despite the fact that culture influences decision-making processes, the internationalization of markets and multiculturalism is making users more and more similar.<br /

    Preliminary results of a Exploratory Fishing targeting deep-water species off Uruguay

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    A Pilot Action of Exploratory Fishing was carried out in the second half of 2001 by two Spanish bottom-longline commercial fishing vessels within the Uruguayan Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ) targeting deep-water species. Trap fishing gears were also utilised as another alternative fishing gears.The main objective of the exploratory survey was to improve the knowledge of the distribution and the population structure of the species target of the survey: Groupers (Epinephelus spp.), Kingclip (Genypterus blacodes), Brazilian sandperch (Pinguipes spp.) and other accompanying species. Some preliminary results of this exploratory survey are shown in this current work. Fishery and biological data were collected by scientific observers on board of the two vessels which took part in the exploratory fishing. The collected data were date, time, position, depth, SST, SBT, weather condition, catches, discards, length distributions, sex, maturity, stomach fullness… among others. Length distributions, sex ratio and maturity stage of the most abundant species in the catch are also shown. Catch, effort and CPUE by area, gear and depth strata were analysed. Regarding bottom longline gear, the most abundant species were Dogfish shark (Squalus sp), Wreckfish (Polyprion americanus), Tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus) and Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) in waters shallower than 200 m depth. Regarding Traps fishing gears, the most abundant species were crabs (Family Geryonidae) and Argentine conger (Conger orbignyanus)