1,615 research outputs found

    Traces de rétroactions multimodales dans l’enseignement-apprentissage d’une langue enligne

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    Cette communication s’inscrit dans le champ des sciences du langage et, plus particulièrement, de la didactique deslangues et vise à apporter un éclairage approfondi sur la rétroaction corrective dans l’enseignement/apprentissaged’une langue étrangère en ligne dans la lignée des travaux de Doughty & Long (2003) et Mangenot & Zourou (2007).Notre étude s’appuie sur une situation de pédagogie en ligne, conjuguant des modalités d’intervention pédagogiquesynchrones et asynchrones. Cette situation a mis en relation 12 enseignants de français langue étrangère (désormaisFLE) en formation de Lyon 2 et 19 étudiants de niveau B1/B2 de l’université de Dublin. Ces interactions ont eu lieuchaque semaine pendant un semestre et se sont faites au moyen d’une plateforme de cours qui permet auxapprentis enseignants (dorénavant AE) et aux apprenants d’échanger à l’oral autour d’activités et documentsdéclencheurs. Par la suite, les AE ont pu revoir - par le biais d’un salon de rétrospection - les séances enregistrées afinde fabriquer des bilans multimodaux (Rivière & Guichon, 2014). Ces bilans asynchrones leur ont permis de revenir surdes moments critiques de l’interaction et ainsi, de faire un retour aux apprenants en conjuguant des supportsaudio-visuels, oraux et écrits.C’est ce dernier aspect, la rétroaction multimodale, qui nous intéressera plus particulièrement. Nous chercherons àcomprendre quel impact ou plus exactement quelles traces ce type de rétroaction laisse-t-elle sur l’interlangue desapprenants ?Pour ce faire, nous avons constitué un corpus comportant notamment deux types de données.➢ Des données primaires :47interactions pédagogiques d’environ 45 min enregistrées dans le salon de rétrospection.60bilans multimodaux réalisés sur la plateforme par les AE et envoyés à leur(s) apprenant(s) chaquesemaine.Échangesmails/Facebook entre les AE et les apprenants.Ces données correspondent aux traces des rétroactions directement enregistrées au cours des interactionssynchrones et asynchrones.➢ Des discours provoqués :- Interviews en auto-confrontation des 12 apprentis enseignants explicitant les critères de construction de deux deleurs bilans soit un total de 24 bilans décrits.- Interviews semi-dirigées de 4 apprenants dublinois commentant leur réception d’une sélection de 2 bilans décritspar leur AE, soit 8 bilans décrits.Ces dernières données correspondent aux discours sur l’action des AE et des apprenants pour comprendre 1) lesintentions pédagogiques des AE lors de la construction des rétroactions multimodales et 2) la manière dont cesdernières ont été reçues par les apprenants. Ces données ont été collectées une fois le cours terminé.Nous procèderons donc à une analyse de la rétroaction utilisant une méthodologie mixte pour recouper lesinformations. Celle-ci se basera sur l’analyse d’une partie des bilans, des discours et des interactions.Ainsi, nous tenterons de répondre aux questions qui émergent avec cette situation nouvelle : quelles traces sontlaissées par des rétroactions correctives multimodales dans une situation pédagogique en ligne ? Comment cetterétroaction est-elle reçue par les apprenants ?Nous espérons ainsi contribuer à la réflexion didactique dans le domaine de l’enseignement/apprentissage d’unelangue en ligne

    Les remplages rayonnants des édifices religieux du diocèse de Carcassonne (fin du XIIIe siècle – première moitié du XIVe siècle)

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    Le diocèse de Carcassonne est doté d’un nombre important d’églises construites entre la seconde moitié du XIIIe siècle et la première moitié du XIVe siècle dans le style rayonnant. Avec ce courant, un élément nouveau apparaît dans la région, pour la première fois à la cathédrale de Carcassonne, provenant directement du nord de la France : les remplages. À la fois structurels et décoratifs, ils divisent les baies en de multiples compartiments où viennent s’insérer les vitraux et envahissent aussi parfois les surfaces murales ou les portails. À travers une approche stylistique de cet élément dans les églises situées aux alentours de la cathédrale de Carcassonne, l’analyse des remplages permet de mesurer leur importance pour la connaissance de l’architecture rayonnante régionale.The diocese of Carcassonne is endowed with a large number of churches, built between the second half of the 13th century and the first half of the 14th century, in high-gothic style. The appearance of this style brought a new feature in its wake: tracery. Originating in the north of France, window tracery first appeared in the south with the cathedral of Carcassonne. Both structural and decorative, tracery divides the window into multiple compartments which are then filled with stained-glass. Occasionally, tracery continues onto walls or portals. By following the stylistic development of Carcassonne cathedral, it is possible to ascertain the relative importance of tracery in regional, high-gothic architecture

    Biolistic transformation of grapevine using minimal gene cassette technology

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    The use of minimal gene cassettes (MCs), which are linear DNA fragments (promoter+open reading frame+terminator) lacking the vector backbone sequence, was compared to the traditional use of whole circular plasmids (CPs) for transformation of grapevine. Embryogenic cell suspensions of ‘Chardonnay' (Vitis vinifera L.) were transformed via particle co-bombardment using two nonlinked genes in either MCs or CPs. One construct contained the npt-II selectable marker and the second construct contained the MSI99 antimicrobial peptide gene. A total of five lines each from MC and CP treatments that showed positive signals by PCR for both the npt-II and MSI99 genes were selected. Southern blot analyses revealed up to five integration events in the DNA treatments. Transcription levels determined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR varied among transgenic lines. No significant differences were found in transgene transcription between lines from MC and CP transformation. The correlation between npt-II and MSI99 transcription levels was positive (P<0.05), however, no correlation between the transcription level and the number of integration events was observed. Transgenic lines presented a similar phenotype in leaf morphology and plant vigor compared to non-transgenic lines. Moreover, transgenic lines from both MC and CP DNA treatments produced fruit as did the non-transgenic lines in the third year of growth in the greenhouse. Our data confirm the effectiveness of the minimal cassette technology for genetic transformation of grapevine cultivar

    Evaluation of Transgenic ‘Chardonnay' ( Vitis vinifera ) Containing Magainin Genes for Resistance to Crown Gall and Powdery Mildew

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    Magainins, short peptides with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity in vitro, were assayed for their ability to confer resistance to pathogens in transgenic grapevines. Embryogenic cell suspensions of ‘Chardonnay' (Vitis vinifera L.) were co-transformed by microprojectile bombardment with a plasmid carrying the npt-II gene and a second plasmid harboring either a natural magainin-2 (mag2) or a synthetic derivative (MSI99) gene. Magainin genes and the marker gene were driven by Arabidopsis ubiquitin-3 and ubiquitin-11 promoters, respectively. A total of 10 mag2 and 9 MSI99 regenerated lines were studied by Southern blot hybridization, which showed 1-6 transgene integration events into the plant genome. Semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed a variable range in transcription levels among mag2 and MSI99 lines. A positive correlation between number of integration events and transcription level was observed (p<0.05). Plants were acclimated and challenged in the greenhouse with either Agrobacterium vitis strains (bacterial crown gall pathogen) at 108cfu/ml or Uncinula necator (fungal powdery mildew pathogen) at 105 conidia/ml for evaluation of disease resistance. A total of 6 mag2 and 5 MSI99 lines expressing the antimicrobial genes exhibited significant reductions of crown gall symptoms as compared to non-transformed controls. However, only two mag2 lines showed measurable symptom reductions in response to U. necator, but not strong resistance. Our results suggest that the expression of magainin-type genes in grapevines may be more effective against bacteria than fungi. Additional strategies to enhance transgene expression and the spectrum of resistance to grape diseases are suggeste

    Thalamic nuclei segmentation from T1_1-weighted MRI: unifying and benchmarking state-of-the-art methods with young and old cohorts

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    The thalamus and its constituent nuclei are critical for a broad range of cognitive and sensorimotor processes, and implicated in many neurological and neurodegenerative conditions. However, the functional involvement and specificity of thalamic nuclei in human neuroimaging is underappreciated and not well studied due, in part, to technical challenges of accurately identifying and segmenting nuclei. This challenge is further exacerbated by a lack of common nomenclature for comparing segmentation methods. Here, we use data from healthy young (Human Connectome Project, 100 subjects) and older healthy adults, plus those with minor cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, 540 subjects), to benchmark four state of the art thalamic segmentation methods for T1 MRI (FreeSurfer, HIPS-THOMAS, SCS-CNN, and T1-THOMAS) under a single segmentation framework. Segmentations were compared using overlap and dissimilarity metrics to the Morel stereotaxic atlas. We also quantified each method's estimation of thalamic nuclear degeneration across Alzheimer's disease progression, and how accurately early and late mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimers disease could be distinguished from healthy controls. We show that HIPS-THOMAS produced the most effective segmentations of individual thalamic nuclei and was also most accurate in discriminating healthy controls from those with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease using individual nucleus volumes. This work is the first to systematically compare the efficacy of anatomical thalamic segmentation approaches under a unified nomenclature. We also provide recommendations of which segmentation method to use for studying the functional relevance of specific thalamic nuclei, based on their overlap and dissimilarity with the Morel atlas.Comment: 10 figures, 4 tables, 3 supplemental figures, 2 supplemental table


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    This exploratory study examined attachment style and state/trait anxiety in adolescents - 30 recently hospitalized psychiatric patients, and 49 school controls. All were aged 13-18, with the majority (67%) female. The attachment style interview (ASI, Bifulco et al. 2002) was administered, together with the Recent Life Events questionnaire (Brugha & Cragg 1990) and the STAI anxiety questionnaire (Spielberger et al. 1983). Results showed the hospitalised group to have significantly more negative interactions with parents and poorer support than the comparison group. They had significantly more insecure attachment style (96% s 37%). Among the hospitalized adolescents, both the Anxious and the Avoidant attachment style group had higher anxiety scores on the STAI-trait scores than on the STAI-state scores assessed during the first days of hospitalisation. This suggests adolescents, even those with Avoidant attachment feel less anxious after admission. Implications for assessing attachment style in adolescent patients to aid with care planning is discussed


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    This exploratory study examined attachment style and state/trait anxiety in adolescents - 30 recently hospitalized psychiatric patients, and 49 school controls. All were aged 13-18, with the majority (67%) female. The attachment style interview (ASI, Bifulco et al. 2002) was administered, together with the Recent Life Events questionnaire (Brugha & Cragg 1990) and the STAI anxiety questionnaire (Spielberger et al. 1983). Results showed the hospitalised group to have significantly more negative interactions with parents and poorer support than the comparison group. They had significantly more insecure attachment style (96% s 37%). Among the hospitalized adolescents, both the Anxious and the Avoidant attachment style group had higher anxiety scores on the STAI-trait scores than on the STAI-state scores assessed during the first days of hospitalisation. This suggests adolescents, even those with Avoidant attachment feel less anxious after admission. Implications for assessing attachment style in adolescent patients to aid with care planning is discussed

    Using Process Mining to Assess the Fidelity of a Home Visiting Program

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    Background: The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program is a federal public health initiative which supports at-risk families through evidence-based programs and promising approaches for pregnant women, and childhood development for children aged 0 to 5. These public health program funding mechanisms commonly include process evaluation mandates. Purpose: The use of process mining was explored as a methodology to assess the fidelity of the MIECHV programs’ actual workflow to that of their intended models. Methods: Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) data files that were populated with program process data elements from the local implementing agencies were mined. The focus was on three main variables: participant identification, activity labels, and timestamps. These variables were imported into the Disco process-mining software. Disco was used to develop process maps to track process pathways and compare the actual workflow against the intended model. Results: Using process mining as a diagnostic tool, fidelity to the MIECHV process model was assessed, identifying a total of 262 different process variations. The 15 most frequent variations represent 60.7% of the total pool of process variations, 13 of which were deemed to have fidelity to the intended model. Analysis of the variations indicated that many activities in the intended process were skipped or implemented out of sequence. Implications: Process mining is a useful tool for organizations to visually display, track, understand, compare, and improve their workflow processes. This method should be considered by programs as complex as MIECHV to improve the data reporting and the identification of opportunities to strengthen programs

    Visualizing Complex Adaptive Systems: A Case Study of the Missouri Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program

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    Background: The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program was created by the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. MIECHV provides comprehensive services to at-risk families through evidence-based home visiting programs. Purpose: The following question is addressed: Does the Missouri MIECHV system meet the definition of a complex adaptive system (CAS)? Methods: A systematic review was conducted of documents related to MIECHV programs (federal, state, and local levels), and to affiliated programs with a home visiting and early childhood (aged birth to 5 years) scope. The organizations’ fit was identified for the scope of early childhood home visiting programs, and then its relationship extracted to MIECHV and its affiliates. Results: MIECHV meets the definition of a CAS, being dynamic, massively entangled, scale independent, transformative, and emergent. Over 250 organizations were identified; 19 federal and 79 state organizations; 24 nonprofits at the federal level, 31 at the state; over 150 community-level agencies; and 13 home visiting models implemented in Missouri. Implications: A considerable amount of organizational complexity exists within the MIECHV system and among its affiliates with a home visiting and early childhood scope. The complexity of the system challenges its potential for effective and efficient implementation, coordination, sustainability, and evaluation, and increases the potential for redundancy, overlap, and fragmentation. Evaluating a CAS requires acknowledgement of its complexity, beyond traditional approaches to evaluation. Creating visualization tools of federal, state, and local stakeholders and their relationships is a practical approach for aligning, organizing, and communicating the work flow