6 research outputs found

    Constrained ordination relating bird data to predictor variables.

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    <p>Distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) of zero-adjusted Bray-Curtis dissimilarities calculated from square-root transformed abundances of 98 bird species vs. elevation, slope, tree density, distance to nearest stream, and longitude (<i>x</i>), identified as the best 5-variable model using the AICc selection criterion. Colors identify the three environmental groups.</p

    Location of Ducke Forest Reserve (DFR), Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil.

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    <p>Location of DFR in relation to the city of Manaus and to the main rivers (a); Topography, streams and the system of trails (dashed lines) in the study area, showing the 72 sampling plots (b). The brown line marks the division of the reserve into eastern (<i>n</i> = 34) and western (<i>n</i> = 38) watersheds. The colors of the plots indicate the three environmental groups identified by K-means partitioning. Beige dots represent Low areas (<i>n</i> = 20), pale green dots represent High areas (<i>n</i> = 31), and dark green dots represent Slope areas (<i>n</i> = 21).</p

    Number of species and abundance of birds vs. environmental groups and watersheds.

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    <p>Mean number of species captured per plot or mean abundance in different watersheds (a and b, respectively) and in different environmental groups (c and d, respectively). Bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.</p

    Multi-taxa responses to climate change in the Amazon

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    Data and code from 'Multi-taxa responses to climate change in the Amazon forest'. Authors: Carlos A. S. Rodrigues-Filho; Flávia R. C. Costa; Juliana Schietti; Anselmo Nogueira; Rafael Pereira Leitão; Juliana Menger; Gabriel Borba; Caian Souza Gerolamo; Stefano S. Avilla; Thaise Emilio; Carolina Volkmer de Castilho; Douglas Aviz Bastos; Elisangela Xavier Rocha; Itanna O. Fernandes; Cintia Cornelius; Jansen Zuanon; Jorge L. P. Souza; Ana C. S. Utta1; Fabricio B. Baccaro</p