34 research outputs found

    Glutamine and carbon turnover in adipose tissue of piglets

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da glutamina no turnover do carbono do tecido adiposo de leitões. Quarenta leitões foram desmamados aos 21 dias e distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em dois tratamentos: T1, dieta de plantas C3, sem suplementação de glutamina; e T2, dieta de plantas C3, suplementada com 1% de glutamina. Nos dias 0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 29 e 46 pós-desmame, dois leitões por tratamento foram abatidos; amostras de tecido adiposo foram coletadas e analisadas quanto à composição isotópica em d‰13C, e foi mensurada a substituição do carbono em função do tempo. Na primeira semana pós-desmame, não houve alteração dos valores isotópicos, pois os animais nessa fase usam suas reservas corporais de gordura. Após esse período, o tecido adiposo começou a incorporar o sinal isotópico da ração, o que indica início da deposição de gordura corporal. Nos animais que se alimentaram com suplemento de glutamina, a incorporação do carbono da ração no tecido adiposo foi mais rápida. As reservas de gordura corporal, adquiridas durante o aleitamento, exercem importante papel na manutenção dos animais por aproximadamente uma semana pós-desmame, e a glutamina auxilia na retomada de deposição de gordura corporal após esse período.The objective of this work was to verify the glutamine influence on carbon turnover of adipose tissue of piglets. Forty piglets were weaned on the 21st day, and were distributed, at random, into two treatments: T1, diet of C3 plants, without glutamine supplementation; and T2, diet of C3 plants, supplemented with 1% glutamine. On days 0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 29 and 46 postweaning, two piglets by treatment were slaughtered; samples of the adipose tissue were collected and analyzed as for their carbon isotopic composition (d‰13C), and carbon substitution was measured, in function of time. In the first week postweaning, there was no alteration of the isotopic values, because the animals in this phase used their fat corporal reserve. After this period, the adipose tissue began to incorporate the isotopic signal of the ration, which indicates the onset of body fat deposition. In animals supplemented with glutamine, carbon incorporation in the fatty tissue was faster. Fat reserve acquired during the suckling period have an important role in the maintenance of the animals, during approximately one week postweaning; and glutamine helps in body fat deposition retaking after this period

    Rastreabilidade de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas com levedura e trigo para frangos

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    The aim of this paper was to trace the presence of meals from animal origin, in diets for broilers with or without yeast and wheat meal, through the analysis of breast muscle, by using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope techniques. Two hundred ten male chicks (Cobb) one‑day old were randomly distributed to seven treatments (30 birds each), with a control diet (exclusively vegetal), and six diets containing meat and bone meal or poultry offal meal, with or without yeast and wheat meal in their compositions. At 42 days ofage, four broilers randomly chosen, by treatment were slaughtered, and their breast muscles were collected for isotopic ratio analysis. The isotopic results were analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis of variance. The treatments differed from the control and the inclusion of meals of animal origin was identified by stable isotope techniques, even when there was yeast or wheat meal included in the diet.O objetivo deste trabalho foi rastrear a inclussão de farinhas de origem animal em rações para frango de corte com ou sem levedura de cana-de-açúcar e farelo de trigo, por meio da análise do músculo peitoral das aves pelas técnicas dos isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio. Foram utilizados 210 pintos machos(Cobb), com um dia de idade, distribuídos aleatoriamente em sete tratamentos de 30 aves cada, tendo sido um tratamento controle (dieta vegetal) e seis com inclusão de farinha de carne e ossos bovina ou farinha de vísceras de aves na dieta, com ou sem levedura de cana-de-açúcar e farelo de trigo. Aos 42 dias de idade, foram abatidas quatro aves, por tratamento, escolhidas ao acaso, cujo músculo peitoral foi retirado para análise da razão isotópica. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise multivariada. Os tratamentos experimentais diferiram do tratamento controle, e foi identificada a inclusão de farinha de origem animal, pelas técnicas dos isótopos estáveis, mesmo com inclusão de levedura ou farelo de trigo na dieta

    Rastreabilidade de farinhas de origem animal em ovos de codornas por meio de isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio

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    The objective of this work was to detect the inclusion of animal meal in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) diets, by analyzing eggs and their fractions (albumen and yolk) through the technique of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) stable isotopes. Four hundred and thirty-two Japanese quails, 45-day-old females, were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, in eight treatments: T1, strictly vegetable diet (VEG), with corn (Zea mays) and soybean (Glycine max) meal; T2, bovine meat and bone meal (BM); T3, poultry viscera meal (OM); T4, feather meal (FM); T5, BM+OM; T6, BM+FM; T7, OM+FM; and T8, BM+OM+FM. Sixteen eggs were randomly collected from each treatment – eight for whole egg analysis and eight for separate yolk and albumen analyses. To determine the turnover rate, the exponential isotope dilution model was used. The application of C and N stable isotopes allows identifying the use of animal meal in coded diets through the analysis of whole eggs and their fractions, which suggests that this technique is a promising tool for the traceability and certification of products of animal origin.O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar a inclusão de farinha de origem animal em dietas de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica), ao analisar os ovos e suas frações (albúmen e gema) por meio da técnica de isótopos estáveis de carbono (13C/ 12C) e nitrogênio (15N/14N). Quatrocentas e trinta e duas codornas japonesas, fêmeas com 45 dias de idade, foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em oito tratamentos: T1, dieta estritamente vegetal, com farinha de milho (Zea mays) e soja (Glycine max) (VEG); T2, farinha de carne e ossos bovinos (BM); T3, farinha de vísceras de aves (OM); T4, farinha de penas (FM); T5, BM+OM; T6, BM+FM; T7, OM+FM; e T8, BM+OM+FM. Foram colhidos aleatoriamente 16 ovos de cada tratamento – oito para análise de ovo inteiro e oito para análise separada de gema e albúmen. Para determinar a taxa de “turnover”, utilizou-se o modelo exponencial de diluição isotópica. A aplicação de isótopos estáveis de C e N permite identificar o uso de farinha de origem animal em dietas codificadas, por meio da análise dos ovos inteiros e de suas frações, o que sugere que esta técnica é uma ferramenta promissora para a rastreabilidade e a certificação de produtos de origem animal

    Effect of Glutamine, Glutamic Acid and Nucleotides on the Turnover of Carbon (δC) in Organs of Weaned Piglets

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    Morphological and physiological alterations occur in the digestive system of weanling piglets, compromising the performance in subsequent phases. This experiment aimed at verifying the influence of glutamine, glutamate and nucleotides on the carbon turnover in the pancreas and liver of piglets weaned at 21 days of age. Four diets were evaluated: glutamine, glutamic acid or nucleotides-free diet (CD); containing 1% glutamine (GD); containing 1% glutamic acid (GAD) and containing 1% nucleotides (ND). One hundred and twenty-three piglets were utilized with three pigs slaughtered at day zero (weaning day) and three at each one of the experimental days (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 20, 27, and 49 post-weaning), in order to collect organ samples, which were analyzed for the δ13C isotopic composition and compared by means of time. No differences were found (p>0.05) among treatments for the turnover of the 13C in the pancreas (T50% = 13.91, 14.37, 11.07, and 9.34 days; T95% = 46.22, 47.73, 36.79, and 31.04 days for CD, GD, GAD, and ND, respectively). In the liver, the ND presented accelerated values of carbon turnover (T50% = 7.36 and T95% = 24.47 days) in relation to the values obtained for the GD (T50% = 10.15 and T95% = 33.74 days). However, the values obtained for the CD (T50% = 9.12 and T95% = 30.31 days) and GAD (T50% = 7.83 and T95% = 26.03 days) had no differences (p>0.05) among other diets. The technique of 13C isotopic dilution demonstrated trophic action of nucleotides in the liver

    Rastreabilidade de farinhas de origem animal em ovos de poedeiras comerciais pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono 'delta' 'INTPOT.13 C' do nitrogênio 'delta' 'INTPOT.15 N'

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    The aim of this study was to trace the inclusion of bovine meat and bones meal (BMBM) in diets of laying hens analyzing eggs and theirs fractions (yolk and albumen), by carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes, as well as to evaluate the detectable analytical minimal index. Two hundred forty (240) Shaver White laying hens aging 73 weeks never fed with animal origin ingredients were randomly distributed in five treatments and fed with a corn and soybean based diet (control) and four increasing levels (0; 1.5; 3.0; 4.5 and 6.0%) of BMBM. At the 35th day, 24 eggs per treatment were randomly collect, twelve for yolk and albumen sampling and twelve for egg (yolk + albumen) sampling. The isotopic results were analyzed in a multivariate analysis of variance. Through an error matrix (95% confidence) the ellipses were determined to identify the differences among the treatments (diets BMBM inclusion) from the control group (0% BMBM group). It was possible to detect BMBM inclusion through the isotopic pair of yolk and egg at 3.0% of inclusion. In the albumen it was possible to detect the 1.5% BMBM inclusion. In summary, the stable isotopes technique is able to trace BMBM in laying hens feed, in the final product at a minimal level of inclusion of 1.5% in the albumen and 3.0% in the egg and yolk.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Avaliação metabólica de dietas de C3 e C4 na formação do ovo (gema e albúmen) pelo uso da técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono

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    Estudos avícolas usando isótopos estáveis como traçadores em suas dietas fornecem estimativas de quão rapidamente os isótopos estáveis dos tecidos são substituídos por isótopos derivados da dieta. Estabeleceu-se taxas de turnover, meia-vida e substituição total do 13C no sangue, ovo (albúmen + gema), albúmen e gema de aves de postura, pela troca de dietas compostas de plantas dos ciclos fotossintéticos C3 e C4. E avaliou o efeito das dietas quanto ao fracionamento isotópico dieta-tecido e bromatologia do albúmen e da gema. O turnover é influenciado pela qualidade da dieta oferecida a ave. A comparação entre as meias-vidas do sangue, ovo, gema e albúmen, respectivamente, mostra que a dieta RC4 apresentou valores de meia-vida maiores que os outros tratamentos (RC4 = 13,3; 4,8; 5,5 e 5,2d; RC3 = 5,3; 3,8; 4,5 e 2,5d; RMC4 = 10,5; 3,8; 4,8 e 3,2d e RMC3 = 9,2; 3,5; 4,6 e 1,5d). Os tecidos estudados, pelo fato de apresentarem baixo fracionamento isotópico (?dieta-tecido = 0,1 l 0,5%), refletem bem a dieta consumida. Quanto a bromatologia da gema e albúmen não encontrou diferença significativa.Poultry studies using stable isotopes as tracers in their diets supply information of how fast the stable isotopes from tissues are replaced by those diet-derivated. Established turnover rates, half-life and 13C total replacement in blood, egg (albumen + yolk), albumen and egg yolk from lay hens, through exchanging diets composed of C3 and C4 photosynthetic cycle plants. It also evaluated the effect of diets with regard to diet-tissue isotopic fractionation and bromatology of albumen and egg yolk. Turnover is influenced by quality of the diet used to feed the hens. The comparison among the half-lives of the blood, egg, yolk and albumen, respectively, shows that the diet RC4 presented half-life values higher than the other treatments (RC4 = 13,3; 4,8; 5,5 and 5,2days; RC3 = 5,3; 3,8; 4,5 and 2,5days; RMC4 = 10,5; 3,8; 4,8 and 3,2days and RMC3 = 9,2; 3,5; 4,6 and 1,5days). The studied tissues, due to the fact of presenting low isotopic fractionation (?diet-tissue = 0,1 l 0,5%), reflect well the diet intook. With relation to the albumen and yolk bromatology, none significant difference was found.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES