15 research outputs found

    Hate speech and LGBT media framing effects among community

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    The development of communication technology facilitates the users to get fast and easy information. Furthermore, with this platform all users will create and upload news content, and interested readers can get it through social media. The attainability can be seen to have either negative or positive possibilities. This study conducted took the example of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) issue as the core on how negative media content display gives different effect whether to the change of attitude and behaviour of an individual. Using experimental study approach, this study will have some main objectives namely to see the hate speech display effect related to LGBT on individual. Second, compares positive or negative message or news display on change of attitude and behaviour of an individual. The analysis using descriptive analysis and Paired Sample T-Test and Analysis of Variants (ANOVA) will idenfity how far the hate speech message display effect on an individual. The findings show that positive frame gives effect compared to the negative frame on readers’ attitude and behaviour. Besides that, significant change towards the change of attitude compared to the change of behaviour

    The repetition and competition of news reporting as mediator to frame setting

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    The rapid spread of information in the world makes news reporting on the current issues around people grows as well.Framing analysis is a theoretical approach that has been considered as one of the indicators used to analyze how people understand the situations.With the diversity of perception, framing analysis too has changed. The competition of news reporting from various types of media gives the audiences more options to choose the frame which is considered right and suitable for them. Similarly, the media also take the initiatives by reporting a repeated news and information in order to provide information and insight to the reader as well as to capture their attention.Therefore, this study opens a new stream of framing analysis on how these two mediators are functional and capable of giving effect to the news framing

    Burying the news for the public: agenda cutting of the Tamil newspapers and MIC candidate facebook during the 13th General Election

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    Guided by Agenda Cutting theory, this study examines the pattern of media coverage on issues portrayed in Tamil newspapers and Facebook during Malaysian General Election 13. A total of 1309 news articles from Tamil Nesan and Malaysia Nanban and 111 postings on MIC’s Facebook were identified and examined during the election campaign period from April 20 – May 6, 2013, specifically just before and soon after the election. A total of 127 Facebook accounts of MIC’s candidates for state and parliamentary constituencies were examined during the same period. Findings show that out of the 17 examined issues eight issues (i.e., crime, social, environment, national unity, nationalism, health issues, international relations and immigrants) were not reported by these Indian dailies. A similar result can also be found on MIC’s parliamentary and state seat candidates’ Facebook. Findings from this study draw a conclusion that without a flawed agenda cutting strategy, the MIC could have garnered valuable electoral votes during its GE13 campaign

    Penentuan bingkai berita keselamatan awam dari penelitian respon kognisi dan ekspresi audiens

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    Penggunaan media massa seperti surat khabar masih lagi dianggap berkesan kepada khalayak pada masa kini, walaupun bersaing dengan penggunaan media baru seperti internet. Laporan Media 2012 melaporkan sepanjang tahun 2012, rating penggunaan surat khabar masih lagi menyumbang kepada peratusan tertinggi berbanding bentuk media yang lain. Surat khabar juga mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat besar kepada khalayak terutamanya untuk membentuk pendapat umum dan persepsi. Justeru itu, pembingkaian dilihat sebagai salah satu indikator yang berkesan untuk membentuk persepsi mengenai realiti sosial yang berlaku dalam masyarakat, pada masa yang sama juga turut mempengaruhi kepada ekspresi, kognisi dan tingkah laku pembaca. Kajian ini mengenalpasti kesan pembingkaian kepada perubahan kognisi dan ekspresi pembaca. Kajian yang mengfokuskan kepada daya ingatan jangka pendek dan menggunakan contoh bingkai berita positif, neutral dan negatif ini mempunyai dua objektif utama. Pertamanya ialah untuk melihat kesan penentuan pembingkaian bingkai berita keselamatan awam yang berbentuk positif, negatif dan neutral terhadap perubahan kognisi pembaca. Keduanya, bagi melihat kesan penentuan pembingkaian bingkai berita keselamatan awam yang berbentuk positif, negatif dan neutral terhadap perubahan ekspresi pembaca. Kaedah yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah kuasi eksperimen. Analisis kajian dijalankan dalam bentuk kuantitatif iaitu dengan menggunakan ujian analisis variat multivariat. Di akhir kajian ini, pendedahan akan diperolehi dengan mengetahui bentuk bingkai yang paling mempengaruhi perubahan kognisi dan ekspresi pembaca. Selain itu, hasil kajian ini juga akan mengetahui perubahan yang berlaku antara kognisi dan ekspresi melalui pembingkaian dalam jangka masa pendek

    Political discourse in Indonesia and Malaysia for national human security: a case study of Lahad Datu

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    Issues related to the Malay world (Indonesia and Malaysia) and across the border in the context of political, economic and trade had been discussed and explored many times over. However, the national and regional human security issues within the Malay culture have been neglected. It received no or little coverage from the media. Thus, this research looked at the Indonesia-Malaysia political discourse in maintaining political stability within the Malay Archipelago. It will use document analysis to understand the role of the Indonesia-Malaysia political communication in maintaining the security of the Malay Archipelago by using the Lahad Datu issue as a case study. The study found that the political communication between Indonesia and Malaysia is vibrant. The style of political communication used was of mutual understanding of their respective roles, with less focus on sensationalism and more emphasis on conflict prevention

    Innovative characteristics of users' intention to continue using personalized recommendation news apps

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    With the massive increase in the available news information, it is difficult for users to quickly obtain the news they are interested in, resulting in personalized recommendation news applications. As the popularity of such innovative products grows, it is important to understand how people perceive and use these innovations. The focus of this study was the personalized recommendation news app "Toutiao," which has a high level of user activity in China. Based on the diffusion of innovation theory, this study investigates the relative advantages, compatibility, complexity, and observability characteristics of the Toutiao App as independent variables (IV). The dependent variable is the users' intention to continue using (DV) products. Furthermore, the research on innovation characteristics will help developers and service providers of mobile news apps in determining which innovations are more capable of attracting and retaining users, as well as which innovations have specific reference significance for the improvement of user experience mechanisms and market development strategies

    Framing theory application in public relations: the lack of dynamic framing analysis in competitive context

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    This study reviews the literature that uses Framing theory in recent international public relations studies. It aims to overview the research status of Framing theory in public relations and the highlighted core knowledge and voids from scholarly literature. The method used in this study is a systematic literature review, which involves pre-set criteria in selecting academic articles to be surveyed within ten years (1 January 2010 to 31 December 2019) and qualitative synthesis of the findings. A systematic search was conducted related to framing, Framing theory, and international public relations in three databases namely Web of Science, ProQuest Central, and Scopus. These databases contain literature with framing applications in public relations. The main findings reveal that Framing theory was applied with dynamic framing analysis in PR is still weak

    Social media use among young people in China: a systematic literature review

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    The widespread use of social media has promoted extensive academic research on this channel. The present study conducts a systematic analysis of extant research on social media use among young people in China. This systematic literature review aims to identify and bridge gaps in topics, theories, variables, and conceptual frameworks in studies of social media usage among young people in China. The study aims to develop a cause–effect framework that shows the causal relationships among research structures. The PRISMA method is used to review 20 articles drawn from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. From the analysis, 10 major research topics, eight theories or models, and a complete framework of causal relations emerge. It is recommended that future research on social media should include a greater diversity of types of social media, investigate a wider range of research topics, and adopt different theories or models. Researchers should also implement a more complete and detailed systematic method for reviewing literature on social media research in China

    Moderating effect of gender on the relationship between TikTok usage and positive emotion among TikTok users in China

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    This study aims to identify the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between TikTok usage and positive emotion among TikTok users in China. As TikTok is a new emerging social media, there are few researches on TikTok usage and its association with positive emotion among TikTok users in China. To fill the gap, this study utilized a quantitative research method by using survey approach. A cross-sectional study was adopted, while the questionnaires were distributed online in this study. The study has collected 244 questionnaires through convenience sampling technique. The results shown that both of the two predictors which are perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use toward using TikTok are significantly associated with positive emotion among TikTok users in China. However, gender does not play a moderating role on the relationship between TikTok usage and positive emotion. It was found that the users of TikTok are mainly young generation. This study suggests that users should use TikTok reasonably and appropriately

    The effect of gain versus loss framing of Covid-19 online news on preventive behavior

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    World Health Organization announced the coronavirus as a pandemic on March 11th 2020. The outbreak caused a massive destruction globally affecting more than 200 countries. During pandemic, information regarding the control of spreading, infectious cases, prevention, preparedness and risks are the important elements of public health. Media plays an important role here in delivering all this kind of information during the crisis. This is because media is the mediator of health communication between both the public and the government. Media framing influence public’s preventive behaviour differently in terms of positive and negative framing. Their framing is capable enough to influence one’s health behaviour and response to the disease differently. The purpose of this review paper is to examine how gain and loss framing influence COVID-19 preventive behaviours differently. This study chooses two main theories which are Valence Framing theory and Health Belief Model (HBM). This study draws the relationship between gain and loss as news framing effects, with perceived threat, perceived evaluation and self-efficacy as components of HBM. The combination of these two theories would be great tool for future studies to research on preventive behaviors. Besides that, this study will help the media to understand which frame (positive or negative) can educate the society and raise public health behaviours. This may also help the government to plan strategies for better health outcome practices from the public