22 research outputs found

    Untargeted sequencing of circulating microRNAs in a healthy and diseased older population

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    We performed untargeted profiling of circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) in a well characterized cohort of older adults to verify associations of health and disease-related biomarkers with systemic miRNA expression. Differential expression analysis revealed 30 miRNAs that significantly differed between healthy active, healthy sedentary and sedentary cardiovascular risk patients. Increased expression of miRNAs miR-193b-5p, miR-122-5p, miR-885-3p, miR-193a-5p, miR-34a-5p, miR-505-3p, miR-194-5p, miR-27b-3p, miR-885-5p, miR-23b-5b, miR-365a-3p, miR-365b-3p, miR-22-5p was associated with a higher metabolic risk profile, unfavourable macro- and microvascular health, lower physical activity (PA) as well as cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels. Increased expression of miR-342-3p, miR-1-3p, miR-92b-5p, miR-454-3p, miR-190a-5p and miR-375-3p was associated with a lower metabolic risk profile, favourable macro- and microvascular health as well as higher PA and CRF. Of note, the first two principal components explained as much as 20% and 11% of the data variance. miRNAs and their potential target genes appear to mediate disease- and health-related physiological and pathophysiological adaptations that need to be validated and supported by further downstream analysis in future studies.Clinical Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02796976 ( https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02796976 )

    MiRNA126 – RGS16 – CXCL12 Cascade as a Potential Mechanism of Acute Exercise-Induced Precursor Cell Mobilization

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    Acute exercise enhances circulating stem and precursor cells (CPCs) in the peripheral blood. The responsible mechanisms and molecular pathways, however, have not been fully identified. The aim of the present study was to investigate a pathway related to elevated levels of apoptotic peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) and their secretome. An increased uptake of miRNA126 in MNCs was suggested to lead to reduced levels of RGS16 mRNA and, in turn, an enhanced translation and secretion of CXCL12. Eighteen healthy, young men underwent two identical incremental cycling exercises of which the first served as control while the second was preceded by a 7-day-long antioxidative supplementation. Blood samples were collected at baseline (−10min) and several time points after exercise (0, 30, 90, 180, and 270min). Relative concentrations of miRNA126 in MNCs and CXCL12 levels in plasma were determined at all time points while RGS16 mRNA was assessed in MNCs at baseline and 30min after exercise. CXCL12 increased after exercise and strongly correlated with CPC numbers. MiRNA126 increased 30min and, to a lesser extent, also 180 and 270min after exercise but only with supplementation. RGS16 mRNA decreased 30min after exercise independent of the intervention. The amount of RGS16 mRNA inversely correlated with levels of miRNA126, but not with plasma CXCL12. In conclusion, even though plasma CXCL12 correlated with CPC numbers, the increase in CXCL12 cannot be explained by the increased concentration of miRNA126 and lower RGS16 mRNA in MNCs that would have allowed for an enhanced translation of CXCL12.ISSN:1664-042

    Circulating adult stem and progenitor cell numbers-can results be trusted?

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    Background Within the last years, the interest in physical exercise as non-invasive stimulus influencing circulating hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (CPC) concentrations has constantly grown. Cell estimates are often derived by determining the subgroup of CPC as percent lymphocytes (LYM) or mononuclear cells (MNC) via flow cytometry and back calculation over whole blood (WB) cell counts. However, results might depend on the used cell isolation technique and/or gating strategy. We aimed to investigate MNC loss and apoptosis during the flow cytometry sample preparation process preceded by either density gradient centrifugation (DGC) or red blood cell lysis (RBCL) and the potential difference between results derived from back calculation at different stages of cell isolation and from WB. Methods Human blood was subjected to DGC and RBCL. Samples were stained for flow cytometry analysis of CPC (CD34+/CD45dim) and apoptosis analysis (Annexin V) of MNC and CPC subsets. MNC and LYM gating strategies were compared. Results Both DGC as well as RBCL yielded comparable CPC concentrations independent of the gating strategy when back calculated over WB values. However, cell loss and apoptosis differed between techniques, where after DGC LYM, and monocyte (MONO) concentrations significantly decreased (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively), while after RBCL LYM concentrations significantly decreased (p < 0.05) and MONO concentrations increased (p < 0.001). LYM apoptosis was comparable between techniques, but MONO apoptosis was higher after DGC than RBCL (p < 0.001). Conclusions Investigated MNC counts (LYM/MONO ratio) after cell isolation and staining did not always mimic WB conditions. Thus, final CPC results should be corrected accordingly, especially when reporting live CPC concentrations after DGC; otherwise, the CPC regenerative potential in circulation could be biased. This is of high importance in the context of non-invasively induced CPC mobilization such as by acute physical exercise, since these cell changes are small and conclusions drawn from published results might affect further applications of physical exercise as non-invasive therapy

    Exercise-Induced Circulating Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells in Well-Trained Subjects

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    It has been proposed that exercise-induced systemic oxidative stress increases circulating hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HPC) number in active participants, while HPC clonogenicity is reduced post-exercise. However, HPCs could be protected against exercise-induced reactive oxygen species in a trained state. Therefore, we characterized the acute exercise-induced HPC profile of well-trained participants including cell number, clonogenicity, and clearance. Twenty-one healthy, well-trained participants—12 runners, 9 cyclists; age 30.0 (4.3) years—performed a strenuous acute exercise session consisting of 4 bouts of 4-min high-intensity with 3-min low-intensity in-between, which is known to elicit oxidative stress. Average power/speed of intense phases was 85% of the peak achieved in a previous incremental test. Before and 10 min after exercise, CD34+/45dim cell number and clonogenicity, total oxidative (TOC), and antioxidative (TAC) capacities, as well as CD31 expression on detected HPCs were investigated. TOC significantly decreased from 0.093 (0.059) nmol/l to 0.083 (0.052) nmol/l post-exercise (p = 0.044). Although HPC proportions significantly declined below baseline (from 0.103 (0.037)% to 0.079 (0.028)% of mononuclear cells, p < 0.001), HPC concentrations increased post-exercise [2.10 (0.75) cells/ÎŒl to 2.46 (0.98) cells/ÎŒl, p = 0.002] without interaction between exercise modalities, while HPC clonogenicity was unaffected. Relating HPC concentrations and clonogenicity to exercise session specific (anti-) oxidative parameters, no association was found. CD31 median fluorescent intensity expression on detected HPCs was diminished post-exercise [from 1,675.9 (661.0) to 1,527.1 (558.9), p = 0.023] and positively correlated with TOC (rrm = 0.60, p = 0.005). These results suggest that acute exercise-reduced oxidative stress influences HPC clearance but not mobilization in well-trained participants. Furthermore, a well-trained state protected HPCs’ clonogenicity from post-exercise decline.ISSN:1664-042

    Acute Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress Does Not Affect Immediate or Delayed Precursor Cell Mobilization in Healthy Young Males

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    Exercise is known to acutely and transiently mobilize precursor cells to the peripheral blood. To date, the underlying mechanisms have not yet been fully elucidated and we hypothesized that exercise-induced oxidative stress could be a mobilizing agent, either directly or via circulating apoptotic cells as mediators. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of acute exercise-induced oxidative stress on numbers of circulating angiogenic precursor cells (CACs), circulating non-angiogenic precursor cells (nCACs), mesenchymal precursor cells (MPCs), mature endothelial cells (ECs), and mononuclear cells (MNCs), as well as their apoptotic subsets. Healthy, young males (n = 18, age: 24.2 ± 3.5 years) completed two identical, standardized incremental cycling tests. The first, un-supplemented control test was followed by a 7-day-long supplementation of vitamin C (1,000 mg/day) and E (400 I.U./day), immediately preceding the second test. Blood samples were collected before, directly after, 30, 90, 180, and 270 min after exercise, and aforementioned circulating cell numbers were determined by flow cytometry and a hematology analyzer. Additionally, total oxidative capacity (TOC) and total antioxidative capacity (TAC) were measured in serum at all timepoints. Antioxidative supplementation abolished the exercise-induced increase in the oxidative stress index (TOC/TAC), and reduced baseline concentrations of TOC and TOC/TAC. However, it did not have any effect on CACs, nCACs, and MPC numbers or the increase in apoptotic MNCs following exercise. Our results indicate that exercise-induced oxidative stress is neither a main driver of lymphocyte and monocyte apoptosis, nor one of the mechanisms involved in the immediate or delayed mobilization of precursor cells.ISSN:1664-042

    Anti-Mullerian hormone concentrations in individual follicular fluids within one stimulated IVF cycle resemble blood serum values

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    Purpose Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is commonly known as the most potent marker for ovarian reserve due to its decline as female age increases. While serum AMH (sAMH) levels have been intensively investigated, there is less data regarding AMH concentrations in follicular fluid (FF), since FF has usually been designated as waste product during oocyte collection in assisted reproductive technologies. This pilot study investigated follicle AMH concentrations (fAMH) of several follicles per ovary, individually collected with the Steiner-Tan needle, and compared them to sAMH concentrations in women undergoing IVF treatment. We hypothesized that there is no difference of fAMH concentrations in individual follicles and that these concentrations resemble the sAMH value of the patient. Methods Patients were stimulated with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist ovarian hyperstimulation protocol. On the day of oocyte retrieval, serum samples and FF from all individual follicles from one stimulated IVF cycle were collected and individually analyzed for AMH concentrations. Results Intracyclic mean fAMH values (n follicle = 2–14) were significantly correlated to sAHM values (ρ = 0.85, p < 0.001) and showed a trend to be negatively associated with age (ρ = −0.43, p = 0.06). Mean intrapatient fAMH concentrations differed significantly (p < 0.001). Furthermore, significant correlations of sAMH with individual fAMH values of the first five follicles of each patient were observed. Conclusions In conclusion, our results clearly showed that individual fAMH concentrations reflected sAMH values and that fAMH concentrations did not significantly differ within one patient. In future studies, it will be interesting to correlate individual fAMH values to the respective embryo development and overall pregnancy outcome in order to improve IVF treatments and to refrain from embryo overproduction.ISSN:1058-0468ISSN:1573-733

    Circulating Gal-3 and sST2 are associated with acute exercise-induced sustained endothelial activation: Possible relevance for fibrosis development?

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    Long-term, intense endurance exercise training can occasionally induce endothelial micro-damage and cardiac fibrosis. The underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Twenty healthy, well-trained male participants (10 runners and 10 cyclists) performed a strenuous high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session matched by age, height, weight and maximal oxygen consumption. We assessed the acute exercise response of novel cardiac biomarkers of fibrosis [e.g., galectin-3 (Gal-3) and soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2)] per exercise modality and their relationship with haemodynamic contributors, such as preload, afterload and cardiac contractility index (CTi), in addition to endothelial damage by sustained activation and shedding of endothelial cells (ECs). Serum Gal-3 and sST2 concentrations were investigated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays; haemodynamics were analysed via impedance plethysmography and circulating ECs by flow cytometry. The Gal-3 and sST2 concentrations and ECs were elevated after exercise (P < 0.001), without interaction between exercise modalities. Circulating Gal-3 and sST2 concentrations both showed a positive relationship with ECs (rá”Łâ‚˜ = 0.68, P = 0.001 and rá”Łâ‚˜ = 0.57, P = 0.010, respectively, both n = 18). The EC association with Gal-3 was significant only in cyclists, but equally strong for both modalities. Gal-3 was also related to exercise-induced CTi (rá”Łâ‚˜ = 0.57, P = 0.011, n = 18). Cardiac wall stress is increased after an acute HIIT session but does not differ between exercise modalities. Exercise-released Gal-3 from cardiac macrophages could very probably drive systemic endothelial damage, based on an enhanced CTi. The importance of acute exercise-induced vascular resistances and cardiac contractility for the release of fibrotic biomarkers and any long-term pathological endothelial adaptation should be investigated further, also relative to the exercise modality.ISSN:0958-0670ISSN:1469-445