27 research outputs found

    Intraoperative Defibrillation Testing of Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter‐Defibrillator Systems—A Simple Issue?

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    Background: The results of the recently published randomized SIMPLE trial question the role of routine intraoperative defibrillation testing. However, testing is still recommended during implantation of the entirely subcutaneous implantable cardioverter‐defibrillator (S‐ICD) system. To address the question of whether defibrillation testing in S‐ICD systems is still necessary, we analyzed the data of a large, standard‐of‐care prospective single‐center S‐ICD registry. // Methods and Results: In the present study, 102 consecutive patients received an S‐ICD for primary (n=50) or secondary prevention (n=52). Defibrillation testing was performed in all except 4 patients. In 74 (75%; 95% CI 0.66–0.83) of 98 patients, ventricular fibrillation was effectively terminated by the first programmed internal shock. In 24 (25%; 95% CI 0.22–0.44) of 98 patients, the first internal shock was ineffective and further internal or external shock deliveries were required. In these patients, programming to reversed shock polarity (n=14) or repositioning of the sensing lead (n=1) or the pulse generator (n=5) led to successful defibrillation. In 4 patients, a safety margin of <10 J was not attained. Nevertheless, in these 4 patients, ventricular arrhythmias were effectively terminated with an internal 80‐J shock. // Conclusions: Although it has been shown that defibrillation testing is not necessary in transvenous ICD systems, it seems particular important for S‐ICD systems, because in nearly 25% of the cases the primary intraoperative test was not successful. In most cases, a successful defibrillation could be achieved by changing shock polarity or by optimizing the shock vector caused by the pulse generator or lead repositioning.<br

    Listen to Your Heart: Evaluation of the Cardiologic Ecosystem

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    Modern implantable cardiologic devices communicate via radio frequency techniques and nearby gateways to a backend server on the internet. Those implanted devices, gateways, and servers form an ecosystem of proprietary hardware and protocols that process sensitive medical data and is often vital for patients’ health. This paper analyzes the security of this Ecosystem, from technical gateway aspects, via the programmer, to configure the implanted device, up to the processing of personal medical data from large cardiological device producers. Based on a real-world attacker model, we evaluated different devices and found several severe vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we could purchase a fully functional programmer for implantable cardiological devices, allowing us to re-program such devices or even induce electric shocks on untampered implanted devices. Additionally, we sent several Art. 15 and Art. 20 GDPR inquiries to manufacturers of implantable cardiologic devices, revealing non-conforming processes and a lack of awareness about patients’ rights and companies’ obligations. This, and the fact that many vulnerabilities are still to be found after many vulnerability disclosures in recent years, present a worrying security state of the whole ecosystem

    Predictors of response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with chronic right ventricular pacing

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    Background!#!The benefits of de novo cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with QRS-prolongation and impaired left-ventricular function (LVEF) are well established. Current guidelines also recommend CRT-upgrade in patients requiring permanent or frequent right ventricular pacing (RVP) with symptomatic heart failure and reduced LVEF. Whereas several predictors of response to de novo CRT-implantation such as female gender, QRS-duration, non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NICM) are known due to large prospective trials, similar factors regarding CRT-upgrade are currently lacking.!##!Methods and results!#!We examine 114 patients 3-6 months after CRT-upgrade due to frequent RVP (&amp;gt; 50%) and symptomatic heart failure. Response to CRT was evaluated by improvement in NYHA class referring to the Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire. Only cardiomyopathy type and use of Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor had an impact on response to CRT-upgrade in a linear regression model. Patients with NICM presented a greater responder rate than patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM) (80.4 vs. 60.3%, p &amp;lt; 0.05). Other traditional response predictors in de novo CRT recipients (e.g. QRS-width, female gender) showed no effect on CRT-response in this cohort.!##!Conclusion!#!Only underlying heart disease (NICM vs. ICM) and the use of ACE inhibitor were significant predictors of response to CRT-upgrade. In contrast to de novo CRT-recipients, where pre-implant QRS-duration is a key predictor, QRS-duration during RV-pacing has no significant impact on CRT-response in this cohort

    Pitfalls of the S-ICD therapy: experiences from a large tertiary centre

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    Aim!#!The subcutaneous ICD (S-ICD) has evolved to a potential first option for many patients who have to be protected from sudden cardiac death. Many trials have underlined a similar performance regarding its effectiveness in relation to transvenous ICDs and have shown the expected benefits concerning infective endocarditis and lead failure. However, there have also been problems due to the peculiarities of the device, such as oversensing and myopotentials. In this study, we present patients from a large tertiary centre suffering from complications with an S-ICD and propose possible solutions.!##!Methods and results!#!All S-ICD patients who experienced complications related to the device (n = 40) of our large-scale single-centre S-ICD registry (n = 351 patients) were included in this study. Baseline characteristics, complications occurring and solutions to these problems were documented over a mean follow-up of 50 months. In most cases (n = 23), patients suffered from oversensing (18 cases with T wave or P wave oversensing, 5 due to myopotentials). Re-programming successfully prevented further oversensing episode in 13/23 patients. In 9 patients, generator or lead-related complications, mostly due to infectious reasons (5/9), occurred. Further problems consisted of ineffective shocks in one patient and need for antibradycardia stimulation in 2 patients and indication for CRT in 2 other patients. In total, the S-ICD had to be extracted in 10 patients. 7 of them received a tv-ICD subsequently, 3 patients refused re-implantation of any ICD. One other patient kept the ICD but had antitachycardic therapy deactivated due to inappropriate shocks for myopotential oversensing.!##!Conclusion!#!The S-ICD is a valuable option for many patients for the prevention of sudden cardiac death. Nonetheless, certain problems are immanent to the S-ICD (limited re-programming options, size of the generator) and should be addressed in future generations of the S-ICD

    The Impact of Cardiac Devices on Patients’ Quality of Life—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The implantation of cardiac devices significantly reduces morbidity and mortality in patients with cardiac arrhythmias. Arrhythmias as well as therapy delivered by the device may impact quality of life of patients concerned considerably. Therefore we aimed at conducting a systematic search and meta-analysis of trials examining the impact of the implantation of cardiac devices, namely implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD), pacemakers and left-ventricular assist devices (LVAD) on quality of life. After pre-registering the trial with the PROSPERO database, we searched Medline, PsycINFO, Web of Science and the Cochrane databases for relevant publications. Study quality was assessed by two independent reviewers using standardized protocols. A total of 37 trials met our inclusion criteria. Of these, 31 trials were cohort trials while 6 trials used a randomized controlled design. We found large pre-post effect sizes for positive associations between quality of life and all types of devices. The effect sizes for LVAD, pacemaker and ICD patients were g = 1.64, g = 1.32 and g = 0.64, respectively. There was a lack of trials examining the effect of implantation on quality of life relative to control conditions. Trials assessing quality of life in patients with cardiac devices are still scarce. Yet, the existing data suggest beneficial effects of cardiac devices on quality of life. We recommend that clinical trials on cardiac devices routinely assess quality of life or other parameters of psychological well-being as a decisive study endpoint. Furthermore, improvements in psychological well-being should influence decisions about implantations of cardiac devices and be part of patient education and may impact shared decision-making

    Prospective blinded evaluation of smartphone-based ECG for differentiation of supraventricular tachycardia from inappropriate sinus tachycardia

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    Introduction!#!Supraventricular tachycardias (SVT) are often difficult to document due to their intermittent, short-lasting nature. Smartphone-based one-lead ECG monitors (sECG) were initially developed for the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. No data have been published regarding their potential role in differentiating inappropiate sinus tachycardia (IST) from regular SVT. If cardiologists could distinguish IST from SVT in sECG, economic health care burden might be significantly reduced.!##!Methods!#!We prospectively recruited 75 consecutive patients with known SVT undergoing an EP study. In all patients, four ECG were recorded: a sECG during SVT and during sinus tachycardia and respective 12-lead ECG. Two experienced electrophysiologists were blinded to the diagnoses and separately evaluated all ECG.!##!Results!#!Three hundred individual ECG were recorded in 75 patients (47 female, age 50 ± 18 years, BMI 26 ± 5 kg/m!##!Conclusion!#!A smartphone-based one-lead ECG monitor allows for differentiation of SVT from IST in about 90% of cases. These results should encourage cardiologists to integrate wearables into clinical practice, possibly reducing time to definitive diagnosis of an arrhythmia and unnecessary EP procedures. A smartphone-based one lead ECG device (panel A) can be used reliably to differentiate supraventricular tachycardia (panel B) from inappropriate sinus tachycardia when compared to a simultaneously conducted gold-standard electrophysiology study (panels C, D)

    Psychological Aspects of Syncopes and Possible Association with Recurrency&mdash;The Role of Implantable Loop Recorders

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    Syncopes are a very common phenomenon and have a high recurrence rate. The differentiation between the psychogenic and physical, especially of arrhythmic origin, remains difficult. In many cases, an implantable loop recorder is used for the detection of possible arrhythmias, leading to syncopes. Yet, the existing literature suggests that psychological factors may play a significant role in recurrent syncopes. We aimed at analyzing the potential role of several psychological factors on the recurrence of arrhythmic or non-arrhythmic syncopes. Methods and results: A total of 119 patients, who had received an implantable loop recorder for recurrent syncopes at our center between 01/2018 and 12/2021, participated in this retrospective cohort study. Anxiety, depression and quality of life were assessed using extensively validated questionnaires (GAD-7, PHQ-9 and SF-12). The mean follow-up after loop recorder implantation was 710 &plusmn; 430 days and 50% of patients were female. The mean patient age was 54.8 &plusmn; 18.6 years. Most patients had no evidence of structural heart disease (84%), and normal LV function (92%). A statistical analysis revealed that the presence of structural heart disease was the strongest predictor for arrhythmic syncope during follow-up. In patients with non-arrhythmic syncopes, we found significantly higher levels of anxiety (GAD-7 score: 2.5 &plusmn; 2.6 vs. 4.8 &plusmn; 4.3) and depression (PHQ-9 score: 3.9 &plusmn; 3.6 vs. 6.8 &plusmn; 5.1), and a lower quality of life (SF-12 score: 33.7 &plusmn; 6.4 vs. 29.6 &plusmn; 7.8). Discussion: We identified factors as contributors to a better identification of patients at risk for arrhythmic as well as non-arrhythmic syncopes. Especially anxious or depressive symptoms may hinted at non-arrhythmic causes of syncope. However, the study was limited by its retrospective design and low patient number. Further trials should likewise combine the diagnostic yield of loop recorders with psychometric evaluations before implantation and combine it with additional diagnostic measures, such as video monitoring, to further examine the role of psychological factors in the pathomechanism and treatment of syncope