6 research outputs found

    Proportionate mortality ratios.

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    <p>Proportionate mortality ratios for the ten most common COD for patients with PSE (number of deaths = 4167). PMR for patients that suffered stroke but did not develop PSE are also shown (number of deaths = 49385).</p

    Proportionate mortality ratios for age groups.

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    <p>Proportionate mortality ratios for underlying causes of death per age group. The number of deaths was 98 for age 40–59, 1352 for age 60–79, 2517 for age 80–99, and 196 for age 100+. The remaining 4 deaths occurred in ages 20–39, PMR is not shown.</p

    Flow chart.

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    <p>Flow chart describing how the cohort was identified.</p

    Causes of death stratified by time of death.

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    <p>Top row: Absolute counts (A) and proportions (B) of the three largest categories of COD. Lower row: Absolute count (C) and proportion (D) of patients with epilepsy (ICD-10 code G40) coded as an underlying or contributing COD.</p