8 research outputs found

    Ondelettes et applications en imagerie et en calcul de surfaces

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    Cette these presente des travaux sur les aspects theoriques de la transformation en ondelettes et quelques applications en imagerie et en calcul de surface. Nous presentons trois approches de construction d'une base d'ondelettes, a savoir l'approche theorie des groupes. l'approche analyse multiresolution et l'approche banc de filtres. Les applications de la transformee en ondelettes portent sur la compression d'image, la representation de courbes discretes et le calcul de l'approximation d'une surface par les fonctions radiales. Nous commencons par un survol de differentes techniques de compression. Nous montrons graphiquement et numeriquement que les transformations en ondelettes, comparativement aux autres methodes pyramidales (Brt et Adelson) permettent d'anvisager de tres bons resultats de compression. On montre que parmi les representations hierarchiques, la representation par ondelettes est celle qui permet de preserver au mieux les indices visuels dans le cadre de la construction d'un modele numerique de terrain par exemple. En ce qui concerne la representation des courbes discrete, nous avons mis au point un algorithme d'analyse et de synthese multi-echelles. Ce nouvel algorithme s'applique a des directions elementaires correspondant a une suite de Freeman representant un contour discret ou une courbe discrete. On montre que l'ondelette de Haar permet d'obtenir une bonne representation multi-echelle d'une courbe discrete avec une taille memoire faible et un cout de calcul minimal. Enfin, apres avoir pose dans le cadre general le probleme d'interpolation par les fonctions radiales et presente une analyse des conditions d'existence de la solution, nous proposons une nouvelle approche de resolution de systeme lineaire qui definit les parametres du probleme. Notre approche est fondee sur la transformation en ondelettes et permet de rendre creuse la matrice du systeme. nous montrons la performance de cette approche surtout quand le nombre de donnees est important. Les resultats d'interpolation d'une surface par une spline de type plaque mince ou multiquadratique sont presentes. En particulier, nous avons teste les ondelettes splines, les ondelettes a support compact et les ondelettes biorthogonales. Les resultats graphiques sont accompagnes des estimations numeriques des erreurs, ceci permettant une meilleure appreciation des demarches proposees

    Threshold Circuit based on Cyclic Codes

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    We study the model of a threshold circuit. By using the parity-check matrix: • Firstly, we build a threshold circuit that recognizes the words belonging to a cyclic code C. • Secondly, we build a threshold circuit that recognizes the words belonging to the set C1 ∩ C2, where C1 and C2 are cyclic codes. • Thirdly, we build a threshold circuit that recognizes the words belonging to a symmetric difference of two cyclic codes. We use these functions to characterize the followings sets: T C 0 4 , T C 0 5 and T C 0 6

    Estimation of Daily Reproduction Numbers during the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    (1) Background: The estimation of daily reproduction numbers throughout the contagiousness period is rarely considered, and only their sum R0 is calculated to quantify the contagiousness level of an infectious disease. (2) Methods: We provide the equation of the discrete dynamics of the epidemic’s growth and obtain an estimation of the daily reproduction numbers by using a deconvolution technique on a series of new COVID-19 cases. (3) Results: We provide both simulation results and estimations for several countries and waves of the COVID-19 outbreak. (4) Discussion: We discuss the role of noise on the stability of the epidemic’s dynamics. (5) Conclusions: We consider the possibility of improving the estimation of the distribution of daily reproduction numbers during the contagiousness period by taking into account the heterogeneity due to several host age classes

    Age Dependent Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 Outbreak in Kuwait, France, and Cameroon

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    Revisiting the classical model by Ross and Kermack-McKendrick, the Susceptible–Infectious–Recovered (SIR) model used to formalize the COVID-19 epidemic, requires improvements which will be the subject of this article. The heterogeneity in the age of the populations concerned leads to considering models in age groups with specific susceptibilities, which makes the prediction problem more difficult. Basically, there are three age groups of interest which are, respectively, 0–19 years, 20–64 years, and >64 years, but in this article, we only consider two (20–64 years and >64 years) age groups because the group 0–19 years is widely seen as being less infected by the virus since this age group had a low infection rate throughout the pandemic era of this study, especially the countries under consideration. In this article, we proposed a new mathematical age-dependent (Susceptible–Infectious–Goneanewsusceptible–Recovered (SIGR)) model for the COVID-19 outbreak and performed some mathematical analyses by showing the positivity, boundedness, stability, existence, and uniqueness of the solution. We performed numerical simulations of the model with parameters from Kuwait, France, and Cameroon. We discuss the role of these different parameters used in the model; namely, vaccination on the epidemic dynamics. We open a new perspective of improving an age-dependent model and its application to observed data and parameters