32 research outputs found

    Media Poster Untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Jerman Pada Anak Usia Dini RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan

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    MEDIA POSTER UNTUK PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA JERMAN PADA ANAK USIA DINI RA MAWAHIRUL ATHFAL BANGKALAN Wildaniyah Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected] Dwi Imroatu Julaikah, S.Pd., M.Pd. Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Surabaya ABSTRAK Bahasa Jerman diajarkan di RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan lembar analisis media yang diisi oleh guru bahasa Jerman, pembelajaran tersebut terkendala oleh kurangnya media pembelajaran bahasa Jerman untuk anak usia dini yang tersedia disekolah. Untuk itu, diperlukan media pembelajaran yang mendukung kegiatan belajar bahasa Jerman untuk anak usia dini. Maka rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana langkah-langkah pembuatan media Poster untuk pembelajaran bahasa Jerman pada anak usia dini RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghasilkan Poster sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Jerman pada Anak Usia Dini RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan. Media poster yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berisi materi abjad (das Alphabet), angka-angka(die Zahlen)dan warna-warna (die Farben) dalam bahasa Jerman. Tema tersebut disesuaikan dengan acuan Permendiknas nomor 58 tahun 2009 tentang tema pembelajaran di PAUD. Sementara itu, model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan yang dikemukakan oleh Sadiman. Model tersebut terdiri atas (1) mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan karakteristik siswa, (2) merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran, (3) mengembangkan materi, (4) menetapkan alat pengukur keberhasilan, (5) menuliskan naskah media, dan (6) validasi. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket. Angket tersebut diberikan pada ahli media dan ahli materi untuk validasi. Setelah dilakukan validasi, diperoleh hasil 83,3% untuk media, dan 100% untuk materi. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 91,65% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Berdasarkan skala Likert media poster ini layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jerman di RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan. Kata kunci: pendidikan anak usia dini, media poster, dan pembelajaran bahasa Jerman Abstract Learning German in Indonesia has begun to be introduced at the level of PAUD / TK / RA, one of them in RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan. Based on the results of interviews and media analysis sheets filled by German teachers, the learning was constrained by the lack of the availability German learning media for early childhood at school. For this reason, learning media are needed to support German learning activities for early childhood. The purpose of this study is to describe the steps of making poster media and knowing the validity of the poster media. The poster media used in this study contained alphabetical material (das Alphabet), numbers (die Zahlen) and colors (die Farben) in German. The theme was adjusted to the reference of Permendiknas number 58 of 2009 concerning the theme of learning in PAUD. Meanwhile, the development model used in this study is a model of development proposed by Sadiman. The model consists of (1) identifying the needs and characteristics of students, (2) formulating learning objectives, (3) developing the material, (4) determining the measure of success, (5) writing the media script, and (6) validation. The research subjects were students of RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan class B. The instruments used in this study were validation questionnaires. The questionnaire was given to media experts and material experts to measure the validity of learning media. After validation, the results obtained 83.3% for the media, and 100% for the material. Based on these results, obtained an average of 91.65% with very good criteria. Based on the Likert scale the media poster is suitable for use in learning German in RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan. Keywords: Kinder Garden, poster media, and learning German. POSTER MEDIEN FĂśR DEUTSCHUNTERRICHT, DIE KINDERGARTEN RA MAWAHIRUL ATHFAL BANGKALAN Wildaniyah Studienprogramm S1 Pädagodik der Deutsche Sprache, Fakultät fĂĽr Sprache und Kunst , Staatliche Universität von Surabaya [email protected] Dwi Imroatu Julaikah, S.Pd., M.Pd. Pädagogische Deutschabteilung, Fakultät fĂĽr Sprache und Kunst, Staatliche Universität von Surabaya AUSZUG Im Kindergarten wird Deutsch unterrichtet, zum Beispiel bei RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan. Im Lernprozes hat die Lehrern Probleme. Es gibt wenige Medien fĂĽr Deutsch Kindergarten. Die Formulierung des Problems dieser Untersuchung: Wie macht man Poster Medien fĂĽr Deutschunterricht in RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, Poster als Medium fĂĽr die Deutschunterricht in RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan zu produzieren. Die Poster median hat drei Themen. Das besteht aus: 1) das Alphabet, 2) die Zahlen, und 3) die Farben. Die Unterrichtsmaterien wird von Permendiknas nummerr 58 in Jahr ĂĽber das Thema Lernen in Paud angepasst. Diese Untersuchung benutzt das Modell der Entwicklung von Sadiman. Das besteht aus (1) Ermittlung der BedĂĽrfnisse und Merkmale der SchĂĽler, (2) Formulieren von Lernzielen, (3) Entwickeln des Materials, (4) Bestimmen des ErfolgsmaĂźes, (5) Schreiben des Medienskripts und (6) Validierung. Das Instrument der Untersuchung ist Fragebögen. Der Fragebogen wird zu Medienexperten und Materialexperten fĂĽr Validierung ĂĽbergegeben.Nach der Validierung gemacht wird, zeigen die Ergebnisse 83,3% fĂĽr das Medien und 100% fĂĽr das Materie. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen wurden durchschnittlich 91,65% mit sehr guten Kriterien bekommen. Basierend auf der Likert-Skala können das Medienposter in RA Mawahirul Athfal Bangkalan zum lernen verwendet werden SchlĂĽsselwörter: Kindergarten, Postermedien und Deutschlernen


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    In the language learning process, it is often found that students learning motivation still experiences ups and downs, especially in speaking skills, especially pronunciation. This is due to: 1.) The methods used tend to use conventional methods, and there is a need for increased variation. 2.) The learning media used on several occasions are still less innovative, so that student learning motivation in some materials decreases. So this research was conducted to answer the problem. 1.) How is the implementation of Busuu Android Application-based media as an effort to improve speaking skills in German pronunciation training (Aussprache Training) at SMAN 12 Surabaya? 2.) How are the learning outcomes of students of SMAN 12 Surabaya after the implementation of the Busuu application to support the improvement of speaking skills in German pronunciation training (Aussprache Training)? The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of Application-based media (Bussuu) and the learning outcomes of German Language Skills Class XI IPA SMAN 12 Surabaya. The results of the research on the implementation of Busuu showed a good improvement between the first and second meetings. In the first meeting, Busuu Application got a total score of 47 with a percentage of 62%, which then increased to 52 with a percentage of 69.33%. This can be said to fall into the „good" category and has been well implemented. From the results of this exam, there was a clear improvement between the first and second meetings. At the first meeting, the average student score was 68.35, and at the second meeting, the student score was 76.95. So it can be said that the students' score on their Speaking test has increased because the score is above the KKM at SMAN 12 Surabaya


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    German language is learned in senior high school, especially for students in majoring languages, natural sciences, and social sciences. German language is learned not only by normal learners but also by learners with special needs. Research data from Virginia University in the USA shows that 75-80% of autistic children's thinking level is lower than normal children. Therefore, an autistic learner needs an interesting and enjoyable learning model to enhance their learning interest. According to this, Course Review Hooray is chosen as a learning model for autistic learner. The advantage of this learning model is a pleasant model because the students can learn while playing games. Thus, the autistic learner can be better in mastering their German language skill. The problem in this article is how the teaching-learning process of German language in speaking skill for autistic learner’s class X IPS SMAN 1 Gedangan using Course Review Hooray as a learning model. The goal in this article is to know teaching and learning process of German language in speaking skills for autistic learners at SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo using Course Review Hooray as a learning model. This article uses descriptive qualitative approach. The instrument in this article is using activity sheet for the teaching and learning process. The result of this study is obtained that teaching and learning process of German language in speaking skill for autistic learner X IPS in SMAN 1 Gedangan using Hooray Course Review has run smoothly. Keywords: Course Review Hooray learning model, autism students, language skil

    Analisis Isi Konten Aplikasi German Words Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Smartphone Untuk Keterampilan Menulis Kelas X Semester II

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    In the era of technology, the utilization of smartphone as a supporting medium in the learning of German writing skills will be an alternativ for students. German Words is educational application based on smartphone that teaches of basic German vocabulary with the image, audio, and exercises as a content. But, the content of German Words application can not be categorie as learning medium based on smartphone, because the use of learning medium must have the criteria of selecting medium and the curriculum apply that used. So this article adopt the formulation of the problem is how to analyze the suitability of the contents in German Words application as a learning media based on smartphone for student’s writing skills class X semester II. The aim of writing this article is to describe the result of the suitability analysis of German Words as learning media based on smartphone for student’s writing skills class X semester II. This article uses a qualitativ method with the type of literature study. The data origin takes from German Words application. Then the data has been obtained for then analyzed to be adjusted to the 2013 curriculum and class X syllabus for the second semester as well as the criteria for selecting learning media. The result of the analysis describe that the content of German Words application with the subtheme Gegenstände in der Schule und Schulsachen has been very suitable with the criteria of selecting medium with a skor 96%. The material also very suitable with the curriculum with a score 95%. Keywords: Learning medium based on Smartphone, Analysis Content, German Words Application, Writing skills


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    In German learning speaking skills, it is necessary to pay attention about pronunciation, intonation, as well as the proper use of vocabulary. This means that appropriate teaching materials are needed so they can support learning speaking skills. Roche divides four criteria to selecting teaching materials into theme, purpose, text selection, and language used. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the suitability of video material from Learn German with Anja about Wohnung on Youtube as a teaching material for speaking skills second semester of class XI. The data source of this research is eight videos from the channel Learn German with Anja about Wohnung. The data of this research is form of vocabulary and sentence material from eight videos Learn German with Anja about Wohnung. The method used is descriptive qualitative with literature study. Data analysis technique using Simak Catat technique. All videos were analyzed according to instruments made based on the 2013 curriculum, material maps in the book “Deutsch ist einfach”, and using selection of teaching materials theory from Prastowo and Roche. The results obtained from the analysis of the suitability of the videos Learn German with Anja tema Wohnung after calculated using theory from Arikunto that the suitability of eight videos get a 86% score but there is material that is not suitable with instrument, namely there is no use of Adverb and one video is too short

    Analisis Video Akun TikTok Wisma Jerman sebagai Media Pembelajaran’Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Jerman Peserta Didik Kelas X Semester I

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    Based on the the research conducted, it prove that the lack of self-confidence, and the fear of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language are some of the reasons that obstruct the development of students’ abilities in speaking German. Therefore, innovative learning medias are needed to encourage the enthusiasm of students to speak German. Technological developments in this era allow the development of various innovative learning media, TikTok is one of the most popular application in public recently. In TikTok there is a Wisma Jerman account, which contains a series of short videos entitled Moin Moin Deutsch, which can be used as an additional learning media for German’s speaking skills learning. But before that, Wisma Jerman’s Tiktok videos must be analyzed first in accordance with the German curriculum, in order to meet the criteria as an suitable learning media for class X students’ in the 1st semester. Based on that background, the problem formulation of this scientific article is how to analyze the suitability of the Wisma Jerman’s TikTok video as an additional learning media for students' speaking skills in class X 1st semester. This scientific article aims to describe the results of the suitability of the Wisma Jerman’s TikTok video as an additional learning media for students speaking skills in class X 1st semester. This study used a qualitative method with literature review type. The data source used is the Moin Moin Deutsch videos contained in the Wisma Jerman’s TikTok account. Based on the process of analyzing the suitability of the content with the learning media’s instrument, it was found that the Wisma Jerman’s TikTok videos was in accordance with the criteria of learning media' selection and the 2013 Curriculum

    Analisis Video “ Neu in Berlin – Kaffee und Kuchen” Sebagai Bahan Ajar Tambahan Keterampilan Menyimak Peserta Didik SMA Kelas XI

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    The listening process needs the complex activities such as high vision and appreciation required to understand the material and achieve learning goals. Based on research data from Moscow University of Russian, listening skills is difficult skills so there is a need for teaching materials that can be easily learned by students. Www.linguaTV.com is a web that offers 11 language functions that consist of audio and video teaching materials, games and exercises, depending on the language level. The video New in Berlin Coffee and Cake from the Internet www.linguaTV.com is an alternative teaching material that can be used. The problem with this investigation is how the suitability of the material in the video "New in Berlin - Coffee and Cake" as additional teaching material for listening skills for class XI, semester 2.d. The aim of this investigation is the result of the analysis of the suitability of the video material "New in Berlin-Kaffe und Kuchen" as additional teaching material for listening skills. This article uses a type of literature study with a qualitative approach. analyzed based on video sources and according to essen und trinken with niveau A1. This article was analyzed using material selection criteria based on PrÓ§tzner and Prastowo's theory from the literature study. The results of the analysis show that the material in the video Neu di Berlin-Kaffe und Kuchen is in accordance with the criteria for teaching materials and the curriculum, namely 1) the video is relevant to the substance of the material 2) the suitability of the material with the competence and curriculum 3) not too long in duration 4) interesting content and 5 and originality. Through the analysis process, it was found that the video Neu in Berlin-Kaffee und Kuchen has material compatibility with the curriculum and can be used as additional teaching material in learning German.  Keywords: Video, Additional Teaching Materials, Listening Learnin


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     Teachable machine is a tool that can introduce students to the fact that artificial intelligence is beneficial to the educational process. It can be a new reference for teachers and mentors, and there are new learning media that suit this era. The background of this study is the use of artificial intelligence in recent years and the need for media renewal for German-speaking skills. Utilization of artificial intelligence in the educational field can accelerate the learning process. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to develop teaching materials on the web teachable machine for German speaking skills for second grade senior high school. The goal of this research is to describe the development of teaching material on a teachable machine website for German-speaking skills in second-class senior high schools. This research uses the research and development method by Borg and Gall. This research is limited to five stages, which are the design revision stages. At the validation stage, both material and media validation showed good result. The result of this research shows that teachable machine are qualified to be established as learning media because the result of the validation process shows 88,5% for material validation and 88% for media validation. The result of material validation and media validation shows a range between 75-89%; therefore, the teachable machine is fit and does not need revision. The conclusion is that teachable machine can be used for learning media for German-speaking skills in second grade senior high school


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    In learning the language there are four main skills that must be mastered, one of which is reading, which in the process required a teaching material to support the learning process. One of the teaching materials that can be used is literature. However, based on research by Situmorang (1980) found that the level of interest in poetry is lower than other literary works, besides the discussion related to poetry in German language learning is also still rarely discussed. Therefore, the formulation of the problem of this scientific article is “how is the suitability of Urlaub-themed poem as teaching material with the 2013 curriculum?”. The purpose of this scientific article is to prove the suitability of Urlaub-themed poem as teaching material. The benefit of this scientific article is to find Urlaubthemed poems that are suitable for teaching materials. Source data in this scientific article some children's poems obtained from the website Gedicht Suche. The method to be used is qualitative description with literature study method. From the available data, it will be possible to analyze its compliance with the 2013 curriculum. The results of the scientific article analysis of the suitability of Urlaub-themed poems as teaching materials for learning German reading skills are, from four Urlaub-themed poems, there are two poems that are most in accordance with the 2013 curriculum, namely, Am See by Adof Holst and Der Eislauf by August Heinrich Hoffman von Fallersleben, so that they can be used as a variety of teaching materials

    Analisis Kesalahan Materi Ajar Membaca Tema Reisen Dalam Buku Deutsch Ist Einfach FĂĽr SMA Klasse 12

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     Foreign language learning, specially German, requires teaching resources in order to reach the outcome of the learning. By using textbook as teaching resource, the language ability of the students can be developed thru exercises that refer to learning purpose. The Deutsch ist einfach fĂĽr SMA Klasse XII student book is one of the German teaching resources that provides language exercises. The foreword of this book shows, that this book was created based on scientific approach, according to the regulation from ministry of education and culture. The Deutsch ist einfach fĂĽr SMA Klasse XII student book contains a theme, namely Reisen theme. This theme is a teaching material that is also included in syllabus of curriculum 2013 and taught in 12th grade of high school student. Based on previous scientific researches, this book is allowed to be used in teaching and learning process, even if it contains errors such as vocabulary and grammar. Due to the error occured, specific discovery about errors that is made inside of this book is needed, specially for Reisen theme. The problem in this scientific article is about how the evaluation of the errors in the reading teaching material in Reisen theme Deutsch ist einfach fĂĽr SMA Klasse XII student book is. This scientific article has a purpose to know the evaluation of errors that occurs in text and reading exercises of Reisen theme Deutsch ist einfach fĂĽr SMA Klasse XII student book. This scientific article uses descriptive qualitative approach with documentative technique to collect the data. The analyzed objects of this scientific article are text and reading exercise of Reisen theme in Deutsch ist einfach fĂĽr SMA Klasse XII student book. The collected data of this scientific article will be analyzed descriptively by using analysis theory of Tarigan dan Sulistyaningsih (in Setyawati, 2010:18) with following steps; identification, description, classification and evaluation steps. After being analyzed, the result shows that there are still 4 types of errors, namely work instruction, grammar, ortography and diction. This scientific article has a limitation to reading material such as texts and reading practice in Reisen theme