4 research outputs found

    Definition Constructed Process in Mathematics Learning

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    Salah satu faktor yang dapat mendukung kemampuan profesional guru adalah penguasaan guru tentang ilmu psikologi kognitif. Salah satu kajian dari ilmu kognitif adalah tentang bagaimana siswa belajar. Tulisan ini membahas tentang bagaimana pemahaman terhadap definisi berkembang dalam pikiran siswa. Seorang guru tidak hanya memfasilitasi siswa untuk memiliki konsep definisi sebaiknya sampai memiliki konsep image

    Student Thinking Process In Solving Mathematical Problems Based On Apos

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    Factorization of algebraic expressions based on APOS. A qualitative-exploratory design was employed in this study, where the participants were asked to solve mathematical problems and perform think-aloud protocols. Interview was conducted to extract more interesting data and clarify the participants' answers and logical analysis. The research subject was a student of class VIII of SMPN 23 Ambon which two students with the initials S1 and S2. The results showed that the thought process of students in solving the problem of factorization of algebraic tribes based on the APOS framework can be classified into 2 categories. The first category is complete thinking structure that was indicated by providing the correct answer to the problem. This process began with interiorization as Action, followed by coordination, encapsulation, reversal, regulation or de-encapsulation as Process towards the object. The second category or scheme is incomplete thinking structure, marked by making errors during the problem-solving process and fixing the errors after reflection. The incomplete thinking structure occurred on interiorization as Action and coordination, reversal and de-encapsulation as Process towards the object. The study found only two categories (complete and incomplete thinking structures), so it is possible for future research to find other categories

    Application of Independent Learning to Learn Mathematics Based on Problems HOTS Santri 7th Grade MTs Pesantren Al Khairaat Ambon Through PBL

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    This study aims to determine the influence of the application of independent learning in HOTS-based mathematics learning on students of 7th grade, MTs Pesantren Al Khairaat Ambon through PBL. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach with a population sample, and all 7th-grade MTs Pesantren Al Kahiraat Ambon students totaled 12 people in 1 study group. Research instruments are: Test questions (pre-test and post-test) are used to measure student learning outcomes before and after learning with PBL, and questionnaires are used to measure student responses after implementing PBL. The test questions completed by students are in the form of HOTS, which contains problems in students' daily lives that are solved by requiring problem-solving analysis. The results showed an influence on the application of independent learning in mathematics based on HOTS on the learning outcomes of 7th grade MTs students of Pesantren Al Khairaat Ambon through PBL. The effect of the application of learning is characterized by a significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test of 7th grade MTs students of Pesantren Al Khairaat Ambon. Based on the Wilcoxon sign rank test obtained a significance value of 0.004 < 0.05, then the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, and accepted the alternative hypothesis (Ha). That is, there is a significant difference between the results of learning pre-test and post-test (with the average condition of the post-test value being more than the Pre Test). The aspect of independent learning in this study has not been strictly observed. Therefore further research needs to be given strict attention