28 research outputs found
Publications on associations between (basal) cortisol measures and psychopathology in TRAILS.
a<p>Number of tests reported in the article, in the total sample as well as in subgroups. Including preliminary tests, if reported.</p><p>ADH, attention deficit hyperactivity; ASBQ, Antisocial Behavior Questionnaire; AUC<sub>g</sub>, area under the curve with respect to the ground; AUC<sub>i</sub>, area under the curve with respect to the increase; BMI, body mass index; CAPE, Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences; CBCL, Child Behavior CheckList; CD, conduct disorder; Cort<sub>0700</sub>, cortisol directly after waking up; Cort<sub>0730</sub>, cortisol half an hour after waking up; Cort<sub>2000</sub>, cortisol at 8 pm; DB, disruptive behavior (oppositional defiant plus conduct disorder); EXT, externalizing problems; INT, internalizing problems; MDD, major depressive disorder; OD, oppositional defiant; RCADS, Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale; YSR, Youth Self-Report.</p
Hackman's normative model of group effectiveness.
<p>Hackman's normative model of group effectiveness.</p
Associations of urbanity and lung function (FEV1% predicted) estimated from linear multilevel models (n = 63,946).
<p>Abbreviations: FEV1% predicted: forced expiratory volume in 1 second relative to the predicted value; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval, model 1: unadjusted. model 2: adjusted for neighborhood income. model 3: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age. model 4: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age, education, household equivalent income. model 5: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age, education, household equivalent income, smoking, physical activity.</p><p>Associations of urbanity and lung function (FEV1% predicted) estimated from linear multilevel models (n = 63,946).</p
Associations of urbanity and generalized anxiety disorder estimated from logistic multilevel models (n = 71,536).
<p>Abbreviations: OR: odds ratio; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval. model 1: unadjusted. model 2: adjusted for neighborhood income. model 3: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age. model 4: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age, education, household equivalent income. model 5: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age, education, household equivalent income, smoking, physical activity.</p><p>Associations of urbanity and generalized anxiety disorder estimated from logistic multilevel models (n = 71,536).</p
Associations of urbanity and major depressive disorder estimated from logistic multilevel models (n = 71,536).
<p>Abbreviations: OR: odds ratio; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval. model 1: unadjusted. model 2: adjusted for neighborhood income. model 3: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age. model 4: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age, education, household equivalent income. model 5: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age, education, household equivalent income, smoking, physical activity.</p><p>Associations of urbanity and major depressive disorder estimated from logistic multilevel models (n = 71,536).</p
Associations of urbanity and metabolic syndrome estimated from logistic multilevel models (n = 73,278).
<p>Abbreviations: OR: odds ratio; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval. model 1: unadjusted. model 2: adjusted for neighborhood income. model 3: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age. model 4: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age, education, household equivalent income model 5: adjusted for neighborhood income, sex, age, education, household equivalent income, smoking, physical activity.</p><p>Associations of urbanity and metabolic syndrome estimated from logistic multilevel models (n = 73,278).</p
Sample characteristics.
1<p>Age in years at T2.</p>2<p>Body mass index in kg/m<sup>2</sup>.</p>3<p>Household income (in guilders).</p>4<p>Defined as the use of antidiabetic treatment according to self-report or pharmacy data.</p>5<p>Defined as self-report of CHD upon inclusion in the study and/or confirmed occurrence of CHD between inclusion and date of psychiatric interview.</p
Multivariable associations between intelligence and telomere length at T3.
1<p>Age in years at T2.</p>2<p>Body mass index in kg/m<sup>2</sup>.</p>3<p>Smoking in number of cigarettes/day with β0ββ=β0, β1ββ=β1β5, β2ββ=β6β10, β3ββ=β11β15, β4ββ=β16β20β, β5ββ=β>20.</p>4<p>Frequency of exercise with β0ββ=βno exercise, β1ββ=βonce/week, β2ββ=βtwice or more/week.</p>5<p>Educational level with β1ββ=βnone, β2ββ=βlow, β3ββ=β middle, β4ββ=βhigh.</p>6<p>Work situation with β1ββ=βunwillingly unemployed, β2ββ=βwillingly unemployed, β3ββ=βemployed.</p>7<p>Household income divided by the square root of number of people living with this income.</p
Mean intelligence scores of participants with telomere length shortening and telomere length elongation.
<p>ifference in scores on the GATB: Fβ=β.049, pβ=β.036.</p