146 research outputs found

    The Effect of CAP Payments on Territorial Cohesion in the North Great Plain Region of Hungary

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    The paper discusses the effect of CAP payments on territorial cohesion in Hungary with special regard to the North Great Plain Region. It deals with the issue raised by HUBBARD et al. (2007) that the adoption of the CAP in CEE is unlikely to help those most in need in rural areas. Firstly the territorial distribution of the Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS) is analysed at the NUTS III level. After that the database of the SAPS (first pillar payment of the CAP), the agri-environment payments and the investment in agriculture measures (second pillar funds of the CAP) are examined on a settlement basis and analysed following the spatial categories defined by the 2007-2013 Regional Operative Programme of the North Great Plain Region . The results at the NUTS III level underline the statement of DAX (2006), that Pillar 1 support is distributed in a way that tends to benefit richer regions with larger farms.CAP payments, territorial cohesion, farm structure, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Sustainable Rural Development in Environmentally Protected Areas of Hungary and Austria: The Role of CAP payments

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    Although there are steps in the direction that the application of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) instruments in different regions has to take account of the territorial dimension, these have to be further improved. This aspect attains particular relevance in ecologically sensitive areas. The aim of the paper is to examine the role of CAP instruments in two National Parks from the aspect of sustainable rural development. The two selected National Parks are both very famous protected areas in Hungary and Austria, situated in very different landscapes and representing different types of national parks. The territorial distribution of the CAP Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 payments are analysed against the specific local role and the regional and national contexts. The comparison addresses the different policy background of the two countries with their different history and experience within the CAP system. It particularly discusses the regional expenditure structure with regard to the place-specific role of agri-environmental payments.National Parks, CAP, territorial dimension, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Q20, Q01,

    Importance of Animation Actions in the Operation of Hungarian Local Action Groups

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    The EU LEADER initiative has been running for 20 years and plays an important role in the development of European rural areas, however, in countries joining to the EU after 2004 it is still a relatively new phenomenon. In Hungary, for example, the LEADER+ programme was launched in 2005 with an experimental phase (called a "LEADER type initiative") and has developed to be a fully applied EU programme only in the current programming period. This paper explores the implementation of the LEADER programme in eastern Hungary. The examined Local Action Groups face diverse challenges concerning human, social, physical and financial capital, networks and social learning. The study investigates the opportunities and threats faced by the LAGs, with special regard to institutions, governance and applied initiatives. The roles of the LAGs within the social, economic and cultural context of given areas are examined through Lukesch's (2007) model FOG - forms of governance. The model is a tool to explore the interrelationships local partnership, local needs and local socio-cultural environment. The results of the FOG test show that the prevailing mode of governance in the examined LAGs emphasises animation actions as important elements of operation. Although the importance of animation actions is underlined by the result of the test, their presence between the initiatives is less than it should be. Good examples of animation actions are given: participatory video and a case study of its Hungarian application are introduced. Finally the role of Universities in animation actions is emphasised and closer relation of them with RD networks is called for.LEADER, Hungary, rural development, social learning, animation actions, policy analysis

    Farm Inputs and Agri-Environment Measures as Indicators of Agri-Environment Quality in Hungary

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    The paper deals with agri-environmental indicators, examines farm inputs, on the basis of statistical data of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (Szabo, Pomazi 2002) and the Eurostat (2004). The examined indicators are placed in the agricultural DPSIR model. The paper presents how the use of farm inputs changed in Hungary from 1980-2000. Farm inputs are related to the inputs of the EU-15, the study demonstrates that today they are below the EU- 15 average. Area under agri-environmental measures in 2003 - which covered the 4% of agricultural area of Hungary - as a response indicator is also presented and based in the land-use zone system developed by Godollo Agricultural University (Angyan et al., 1998).agri-environmental measures, farm inputs, indicators, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q01,

    A mesterpedagógus fokozat és a folyamatos szakmai fejlődés jellemzői óvodapedagógusok nézőpontjából

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    The research examines the plans and the implementation of the Master Programs of those kindergarten teachers who completed the Master Teacher degree of the Hungarian teacher promotion system within the Completion, Testing and Revision of the Teacher Qualification System pilot program in 2014-2015. It provides empirical data of the teachers’ professional development – resulting in the upraise of the quality of early years education – through focussing on the context, the organization, and the individual in the workplace. The quantitative and qualitative data analysis of the 95 master program identified what plans the teachers elaborated regarding their professional development for the five years of the program. What does inspire them, what goals they set, and how they plan to share their knowledge? Via semi-structured interviews, the background of the planning, the successes, and the difficulties of the realization was explored. According to the results, the master teachers’ main concern is to renew their pedagogical methods and to adjust the administrative tasks to the innovations and the changing legislation. The teachers highlighted the challenges and the benefits of the qualification and promotion system, the role of the Master Teachers in the organization. They gave a glimpse of the attitude of the teachers towards the qualification system and process. The empirical data contribute to the research on the kindergarten teacher profession and early childhood education in Hungary, which can help develop the qualification system and give an overview of the present situation of the Hungarian pre-primary education and its innovative trends from the perspective of the kindergarten teachers.A kutatás a pedagógus-előmeneteli rendszer mesterpedagógus fokozatának véglegesítését segítő pilot projekt keretében elkészített mesterpedagógus programok anyagait dolgozza fel az óvodapedagógusokra fókuszálva, illetve a megvalósult mesterprogramokhoz kötődő interjúkat elemzi. Olyan empirikus adatokat szolgáltat ezáltal a kora gyermekkori nevelés minőségét emelő tanári szakmai fejlődésről, melyek a munkavégzés helyén a kontextust, a szervezetet és az egyént egyaránt fókuszba helyezve vizsgálják a tervezést és annak megvalósulását. A kilencvenöt mesterprogram kvantitatív adatelemzése, majd kvalitatív dokumentumelemzése arra keresi a választ, hogy a pedagógus milyen terveket fogalmaz meg folyamatos szakmai fejlődésére vonatkozóan a mesterprogram öt évében. Mi inspirálja, milyen célokat tűz ki és milyen eredményekben gondolkodik a tervezett tanulási tevékenységek kapcsán, illetve hogyan kívánja tudását megosztani? A kutatás a programok elemzését követően félig strukturált interjúk módszerével tárja fel a tervezés hátterét, a megvalósítás sikereit és nehézségeit. A kvantitatív adatok, valamint a tizenkét mestertanárral készített interjú alapján a mestertanárok céljaiban jelentős hangsúly helyeződik a pedagógiai módszerek megújítására, valamint a megújuló pedagógiai módszerekhez és a változó jogszabályokhoz igazodó adminisztráció kidolgozására. Az interjúkban megszólaló pedagógusok megvilágították a minősítési rendszer sajátosságaiból következő kihívásokat és előnyöket, a mesterpedagógus szervezetben betöltött szerepét, valamint betekintést engedtek a pedagógusok minősüléssel kapcsolatos attitűdjébe. A kutatás empirikus eredményei fontos hozzájárulást jelentenek az óvodapedagógus-szakma és a kora gyermekkori intézményes nevelés hazai kutatása számára, elősegíthetik a minősítési rendszer továbbfejlesztését, valamint képet adnak a magyar óvodapedagógia helyzetéről és fejlesztési szándékairól a mesterpedagógusok nézőpontján keresztül

    Mit szeretnének a szülők? Korai nyelvtanulás az óvodában

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    In our paper, we write about the results of our preparatory, exploratory study on one of the elements of our planned research in the field of parental involvement, namely early language learning – a controversial issue in Hungary. One of the most important elements of the framework regulating pre-school education in Hungary is the Hungarian mother-tongue education. Mother-tongue development does not preclude learning about other languages, and early second language learning has been shown to have good effect on mother-tongue development. Kindergarten programs providing playful foreign language sessions or bilingual education are also in harmony with the guidelines issued by the European Commission and the expectations of Hungarian parents. Our research examines the pattern of parental involvement in a bilingual program implemented in Hungarian municipal kindergartens. It explores the reasons behind the decision of parents and their expectations for the program. The empirical results are interpreted in an international context. Based on questionnaire data recorded for four consecutive years, the demand for bilingual kindergarten education is steadily increasing; and expectations indicate similar trends to international results with new aspects. Most of the parents are aware of the advantages of early language acquisition. In addition to learning the basics of a foreign language, it is also an important expectation that the child becomes open to other cultures. Although the possibility of choosing a kindergarten is not a real option for the entire Hungarian population, learning about the components of parental involvement and motivation is essential in developing the most effective educational guidelines.Tanulmányunkban a szülői involválódás körében tervezett kutatásunk egyik elemével kapcsolatos előkészítő, feltáró vizsgálatunk eredményeiről írunk. Ez az elem a korai nyelvtanulás kérdése, amely különösen aktuális és vitatott kérdés a magyar közoktatásban. A jogszabályi előírások szerint Magyarországon az óvodai nevelést szabályozó központi keretrendszer egyik leghangsúlyosabb eleme a magyar anyanyelvi nevelés, illetve a magyar hagyományok és kultúra megismertetése. Az anyanyelvi fejlesztés nem zárja ki a más nyelvekkel való megismerkedést, sőt a korai másodiknyelv-tanulás a kutatások szerint kifejezetten jó hatással van az anyanyelvi fejlődésre is. A játékos idegen nyelvi foglalkozásokat vagy kétnyelvű nevelést biztosító óvodai programok harmóniában vannak az Európai Bizottság által kibocsátott irányelvekkel is a nyelvtanulás minél korábbi megkezdését és a diverzitás ünneplését illetően, illetve a piaci helyzet alapján a magyar szülők igényeivel is, hiszen az óvodák saját nevelési programjának kidolgozásakor fontos szempontot jelent a szülők igényeihez, elvárásaihoz való igazodás. Feltáró kutatásunk azt vizsgálja, hogy milyen okok húzódnak a kétnyelvű nevelést választó szülők döntésének hátterében, és milyen elvárásokat támasztanak a programmal szemben. A tanulmányban a magyar mintán kapott empirikus eredményeket nemzetközi kontextusban értelmezzük. A négy egymást követő évben felvett kérdőíves adatok alapján a kétnyelvű óvodai nevelés iránti igény folyamatosan nő, a szülői elvárások pedig a nemzetközi kutatások eredményeihez hasonló tendenciákat jeleznek, de nálunk új szempontok is mutatkoznak. A szülők jelentős része tisztában van a korai nyelvelsajátítás jellemzőivel, előnyeivel, és az idegen nyelv alapjainak megismerése mellett hangsúlyos elvárásként jelenik meg az is, hogy a gyermek nyitottá váljon más nyelvek, kultúrák iránt. Ugyan az óvodaválasztás lehetősége sajnos nem jelent valódi opciót a teljes magyar lakosság számára, a szülői bevonódás és motiváció összetevőinek megismerése nélkülözhetetlen a minél eredményesebb nevelési irányelvek kialakításában – különösen a kora gyermekkori nevelés tekintetében, amikor a fejlesztés és a nyelvelsajátítás lehetőségei minden más életkorral összevetve szinte korlátlanok

    Comparison of adipose tissue derived genes in endogenous Cushing’s syndrome versus diet-induced obesity

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    Introduction: Dysregulation of adipokine secretion and action is a characteristic feature of obesity and a key clinical feature of Cushing’s syndrome (CS). We have investigated whether endogenous glucocorticoid excess influences adipose tissue-derived gene expression. Material and methods: mRNA expression of adipokines; adiponectin, resistin, tumour necrosis factor-a, interleukin-6 (IL-6), angiotensinogen (AGT), plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1, retinol binding protein 4, visfatin, and cystatin C was assessed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR in visceral adipose tissue removed during abdominal surgery of eight patients with CS, and six control patients. Results: We did not find any significant difference in the investigated genes; however, the almost significant overexpression of AGT and underexpression of IL-6 might be noteworthy (p = 0.06 in both cases). Conclusions: No significant differences were found in the expression of the investigated genes known as cardiometabolic risk factors. This indicates that there are no major differences between endogenous hypercortisolism or diet-induced obesity regarding the expression of adipokines involved in cardiometabolic disorders. However, the difference in AGT and IL-6 expression might be included in pathways affecting fat distribution in C

    Internal and external aspects of freedom of choice in mental health: cultural and linguistic adaptation of the Hungarian version of the Oxford CAPabilities questionnaire—Mental Health (OxCAP-MH)

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    Background: A link between mental health and freedom of choice has long been established, in fact, the loss of freedom of choice is one of the possible defining features of mental disorders. Freedom of choice has internal and external aspects explicitly identified within the capability approach, but received little explicit attention in capability instruments. This study aimed to develop a feasible and linguistically and culturally appropriate Hungarian version of the Oxford CAPabilities questionnaire—Mental Health (OxCAP-MH) for mental health outcome measurement. Methods: Following forward and back translations, a reconciled Hungarian version of the OxCAP-MH was developed following professional consensus guidelines of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research and the WHO. The wording of the questionnaire underwent cultural and linguistic validation through content analysis of cognitive debriefing interviews with 11 Hungarian speaking mental health patients in 2019. Results were compared with those from the development of the German version and the original English version with special focus on linguistic aspects. Results: Twenty-nine phrases were translated. There were linguistic differences in each question and answer options due to the high number of inflected, affixed words and word fragments that characterize the Hungarian language in general. Major linguistic differences were also revealed between the internal and external aspects of capability freedom of choices which appear much more explicit in the Hungarian than in the English or German languages. A re-analysis of the capability freedom of choice concepts in the existing language versions exposed the need for minor amendments also in the English version in order to allow the development of future culturally, linguistically and conceptually valid translations. Conclusion: The internal and external freedom of choice impacts of mental health conditions require different care/policy measures. Their explicit consideration is necessary for the conceptually harmonised operationalisation of the capability approach for (mental) health outcome measurement in diverse cultural and linguistic contexts

    Effects of substrate, ceramic thickness, translucency, and cement shade on the color of CAD/CAM lithium-disilicate crowns

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    The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of substrate colors, different levels of ceramic thickness and translucency, and cement shades on the color difference from a reference color of lithium-disilicate crowns.A premolar tooth preparation was made on a study model for 1.0 and 1.5 mm thick full-ceramic crowns. Digital impressions were taken (3Shape TRIOS) and crowns designed in a CAD program (DentalDesigner). Shade A1 crowns were milled (Everest, Kavo) from high-translucency (HT) and low-translucency IPS e.max (Ivoclar Vivadent) blocks. Twelve substrates were made of different colors and materials (Natural Die Material, Co-Cr, zirconia, and gold-colored alloy). Three different shades of try-in pastes were used to simulate the effect of cements (Variolink Esthetic try-in paste; Ivoclar). Shade measurement was done three times for each crown by a spectrophotometer (VITA Easyshade Advance); averages were compared to a reference crown (A1, HT, 1.5 mm, ND2 abutment, neutral try-in paste) with ΔE00 (CIEDE2000, according to the CIE latest standard) calculated.All the examined parameters influenced the ΔE00 of the crowns. The weakest effect was exerted by the try-in paste.All examined parameters influenced the final color of e.max CAD lithium-disilicate ceramic crowns.Matching the shade of ceramic crowns to the natural tooth color is a great challenge in dentistry. To meet patients' increasing esthetical expectations, CAD/CAM methods are very popular for full-ceramic crowns. However, several factors such as the shade of the abutment, luting cement color, ceramic thickness, and translucency may influence the final color. Our objective was to measure the optical effect of these factors on the final shade of CAD/CAM lithium-disilicate ceramic crowns