6,411 research outputs found

    Implications of non-feasible transformations among icosahedral hh orbitals

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    The symmetric group S6S_6 that permutes the six five-fold axes of an icosahedron is introduced to go beyond the simple rotations that constitute the icosahedral group II. Owing to the correspondence h↔dh\leftrightarrow d, the calculation of the Coulomb energies for the icosahedral configurations hNh^N based on the sequence O(5)⊃S6⊃S5⊃IO(5) \supset S_6 \supset S_5 \supset I can be brought to bear on Racah's classic theory for the atomic d shell based on SO(5)⊃SOL(3)⊃ISO(5) \supset SO_L(3) \supset I. Among the elements of S6S_6 is the kaleidoscope operator K{\cal K} that rotates the weight space of SO(5) by π/2\pi/2. Its use explains some puzzling degeneracies in d^3 involving the spectroscopic terms ^2P, ^2F, ^2G and ^2H.Comment: Tentatively scheduled to appear in Physical Preview Letters Apr 5, 99. Revtex, 1 ps figur

    New methodology for assessing the probability of contaminating Mars

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    Methodology is proposed to assess the probability that the planet Mars will be contaminated by terrestrial microorganisms aboard a spacecraft. The present NASA methods are extended to permit utilization of detailed information on microbial characteristics, the lethality of release and transport mechanisms, and of other information about the Martian environment. Different types of microbial release are distinguished, and for each release mechanism a probability of growth is computed. Using this new methodology, an assessment was carried out for the 1975 Viking landings on Mars. The resulting probability of contamination for each Viking lander is 6 x 10 to the -6 power, and is amenable to revision as additional information becomes available

    Assessment of the probability of contaminating Mars

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    New methodology is proposed to assess the probability that the planet Mars will by biologically contaminated by terrestrial microorganisms aboard a spacecraft. Present NASA methods are based on the Sagan-Coleman formula, which states that the probability of contamination is the product of the expected microbial release and a probability of growth. The proposed new methodology extends the Sagan-Coleman approach to permit utilization of detailed information on microbial characteristics, the lethality of release and transport mechanisms, and of other information about the Martian environment. Three different types of microbial release are distinguished in the model for assessing the probability of contamination. The number of viable microbes released by each mechanism depends on the bio-burden in various locations on the spacecraft and on whether the spacecraft landing is accomplished according to plan. For each of the three release mechanisms a probability of growth is computed, using a model for transport into an environment suited to microbial growth

    Quantifying Finite Temperature Effects in Atom Chip Interferometry of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We quantify the effect of phase fluctuations on atom chip interferometry of Bose-Einstein condensates. At very low temperatures, we observe small phase fluctuations, created by mean-field depletion, and a resonant production of vortices when the two clouds are initially in anti-phase. At higher temperatures, we show that the thermal occupation of Bogoliubov modes makes vortex production vary smoothly with the initial relative phase difference between the two atom clouds. We also propose a technique to observe vortex formation directly by creating a weak link between the two clouds. The position and direction of circulation of the vortices is subsequently revealed by kinks in the interference fringes produced when the two clouds expand into one another. This procedure may be exploited for precise force measurement or motion detection.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum reflection of ultracold atoms from thin films, graphene, and semiconductor heterostructures

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    We show that thin dielectric films can be used to enhance the performance of passive atomic mirrors by enabling quantum reflection probabilities of over 90% for atoms incident at velocities ~1 mm/s, achieved in recent experiments. This enhancement is brought about by weakening the Casimir-Polder attraction between the atom and the surface, which induces the quantum reflection. We show that suspended graphene membranes also produce higher quantum reflection probabilities than bulk matter. Temporal changes in the electrical resistance of such membranes, produced as atoms stick to the surface, can be used to monitor the reflection process, non-invasively and in real time. The resistance change allows the reflection probability to be determined purely from electrical measurements without needing to image the reflected atom cloud optically. Finally, we show how perfect atom mirrors may be manufactured from semiconductor heterostructures, which employ an embedded two-dimensional electron gas to tailor the atom-surface interaction and so enhance the reflection by classical means.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    The Sensitivity of First Generation Epoch of Reionization Observatories and Their Potential for Differentiating Theoretical Power Spectra

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    Statistical observations of the epoch of reionization (EOR) power spectrum provide a rich data set for understanding the transition from the cosmic "dark ages" to the ionized universe we see today. EOR observations have become an active area of experimental cosmology, and three first generation observatories--MWA, PAST, and LOFAR--are currently under development. In this paper we provide the first quantitative calculation of the three dimensional power spectrum sensitivity, incorporating the design parameters of a planned array. This calculation is then used to explore the constraints these first generation observations can place on the EOR power spectrum. The results demonstrate the potential of upcoming power spectrum observations to constrain theories of structure formation and reionization.Comment: 7 pages with 5 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Cold atoms near superconductors: Atomic spin coherence beyond the Johnson noise limit

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    We report on the measurement of atomic spin coherence near the surface of a superconducting niobium wire. As compared to normal conducting metal surfaces, the atomic spin coherence is maintained for time periods beyond the Johnson noise limit. The result provides experimental evidence that magnetic near field noise near the superconductor is strongly suppressed. Such long atomic spin coherence times near superconductors open the way towards the development of coherently coupled cold atom / solid state hybrid quantum systems with potential applications in quantum information processing and precision force sensing.Comment: Major revisions of the text for submission to New Journal of Physics 8 pages, 4 figure

    Analytic Treatment of Positronium Spin Splittings in Light-Front QED

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    We study the QED bound-state problem in a light-front hamiltonian approach. Starting with a bare cutoff QED Hamiltonian, HBH_{_{B}}, with matrix elements between free states of drastically different energies removed, we perform a similarity transformation that removes the matrix elements between free states with energy differences between the bare cutoff, Λ\Lambda, and effective cutoff, \lam (\lam < \Lam). This generates effective interactions in the renormalized Hamiltonian, HRH_{_{R}}. These effective interactions are derived to order α\alpha in this work, with α≪1\alpha \ll 1. HRH_{_{R}} is renormalized by requiring it to satisfy coupling coherence. A nonrelativistic limit of the theory is taken, and the resulting Hamiltonian is studied using bound-state perturbation theory (BSPT). The effective cutoff, \lam^2, is fixed, and the limit, 0 \longleftarrow m^2 \alpha^2\ll \lam^2 \ll m^2 \alpha \longrightarrow \infty, is taken. This upper bound on \lam^2 places the effects of low-energy (energy transfer below \lam) emission in the effective interactions in the ∣ee‾>| e {\overline e} > sector. This lower bound on \lam^2 insures that the nonperturbative scale of interest is not removed by the similarity transformation. As an explicit example of the general formalism introduced, we show that the Hamiltonian renormalized to O(α)O(\alpha) reproduces the exact spectrum of spin splittings, with degeneracies dictated by rotational symmetry, for the ground state through O(α4)O(\alpha^4). The entire calculation is performed analytically, and gives the well known singlet-triplet ground state spin splitting of positronium, 7/6α2Ryd7/6 \alpha^2 Ryd. We discuss remaining corrections other than the spin splittings and how they can be treated in calculating the spectrum with higher precision.Comment: 46 pages, latex, 3 Postscript figures included, section on remaining corrections added, title changed, error in older version corrected, cutoff placed in a windo

    First record of the Western Grape Leafhopper, Erythroneura elegantula Osborn (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), in Canada

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    Surveys conducted in the South Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, revealed that a new leafhopper pest of grapes, the western grape leafhopper (WGL), Erythroneura elegantula Osborn, was widespread and often abundant in Vineyards on the east side of the Valley from just north of Penticton south to the United States border. Infestations occurred on drier upland sites where most commercial grape production occurs. The largest populations of up to 40 nymphs per leaf were recorded from commercial Vineyards that had applied reduced rates of the insecticide carbaryl for control of the Virginia creeper leafhopper, E. ziczac Walsh

    Geometric scaling in the spectrum of an electron captured by a stationary finite dipole

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    We examine the energy spectrum of a charged particle in the presence of a {\it non-rotating} finite electric dipole. For {\emph{any}} value of the dipole moment pp above a certain critical value p_{\mathrm{c}}$ an infinite series of bound states arises of which the energy eigenvalues obey an Efimov-like geometric scaling law with an accumulation point at zero energy. These properties are largely destroyed in a realistic situation when rotations are included. Nevertheless, our analysis of the idealised case is of interest because it may possibly be realised using quantum dots as artificial atoms.Comment: 5 figures; references added, outlook section reduce
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