4 research outputs found

    Effect of selected derivatives of histamine H3 receptor antagonists on the remodeling of peritoneal adipose tissue in animal binge eating disorder

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    Oty艂o艣膰 jest to choroba o pod艂o偶u zapalnym. Jest ona spowodowana nadmiernym gromadzeniem si臋 tkanki t艂uszczowej. Od dawna trwaj膮 poszukiwania skutecznego i bezpiecznego leku przeciwko oty艂o艣ci. Ostatnio uwag臋 zwr贸cono na antagonist贸w receptora H3 histaminowego.Cel: Celem niniejszej pracy by艂a ocena aktywno艣ci wybranych pochodnych receptora H3 histaminowego w tkance t艂uszczowej zwierz膮t z rozwijaj膮cym si臋 zespo艂em nadmiernego objadania si臋.Materia艂 i metody: Do przeprowadzonej analizy pobrano tkank臋 t艂uszczow膮 otrzewnow膮 od szczur贸w rasy Wistar. Zwierz臋ta podzielono na 6 grup badawczych: kontrol臋 standardow膮, kontrol臋 z oty艂o艣ci膮 (dieta wysokokaloryczna) oraz grupy B+N, KSK60, KSK73 oraz KSK74 (dieta wysokokaloryczna + 10 mg/kg m.c. danego zwi膮zku). Preparaty wybarwiono metod膮 Massona oraz przeprowadzono reakcj臋 immunohistochemiczn膮. Nast臋pnie preparaty poddano analizie mikroskopowej. Oceniano g臋sto艣膰 numeryczn膮 adipocyt贸w, ich 艣redni膮 wielko艣膰, nasilenie stanu zapalnego oraz immunoreaktywno艣膰 interleukiny 6. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej.Wyniki: W oty艂o艣ci wywo艂anej diet膮 wysokokaloryczn膮 tkanka t艂uszczowa otrzewnowa charakteryzowa艂a si臋 wi臋kszymi adipocytami w por贸wnaniu do tkanki t艂uszczowej kontroli standardowej (p<0,000). Stan zapalny zosta艂 intensywniej wyra偶ony w grupie KO w stosunku do kontroli standardowej (p<0,05). Tylko zwi膮zek KSK60, spo艣r贸d badanych zwi膮zk贸w, nie wp艂ywa艂 normalizuj膮co na tkank臋 t艂uszczow膮 otrzewnow膮 w oty艂o艣ci, natomiast zwi膮zki KSK73 oraz KSK74 wykaza艂y tendencj臋 do wzrostu liczby adipocyt贸w bez ich znacz膮cej hipertrofii.Obesity is an inflammatory disease. It is caused by too much fat build-up. The search for an effective and safe anti-obesity drug has been going on for a long time. Recently, attention has been focused on histamine H3 receptor antagonists.Aim: The aim was to evaluate the activity of selected derivatives of the histamine H3 receptor in the adipose tissue of animals developing binge eating disorder.Material and methods: Peritoneal adipose tissue from Wistar rats was collected for the analysis. The animals were divided into 6 research groups: standard control, obesity control (high-calorie diet) and groups B+N, KSK60, KSK73 and KSK74 (high-calorie diet + 10 mg / kg b.w. of a given compound). The slides were stained by Masson's method and an immunohistochemical reaction was performed. Then the preparations were subjected to microscopic analysis. The numerical density of adipocytes, their mean size, the intensity of inflammation and the immunoreactivity of interleukin 6 were assessed. The results were analyzed statistically.Results: In obesity induced by a high calorie diet, the peritoneal adipose tissue was characterized by larger adipocytes compared to the adipose tissue of the standard control (p <0.000). Inflammation was more intensively expressed in the KO group as compared to the standard control (p <0.05). Only the compound KSK60, did not normalize the peritoneal adipose tissue in obesity, while the compounds KSK73 and KSK74 showed a tendency to increase the number of adipocytes without their significant hypertrophy

    First report of a <i>Staphylococcus caprae</i> isolated from middle ear fluid of an infant with recurrent acute otitis media

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    Staphylococcus caprae was originally isolated from goat milk. This uncommon coagulase-negative staphylococcus, usually associated with animals, has only infrequently been detected in human clinical specimens. Its association with acute otitis media has not been demonstrated so far. The study reports the first isolation of S. caprae from the middle ear fluid of a 12-month-old infant with recurrent, bilateral acute otitis media. Biochemical traits and susceptibility pattern of the isolated strain are also presente

    First report of a <i>Staphylococcus caprae</i> isolated from middle ear fluid of an infant with recurrent acute otitis media

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    Staphylococcus caprae was originally isolated from goat milk. This uncommon coagulase-negative staphylococcus, usually associated with animals, has only infrequently been detected in human clinical specimens. Its association with acute otitis media has not been demonstrated so far. The study reports the first isolation of S. caprae from the middle ear fluid of a 12-month-old infant with recurrent, bilateral acute otitis media. Biochemical traits and susceptibility pattern of the isolated strain are also presente

    KSK-74 : dual histamine H3 and Sigma-2 receptor ligand with anti-obesity potential

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    Many studies involving compounds that enhance histamine release, such as histamine H(3) receptor (H(3)R) antagonists, have shown efficacy in inhibiting weight gain, but none have passed clinical trials. As part of the search for H(3) receptor ligands that have additional properties, the aim of this study is to evaluate the activity in the reduction in weight gain in a rat model of excessive eating, as well as the impact on selected metabolic parameters, and the number and size of adipocytes of two new H(3)R antagonists, KSK-60 and KSK-74, which also exert a significant affinity at the sigma-2 receptor. Compounds KSK-60 and KSK-74 are homologues and the elongation of the distal part of the molecule resulted in an approximate two-fold reduction in affinity at H(3)R, but simultaneously an almost two-fold increase in affinity at the sigma-2 receptor. Animals fed palatable feed and receiving KSK-60 or KSK-74 both at 10 mg/kg b.w. gained significantly less weight than animals in the control obese group. Moreover, KSK-74 significantly compensated for metabolic disturbances that accompany obesity, such as an increase in plasma triglyceride, resistin, and leptin levels; improved glucose tolerance; and protected experimental animals against adipocyte hypertrophy. Furthermore, KSK-74 inhibited the development of inflammation in obesity-exposed adipose tissue. The in vivo pharmacological activity of the tested ligands appears to correlate with the affinity at the sigma-2 receptors; however, the explanation of this phenomenon requires further and extended research