10 research outputs found

    宿主と微生物の相互作用と持続可能な養殖に向けての洞察 [全文の要約]

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    Characterization of Microbiomes Associated With the Early Life Stages of Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus Selenka

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    There is a lot of evidence indicating pioneer microbes in early life having various effects on later host biology. Because of the influential phylogenetic position of sea cucumber, which is a deep branching clade in Deuterostomia, the attention on the microbiome in sea cucumber has been increasing. Although microbes in sea cucumber have been reported in several studies, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the pioneer microbiota in the early life stages of sea cucumber. In this study, microbiota changes during the larval development of sea cucumber were assessed using a laboratory rearing system. Microbial community structure was likely to be related to the developmental stage and significant alterations were detected in the late auricularia stage. The relative abundances of Oceanospirillales, Alteromonadales, and Rhodobacterales significantly varied after gut formation. A total of 257 strains were isolated from larval developmental stages of sea cucumber and affiliated to 124 ASVs in the metagenomic analysis. This data demonstrates for the first-time dynamic changes of sea cucumber microbiota in the developmental stages in early life

    Tracking the dynamics of individual gut microbiome of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus during gut regeneration

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    Sea cucumbers possess the remarkable capacity to regenerate their body parts or organs. Regeneration of host organs and/or body parts involves reconstruction of the host associated microbiota, however, the dynamics and contribution of microbiota to the regeneration process are largely unknown due to a lack of experimental models. To track the dynamics of individual gut microbiomes during gut regeneration, both caged mariculture and laboratory isolator systems of sea cucumbers (Apostichopus japonicus) were developed and longitudinal meta16S analyses were performed. Under natural environmental conditions in the caged mariculture system, both bacterial and eukaryotic communities in sea cucumbers' guts appeared to be reconstructed within 4 months after evisceration. Using the laboratory isolator, which can trace daily dynamics, we found that fecal microbiota collected before evisceration were clearly different from those collected after evisceration. We also identified eight key bacteria, belonging to Alteromonadaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, Oceanospirillaceae and family-unassigned Gammaproteobacteria, suggesting that these bacteria might interact with the host during the gut regeneration process. Six of the eight key bacteria were isolated for further bioassay using the isolator developed in this study to test whether these isolates affect gut regeneration

    The Structure and Function of Gut Microbiomes of Two Species of Sea Urchins, Mesocentrotus nudus and Strongylocentrotus intermedius, in Japan

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    Sea urchin is an indicator of coastal environmental changes in the global warming era, and is also a model organism in developmental biology and evolution. Due to the depletion of wild resources, new aquaculture techniques for improving stocks have been well studied. The gut microbiome shapes various aspects of a host's physiology. However, these microbiome structures and functions on sea urchins, particularly Mesocentrotus nudus and Strongylocentrotus intermedius which are important marine bioresources commonly found in Japan, have not been fully investigated yet. Using metagenomic approaches including meta16S and shotgun metagenome sequencings, the structures, functions, and dynamics of the gut microbiome of M. nudus and S. intermedius, related to both habitat environment and host growth, were studied. Firstly, a broad meta16S analysis revealed that at the family level, Psychromonadaceae and Flavobacteriaceae reads (38-71%) dominated in these sea urchins, which is a unique feature observed in species in Japan. Flavobacteriaceae reads were more abundant in individuals after rearing in an aquarium with circulating compared to one with running water. Campylobacteraceae and Vibrionaceae abundances increased in both kinds of laboratory-reared sea urchins in both types of experiments. 2-weeks feeding experiments of M. nudus and S. intermedius transplanted from the farm to laboratory revealed that these gut microbial structures were affected by diet rather than rearing environments and host species. Secondly, further meta16S analysis of microbial reads related to M. nudus growth revealed that at least four Amplicon Sequence Variant (ASV) affiliated to Saccharicrinis fermentans, which is known to be a nitrogen (N-2) fixing bacterium, showed a significant positive correlation to the body weight and test diameter. Interestingly, gut microbiome comparisons using shotgun metagenome sequencing of individuals showing higher and lower growth rates revealed a significant abundance of "Nitrate and nitrite ammonification" genes in the higher-grown individuals under the circulating water rearing. These findings provide new insights on the structure-function relationship of sea urchin gut microbiomes beyond previously reported nitrogen fixation function in sea urchin in 1950s; we discovered a nitrate reduction function into ammonium for the growth promotion of sea urchin

    Unveiling the early life core microbiome of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and the unexpected abundance of the growth-promoting Sulfitobacter

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    Abstract Background Microbiome in early life has long-term effects on the host’s immunological and physiological development and its disturbance is known to trigger various diseases in host Deuterostome animals. The sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus is one of the most valuable marine Deuterostome invertebrates in Asia and a model animal in regeneration studies. To understand factors that impact on host development and holobiont maintenance, host-microbiome association has been actively studied in the last decade. However, we currently lack knowledge of early life core microbiome during its ontogenesis and how it benefits the host’s growth. Results We analyzed the microbial community in 28 sea cucumber samples from a laboratory breeding system, designed to replicate aquaculture environments, across six developmental stages (fertilized eggs to the juvenile stage) over a three years-period to examine the microbiomes’ dynamics and stability. Microbiome shifts occurred during sea cucumber larval ontogenesis in every case. Application of the most sophisticated core microbiome extraction methodology, a hybrid approach with abundance-occupancy core microbiome analyses (top 75% of total reads and > 70% occupation) and core index calculation, first revealed early life core microbiome consisted of Alteromonadaceae and Rhodobacteraceae, as well as a stage core microbiome consisting of pioneer core microbe Pseudoalteromonadaceae in A. japonicus, suggesting a stepwise establishment of microbiome related to ontogenesis and feeding behavior in A. japonicus. More interestingly, four ASVs affiliated to Alteromonadaceae and Rhodobacteraceae were extracted as early life core microbiome. One of the ASV (ASV0007) was affiliated to the Sulfitobactor strain BL28 (Rhodobacteraceae), isolated from blastula larvae in the 2019 raring batch. Unexpectedly, a bioassay revealed the BL28 strain retains a host growth-promoting ability. Further meta-pangenomics approach revealed the BL28 genome reads were abundant in the metagenomic sequence pool, in particular, in that of post-gut development in early life stages of A. japonicus. Conclusion Repeated rearing efforts of A. japonicus using laboratory aquaculture replicating aquaculture environments and hybrid core microbiome extraction approach first revealed particular ASVs affiliated to Alteromonadaceae and Rhodobacteraceae as the A. japonicus early life core microbiome. Further bioassay revealed the growth promoting ability to the host sea cucumber in one of the core microbes, the Sulfitobactor strain BL28 identified as ASV0007. Genome reads of the BL28 were abundant in post-gut development of A. japonicus, which makes us consider effective probiotic uses of those core microbiome for sea cucumber resource production and conservation. The study also emphasizes the importance of the core microbiome in influencing early life stages in marine invertebrates. Understanding these dynamics could offer pathways to improve growth, immunity, and disease resistance in marine invertebrates

    GABPB1 plays a cancer-promoting role in non-small cell lung cancer

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    Abstract Background GABPB1, the gene that encodes two isoforms of the beta subunit of GABP, has been identified as an oncogene in multiple malignant tumors. However, the role and mode of action of GABPB1 in malignant tumors, especially in lung cancer, are not well understood and need further research. Methods Our research focused on examining the biological function of GABPB1 in NSCLC (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer). We analysed tumor data from public databases to assess the expression of GABPB1 in NSCLC  and its correlation with patient prognosis and investigated GABPB1 expression and methylation patterns in relation to the tumor microenvironment. In parallel, experiments were conducted using short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to suppress the GABPB1 gene in human lung cancer cells to evaluate the effects on cell proliferation, viability, and apoptosis. Results GABPB1 was widely expressed in various tissues of the human body. Compared to that in normal tissues, the expression of this gene was different in multiple tumor tissues. GABPB1 was highly expressed in lung cancer tissues and cell lines. Its expression was associated with molecular subtype and cellular signalling pathways, and a high level of GABPB1 expression was related to a poor prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma patients. The expression and methylation of GABPB1 affect the tumor microenvironment. After suppressing the expression of GABPB1 in both A549 and H1299 cells, we found a decrease in cell growth and expression, the formation of clones and an increase in the apoptosis rate. Conclusions Our research verified that GABPB1 promotes the tumorigenesis of NSCLC and has an inhibitory effect on tumor immunity. The specific role of GABPB1 may vary among different pathological types of NSCLC. This molecule can serve as a prognostic indicator for lung adenocarcinoma, and its methylation may represent a potential breakthrough in treatment by altering the tumor immune microenvironment in lung squamous cell carcinoma. The role and mechanism of action of GABPB1 in NSCLC should be further explored

    Genome taxonomy of the genus Thalassotalea and proposal of Thalassotalea hakodatensis sp. nov. isolated from sea cucumber larvae.

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    The genus Thalassotalea is ubiquitous in marine environments, and up to 20 species have been described so far. A Gram-staining-negative, aerobic bacterium, designated strain PTE2T was isolated from laboratory-reared larvae of the Japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences revealed that PTE2T was closely related to Thalassotalea sediminis N211T (= KCTC 42588T = MCCC 1H00116T) with 97.9% sequence similarity. ANI and in silico DDH values against Thalassotalea species were 68.5-77.0% and 19.7-24.6%, respectively, indicating the novelty of PTE2T. Based on genome-based taxonomic approaches, strain PTE2T (= JCM 34608T = KCTC 82592T) is proposed as a new species, Thalassotalea hakodatensis sp. nov