4 research outputs found
Additional file 3: of SINC-seq: correlation of transient gene expressions between nucleus and cytoplasm reflects single-cell physiology
Table S1. Quality control of SINC-seq samples. (XLSX 21 kb
Additional file 4: of SINC-seq: correlation of transient gene expressions between nucleus and cytoplasm reflects single-cell physiology
Movie S2. Experimental run #55 with unsuccessful fractionation. (MP4 1372 kb
Additional file 5: of SINC-seq: correlation of transient gene expressions between nucleus and cytoplasm reflects single-cell physiology
Movie S3. Experimental run #69 with unsuccessful fractionation. (MP4 1116 kb
Additional file 1: of SINC-seq: correlation of transient gene expressions between nucleus and cytoplasm reflects single-cell physiology
Supplementary information and Figures S1–S12. (DOCX 4587 kb