11 research outputs found

    Muscular fatigue in response to different modalities of CrossFit sessions.

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    CrossFit is a new strength and conditioning regimen involving short intense daily workouts called workouts of the day (WOD). This study assesses muscular fatigue levels induced by the three modalities of CrossFit WOD; gymnastics (G), metabolic conditioning (M) and weightlifting (W).34 healthy subjects undertook three WOD (one per week): a G WOD consisting of completing the highest number of sets of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 air squats in 20 min; an M WOD, in which the maximum number of double skipping rope jumps was executed in 8 sets (20 s), resting (10 s) between sets; and finally, a W WOD in which the maximum number of power cleans was executed in 5 min, lifting a load equivalent to 40% of the individual's 1RM. Before and after each WOD, blood lactate concentrations were measured. Also, before, during, and after each WOD, muscular fatigue was assessed in a countermovement jump test (CMJ).Significant reductions were produced in the mechanical variables jump height, average power and maximum velocity in response to G; and in jump height, mean and peak power, maximum velocity and maximum force in response to W (P<0.01). However, in M, significant reductions in mechanical variables were observed between pre- and mid session (after sets 2, 4, 6 and 8), but not between pre- and post session.Muscular fatigue, reflected by reduced CMJ variables, was produced following the G and W sessions, while recovery of this fatigue was observed at the end of M, likely attributable to rest intervals allowing for the recovery of phosphocreatine stores. Our findings also suggest that the high intensity and volume of exercise in G and W WODs could lead to reduced muscular-tendon stiffness causing a loss of jump ability, related here to a longer isometric phase during the CMJ

    Effects of β-alanine supplementation during a 5-week strength training program: a randomized, controlled study

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    Abstract Background β-Alanine (BA) is a non-essential amino acid that has been shown to enhance exercise performance. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if BA supplementation improved the adaptive response to five weeks of a resistance training program. Methods Thirty healthy, strength-trained individuals were randomly assigned to the experimental groups placebo (PLA) or BA. Over 5 weeks of strength training, subjects in BA took 6.4 g/day of BA as 8 × 800 mg doses each at least 1.5 h apart. The training program consisted of 3 sessions per week in which three different leg exercises were conducted as a circuit (back squat, barbell step ups and loaded jumping lunges). The program started with 3 sets of 40 s of work per exercise and rest periods between sets of 120 s in the first week. This training volume was then gradually built up to 5 sets of 20 s work/60 s rest in the fifth week. The work load during the program was set by one of the authors according to the individual’s perceived effort the previous week. The variables measured were average velocity, peak velocity, average power, peak power, and load in kg in a back squat, incremental load, one-repetition maximum (1RM) test. In addition, during the rest period, jump ability (jump height and power) was assessed on a force platform. To compare data, a general linear model with repeated measures two-way analysis of variance was used. Results Significantly greater training improvements were observed in the BA group versus PLA group (p = 0.045) in the variables average power at 1RM (BA: 42.65%, 95% CI, 432.33, 522.52 VS. PLA: 21.07%, 95% CI, 384.77, 482.19) and average power at maximum power output (p = 0.037) (BA: 20.17%, 95% CI, 637.82, 751.90 VS. PLA; 10.74%, 95% CI, 628.31, 751.53). The pre- to post training average power gain produced at 1RM in BA could be explained by a greater maximal strength gain, or load lifted at 1RM (p = 0.014) (24 kg, 95% CI, 19.45, 28.41 VS. 16 kg, 95% CI, 10.58, 20.25) and in the number of sets executed (p = 0.025) in the incremental load test (BA: 2.79 sets, 95% CI, 2.08, 3.49 VS. PLA: 1.58 sets, 95% CI, 0.82, 2.34). Conclusions β-Alanine supplementation was effective at increasing power output when lifting loads equivalent to the individual’s maximal strength or when working at maximum power output. The improvement observed at 1RM was explained by a greater load lifted, or strength gain, in response to training in the participants who took this supplement

    Cardiometabolic and Muscular Fatigue Responses to Different CrossFit® Workouts

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    CrossFit® consists of workouts of the day (WODs) in which different exercises are conducted at high intensity with minimal or no rest periods. This study sought to quantify exercise intensity and muscular fatigue in the three CrossFit® session modalities: gymnastics (G), metabolic conditioning (M) and weightlifting (W). Thirty two, young, strength-trained, healthy men completed the three WODs: G (“Cindy”), M (double skip rope jumps) and W (power cleans). The variables measured in the sessions were: mean heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), blood lactate [lactate], and jump height (H), average power (AP) and maximum take-off velocity (Vmax) in a counter movement jump test. In all three WODs, elevated HR values (≥90% of the theoretical HRmax) were recorded at the time points mid-session and end-session. Mean RPEs were 17.6 ± 1.6 (G WOD), 16.0 ± 2.3 (M WOD), and 15.7 ± 2.0 (W WOD). Postexercise [lactate] was higher than 10 mmol·L-1 for the three WODs. Following the G (“Cindy”) and W (power cleans) WODs, respectively, significant muscular power losses were observed in H (7.3% and 8.1%), Vmax (13.8% and 3.3%), AP relative (4.6% and 8.3%) and AP total (4.2% and 8.2%) while losses in the M WOD were not significant (p > 0.05). A vigorous intensity of exercise was noted in all three WODs, with greater mean HRs detected in the “Cindy” and skip rope WODs than power clean WOD. Muscular fatigue was produced in response to the “Cindy” and power clean WODs but not the skip rope WOD