129 research outputs found

    Nominal versus real wage rigidities: A Bayesian approach

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    This paper explores the capability of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with staggered price setting and real wage rigidities to fit the data with reasonable average durations of price and wage contracts. The authors implement a Bayesian approach for parameter estimation and for model comparison with other models that only incorporate nominal rigidities. Their main results can be summarized as follows: First, the authors find that, on average, prices are fixed for three quarters, nominal wages are fixed for five quarters, and half of the wage setters follow a real wage indexing rule of thumb. Second, when the authors remove real wage rigidities and reestimate the model, the parameter on price duration increases. Hence, the lack of endogenous persistence due to real wage rigidities is substituted by a high degree of price stickiness. Third, the authors find little evidence of backward-looking behavior in price inflation. Finally, using the marginal likelihood as a comparison criterion, their model performs best.Wages ; Econometric models

    Comparing dynamic equilibrium economies to data

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    This paper studies the properties of the Bayesian approach to estimation and comparison of dynamic equilibrium economies. Both tasks can be performed even if the models are nonnested, misspecified, and nonlinear. First, the authors show that Bayesian methods have a classical interpretation: asymptotically the parameter point estimates converge to their pseudotrue values, and the best model under the Kullback-Leibler will have the highest posterior probability. Second, they illustrate the strong small sample behavior of the approach using a well-known application: the U.S. cattle cycle. Bayesian estimates outperform maximum likelihood results, and the proposed model is easily compared with a set of BVARs.Econometric models

    How Structural Are Structural Parameters?

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    This paper studies how stable over time are the so-called "structural parameters" of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. To answer this question, we estimate a medium-scale DSGE model with real and nominal rigidities using U.S. data. In our model, we allow for parameter drifting and rational expectations of the agents with respect to this drift. We document that there is strong evidence that parameters change within our sample. We illustrate variations in the parameters describing the monetary policy reaction function and in the parameters characterizing the pricing behavior of firms and households. Moreover, we show how the movements in the pricing parameters are correlated with inflation. Thus, our results cast doubts on the empirical relevance of Calvo models.

    Structural vector autoregressions: theory of identification and algorithms for inference

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    Structural vector autoregressions (SVARs) are widely used for policy analysis and to provide stylized facts for dynamic general equilibrium models. Yet there have been no workable rank conditions to ascertain whether an SVAR is globally identified. When identifying restrictions such as long-run restrictions are imposed on impulse responses, there have been no efficient algorithms for small-sample estimation and inference. To fill these important gaps in the literature, this paper makes four contributions. First, we establish general rank conditions for global identification of both overidentified and exactly identified models. Second, we show that these conditions can be checked as a simple matrix-filling exercise and that they apply to a wide class of identifying restrictions, including linear and certain nonlinear restrictions. Third, we establish a very simple rank condition for exactly identified models that amounts to a straightforward counting exercise. Fourth, we develop a number of efficient algorithms for small-sample estimation and inference.Vector autoregression

    Optimal Minimum Wage in a Competitive Economy: an Alternative Modelling Approach

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    This paper analyzes whether a minimum wage can be an optimal redistribution policy when distorting taxes and lump-sum transfers are also available in a competitive economy. We build a static general equilibrium model with a Ramsey planner making decisions on taxes, transfers, and minimum wage levels. Workers are assumed to differ only in their productivity. We find that optimal redistribution may imply the use of a minimum wage. The key factor driving our results is the reaction of the demand for low skilled labor to the minimum wage law. Hence, an optimal minimum wage appears to be most likely when low skilled households are scarce, the complementarity between the two types of workers is large or the difference in productivity is small. The main contribution of the paper is a modelling approach that allows us to adopt analysis and solution techniques widely used in recent public finance research. Moreover, this modelling strategy is flexible enough to allow for potential extensions to include dynamics into the model.redistribution policy, minimum wage, Ramsey Problem

    Nominal versus real wage rigidities: A Bayesian approach

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    This paper explores the capability of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with staggered price setting and real wage rigidities to fit the data with reasonable average durations of price and wage contracts. The authors implement a Bayesian approach for parameter estimation and for model comparison with other models that only incorporate nominal rigidities. Their main results can be summarized as follows: First, the authors find that, on average, prices are fixed for three quarters, nominal wages are fixed for five quarters, and half of the wage setters follow a real wage indexing rule of thumb. Second, when the authors remove real wage rigidities and reestimate the model, the parameter on price duration increases. Hence, the lack of endogenous persistence due to real wage rigidities is substituted by a high degree of price stickiness. Third, the authors find little evidence of backward-looking behavior in price inflation. Finally, using the marginal likelihood as a comparison criterion, their model performs best

    Fortune or Virtue: Time-Variant Volatilities Versus Parameter Drifting in U.S. Data

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    This paper compares the role of stochastic volatility versus changes in monetary policy rules in accounting for the time-varying volatility of U.S. aggregate data. Of special interest to us is understanding the sources of the great moderation of business cycle fluctuations that the U.S. economy experienced between 1984 and 2007. To explore this issue, we build a medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with both stochastic volatility and parameter drifting in the Taylor rule and we estimate it non-linearly using U.S. data and Bayesian methods. Methodologically, we show how to confront such a rich model with the data by exploiting the structure of the high-order approximation to the decision rules that characterize the equilibrium of the economy. Our main empirical findings are: 1) even after controlling for stochastic volatility (and there is a fair amount of it), there is overwhelming evidence of changes in monetary policy during the analyzed period; 2) however, these changes in monetary policy mattered little for the great moderation; 3) most of the great performance of the U.S. economy during the 1990s was a result of good shocks; and 4) the response of monetary policy to inflation under Burns, Miller, and Greenspan was similar, while it was much higher under Volcker.DSGE models, Stochastic volatility, Parameter drifting, Bayesian methods

    Fortune or virtue: time-variant volatilities versus parameter drifting

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    This paper compares the role of stochastic volatility versus changes in monetary policy rules in accounting for the time-varying volatility of U.S. aggregate data. Of special interest to the authors is understanding the sources of the great moderation of business cycle fluctuations that the U.S. economy experienced between 1984 and 2007. To explore this issue, the authors build a medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with both stochastic volatility and parameter drifting in the Taylor rule and they estimate it non-linearly using U.S. data and Bayesian methods. Methodologically, the authors show how to confront such a rich model with the data by exploiting the structure of the high-order approximation to the decision rules that characterize the equilibrium of the economy. Their main empirical findings are: 1) even after controlling for stochastic volatility (and there is a fair amount of it), there is overwhelming evidence of changes in monetary policy during the analyzed period; 2) however, these changes in monetary policy mattered little for the great moderation; 3) most of the great performance of the U.S. economy during the 1990s was a result of good shocks; and 4) the response of monetary policy to inflation under Burns, Miller, and Greenspan was similar, while it was much higher under Volcker.Monetary policy ; Business cycles ; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) ; Econometric models

    Supply-side policies and the zero lower bound

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    This paper examines how supply-side policies may play a role in fighting a low aggregate demand that traps an economy at the zero lower bound (ZLB) of nominal interest rates. Future increases in productivity or reductions in mark-ups triggered by supply-side policies generate a wealth effect that pulls current consumption and output up. Since the economy is at the ZLB, increases in the interest rates do not undo this wealth effect, as we will have in the case outside the ZLB. The authors illustrate this mechanism with a simple two-period New Keynesian model. They discuss possible objections to this set of policies and the relation of supply-side policies with more conventional monetary and fiscal policies.Supply-side economics ; Keynesian economics